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MDC-T supporter defends Tsvangirai's loss of weight
An MDC-T supporter Esau M'Zambia Milanzi rapped some sections of the society and Morgan Tsvangirai's critiques for scorning him and claiming that he is HIV positive that is why he has lost to...Published: 09 Jun 2016 at 06:45hrs | | by Stephen Jakes
'End of Mugabe era'
The fiasco of 91-year-old Mugabe reading the wrong speech at the opening of Parliament cannot be dismissed as 'a common era' as the Herald put it (before correcting its spelling error!).No, th...Published: 21 Sep 2015 at 06:46hrs | 2 | by ZimVigil
Mugabe's rudderless regime
It is becoming clear that there is no one in charge in Zimbabwe. There is a leadership vacuum. No sooner does one minister make a policy statement than another contradicts it.After Finance Min...Published: 11 Jan 2015 at 17:26hrs | | by Zimbabwe Vigil Diary
'Senile Mugabe not voice of Zimbabwe'
The Vigil has delivered a letter to the Ghanaian High Commission in London apologising for the insulting remarks about Ghana made by Mugabe at the Zanu-PF Congress. W...Published: 15 Dec 2014 at 11:22hrs | | by Zim Vigil
Mujuru family involved in dirty gold
Evidence has emerged of the serving vice-president, Joice Mujuru and her family, husband Solomon, daughter Nyasha, and their son-in-law Pedro del Campo involvement in dirty gold and blood diamo...Published: 30 Oct 2014 at 08:23hrs | 3 | by Gerry Jackson
Should Jonathan Moyo resign now?
The recent unprecedented but predictable summoning or should we say 'arrest' of Prof Jonathan Moyo by the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) over the Baba Jukwa saga raises the question if the ministe...Published: 03 Aug 2014 at 10:43hrs | 14 | by Clifford Chitupa Mashiri
What planet is Chatham House on?
There is shock and incredulity within the Zimbabwe diaspora community in the UK at the invitation of Zanu-PF to Chatham House this week despite the regime disenfranchising millions of voters in th...Published: 27 Jan 2014 at 16:04hrs | | by Dr Clifford Chitupa Mashiri
Zapu starts 2014 in a high note
The past few weeks have been reinvigorating but above all a confirmation of the people's love for ZAPU. Today 05/01/2014 the ZAPU South African province embarked on its first massive mobilisat...Published: 05 Jan 2014 at 15:37hrs | | by Thulani Nkala
Will 2014 usher in an Egypt-style revolution in Zim? Part 1
Amid reports of Zimbabweans predicting a bleak future due to worsening economic challenges following what others see as rigged July 31 elections and a serious failure of leadership, questions are...Published: 01 Jan 2014 at 10:14hrs | 1 | by Dr Clifford Chitupa Mashiri
Columnist threatened by Zanu-PF's midnight section
I have received the e-mail below from a purportedly Zanu-PF headquarters midnight section. I think these threat are in response to articles I wrote and were published in various press and electro...Published: 15 Nov 2013 at 11:58hrs | 1 | by Zanda Shumba
Mbada Diamonds Cup - a case of skewed priorities
I was one of the many readers who used to follow Robson Sharuko's writings in the Herald until he was he tainted by the Asiagate scandal. Guilty or not guilty, I now rarely follow what he writes unt...Published: 28 Oct 2013 at 07:22hrs | | by Andrew Mambondiyani
VMCZ response to SW Radio Africa on their withdrawal from VMCZ
VMCZ response to SW Radio Africa on their withdrawal from VMCZTuesday 27 August 2013.Dear Gerry Jackson,The Voluntary Media Council of Zimbabwe acknowledges receipt of your ema...Published: 28 Aug 2013 at 14:09hrs | | by A. Muchadehama
Interview - Mtetwa: MDCs do not help their cause
PROMINENT human rights lawyer Beatrice Mtetwa - currently on trial for allegedly insulting the police while trying to defend her clients - was in London recently to launch the film about her work in Z...Published: 08 Jul 2013 at 19:30hrs | | by Violet Gonda
Constitutional court biased towards Zanu-PF, claims MDC-T
PRIME Minister Morgan Tsvangirai's MDC-T party has said Thursday's Constitutional Court ruling upholding President Robert's proclamation for elections to be held on July 31 was evidence of the court's...Published: 05 Jul 2013 at 06:52hrs | | by Staff reporter
Why I don't celebrate independence day
On the 18th of April 1980 Zimbabwe got it’s so called independence after a fourteen year liberation struggle with the colonial regime. Celebrations were hold all over the country wi...Published: 17 Apr 2013 at 16:32hrs | 2 | by Nkosilathi E Moyo
Margaret Thatcher was behind the Gukurahundi massacres, claims Dabengwa
Zapu's current leader and former ZIPRA commander Dumiso Dabengwa - who was thrown in jail without trial after independence - has accused Margaret Thatcher of having been part and parcel of a plot to...Published: 09 Apr 2013 at 06:38hrs | 5 | by Staff reporter
Behaviour of Zanu-PF, ZRP exceedingly worrying says Ncube
Professor Welshman Ncube the leader of the smaller MDC faction said Zanu-PF and the country's police [ZRP] have moved into a phase which is exceedingly worrying.Ncube said: "the behaviour of ...Published: 24 Mar 2013 at 12:30hrs | 1 | by Moyo Roy
'Draft constitution not 100% perfect,' says Dr Tsvangirai
MDC-T leader and Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai has said a new constitution put to a national referendum Saturday can be amended to address reservations raised by groups insisting the country could...Published: 16 Mar 2013 at 15:46hrs | | by Staff reporter
Tsvangirai: Zanu-PF has nothing to fear in political defeat?
While Zanu-PF fears retribution for past atrocities, it is continuing to inflict more atrocities in order to stay in power and avert retribution - thus creating an unending vicious cycle of viole...Published: 27 Feb 2013 at 04:15hrs | 1 | by Lammiel Mangwanani
Is China funding Zimbabwe's referendum and elections?
All of a sudden Zimbabwe's cash-strapped coalition government has funds for polls despite making an appeal for help from the United Nations to foot its US$250m election bill only a fortnight ago. ...Published: 24 Feb 2013 at 17:48hrs | | by Clifford Chitupa Mashiri
‘Jacob Zuma's gift of helicopters for Mugabe', disgusting
Reports that the South African Defence Force is about to send a gift of helicopters and spares to its Zimbabwean counterparts, come as no surprise after an ANC pledge to help Zanu-PF win electi...Published: 25 Jan 2013 at 17:35hrs | 2 | by Clifford Chitupa Mashiri, Political Analyst, London,
Zanu-PF is inseparable from former guerrillas
For the past few weeks there has been an outcry from the western backed parties and their supporters claiming that elections in Zimbabwe would not be free and fair because the military is campaigning ...Published: 31 Oct 2012 at 13:07hrs | | by Mukachana Hanyani, a Harare-based social and political commentator
Rautenbach and ZANU PF patronage exposed
Former fitness trainer and ZANU PF aligned businessman Temba Mliswa, has blown open the ZANU PF patronage system by spilling the beans on how he used his political connections to h...Published: 04 Sep 2012 at 04:08hrs | | by Lance Guma
Zim cops implicated in fake cash syndicate
Members of the police force in Harare are believed to be involved in a syndicate behind the production of fake US dollar notes, which have flooded the city's cash market.Four people were rece...Published: 29 Aug 2012 at 11:17hrs | | by Alex Bell I SW Radio
Interview with former guerrilla commander Wilfred Mhanda and Pedzisai Ruhanya - SWRadio
Join SW Radio Africa journalist Lance Guma for a Heroes Day special where he speaks to former guerrilla commander Wilfred Mhanda (whose liberation war name is Dzinashe Machingura) and political ...Published: 20 Aug 2012 at 17:16hrs | 1 | by Lance Guma
One on one with Simba Makoni on question time
Former Finance Minister Dr Simba Makoni, who now leads the Mavambo opposition political party, joins SW Radio Africa journalist Lance Guma on Question Time. ...Published: 14 Aug 2012 at 17:10hrs | | by Lance Guma
A Commentary on Zimbabwe's Current Affairs
It could be argued that Zimbabweans may have to brace for more contradictory statements, buckpassing, half truths and vague draft constitution.Interestingly, the MDC formations have repo...Published: 01 Aug 2012 at 13:00hrs | 2 | by Clifford Chitupa Mashiri | Political Analyst, London,
Senator Obert Gutu and Irene Petras on Question Time with Lance Guma
Both MDC formations in the coalition government gave in to demands by ZANU PF that human rights abuses committed before February 2009 should not be investigated by the new Human Rights Commission. De...Published: 30 Jul 2012 at 16:17hrs | | by Lance Guma | SW Radio Africa
More controversy around the Mall of Zimbabwe
Controversial property developer, Ken Sharpe is in the news once again over his plans to build a massive new shopping mall in Harare's posh Borrowdale suburb.Concern has however been raised af...Published: 19 Jul 2012 at 11:06hrs | 2 | by Lance Guma
Mujuru family lawyer speaks on Mujuru's exhumation and other issues
Following last year's suspicious death of retired army general Solomon Mujuru, his family demanded that his body be exhumed and a fresh autopsy be conducted.SW Radio Africa journalist Lance G...Published: 16 Jul 2012 at 18:54hrs | | by Lance Guma
Transcript of Roy Bennett on Question Time
Exiled MDC-T Treasurer General Roy Bennett is the guest on Question Time. He answers questions sent in by SW Radio Africa listeners about whether he is likely to go back to Zimbabwe, the downgrading ...Published: 15 Jun 2012 at 21:18hrs | 1 | by Lance Guma
Tracy Mutinhiri on Question Time with Lance Guma - SWRadio
Former ZANU PF Women's League Political Commissar and Marondera East MP Tracy Mutinhiri is the guest on Question Time. Mutinhiri represented ZANU PF as Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Welfare...Published: 07 Jun 2012 at 12:48hrs | | by Lance Guma
ZCTU rival presidents debate on Question Time: Part 2
Following last year’s split in the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU), SW Radio Africa journalist Lance Guma hosts Part 2 of a debate between rival Presid...Published: 13 Apr 2012 at 16:11hrs | | by Lance Guma
ZCTU rival presidents debate on Question Time: Part 1
Following last year's split in the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU), SW Radio Africa journalist Lance Guma hosts Part 1 of a debate between rival Presidents Lovemore Matombo and George Nkiwane...Published: 13 Apr 2012 at 10:49hrs | | by Lance Guma
Betty Makoni on Question Time - SW Radio Africa
A day before she launched her new book, Girl Child Network founder Betty Makoni spoke to SW Radio Africa journalist Lance Guma on Question Time. The book “A Woman O...Published: 28 Mar 2012 at 16:05hrs | 1 | by Lance Guma
We are spending unacceptable amount of money on government trips - Biti
On the day he delivered a post 2012 budget statement, Finance Minister Tendai Biti was Lance Guma's guest on Question Time, answering questions from SW Radio Africa listeners. The MDC-T Secretary Gen...Published: 21 Mar 2012 at 21:17hrs | 2 | by Lance Guma
Transcript of Harare Mayor on Question Time: Part 1
Despite the formation of the coalition government in 2009, Harare and several other cities still face serious water problems. The Mayor of Harare, Muchadeyi Masunda, joins Lance Guma on Question Time...Published: 02 Mar 2012 at 17:43hrs | 1 | by Lance Guma
Transcript of Job Sikhala on Question Time: Part 2
Outspoken and controversial former St Mary's MP, Job Sikhala, joins SW Radio Africa journalist Lance Guma for Part 2 of this Question Time interview. Sikhala, who leads the breakaway MDC-99 political ...Published: 28 Feb 2012 at 14:00hrs | | by Lance Guma
Transcript of Job Sikhala on Question Time: Part 1
Outspoken and controversial politician Job Sikhala is the guest on Question Time and joins Lance Guma to answer questions sent in by SW Radio Africa listeners using Facebook, Twitter, Skype, email an...Published: 28 Feb 2012 at 11:39hrs | | by Lance Guma
Transcript of Welshman Ncube on Question Time Part 2
Industry and Commerce Minister Welshman Ncube joins SW Radio Africa journalist Lance Guma for Part 2 of this Question Time interview. Ncube who leads the smaller MDC formation tackles questions from...Published: 06 Feb 2012 at 14:46hrs | | by Lance Guma
Former MDC MP totally blind after Zanu-PF torture
Former MP Fletcher Dulini Ncube, who was falsely accused of murdering Zanu-PF activist Cain Nkala in 2002, is reported to have recently gone completely blind as the long-term effects of the torture an...Published: 03 Feb 2012 at 07:20hrs | | by Staff reporter
Prof Ncube denies conniving with Mbeki to split MDC
Professor Welshman Ncube has once again denied claims contained in a book by Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai that he and former South African President Thabo Mbeki connived to split the MDC into two...Published: 01 Feb 2012 at 18:28hrs | | by Lance Guma
Transcript of Welshman Ncube interview on Question Time: Part 1
Industry and Commerce Minister Welshman Ncube, who leads the smaller MDC formation, joins SW Radio Africa journalist Lance Guma on Question Time. Ncube was answering questions from listeners and tac...Published: 16 Jan 2012 at 14:24hrs | 2 | by Lance Guma
Mutare Mayor Brian James on Question Time: SW Radio
Mutare Mayor Brian James recently announced his intention to go on a ‘leave of absence’ in p...Published: 11 Jan 2012 at 15:17hrs | | by Lance Guma
Pedzisai Ruhanya Behind the Headlines on Nyikayaramba - SW Radio Africa interview
Political commentator Pedzisai Ruhanya joins SW Radio Africa journalist Lance Guma Behind the Headlines to explain why the country sh...Published: 04 Jan 2012 at 15:04hrs | | by Lance Guma
James Makamba misses daughter's funeral
SW Radio Africa reports that the exiled businessman and former Zanu-PFF Central Committee member, James Makamba, was unable to attend the funeral of his late daughter Chiyedza who died Monday evening ...Published: 22 Dec 2011 at 20:33hrs | | by Lance Guma
Zanu-PF MP behind murder
His first name means 'the will of God' but Kudakwashe Basikiti, the ZANU PF MP for Mwenenzi East, led and participated in vicious acts of political violence that left dozens dead and hundreds displace...Published: 22 Dec 2011 at 20:20hrs | | by Lance Guma
AirZim passengers chucked out of Gatwick hotel
Harare bound Air Zimbabwe passengers, who have been stranded at Gatwick airport for over a week, were on Monday night chucked out of their hotel for non payment of bills.For two days over hu...Published: 21 Dec 2011 at 08:56hrs | | by Tichaona Sibanda
Bishop Nolbert Kunonga militants harassing schools helping evicted Anglicans
ZANU-PF militants are harassing school authorities that have offered their premises to Anglican parishioners, evicted from their own church buildings by the faction of the church led by excommunicated...Published: 18 Dec 2011 at 09:41hrs | | by Lance Guma
Air Zimbabwe passengers still stranded at Gatwick airport
Harare bound Air Zimbabwe passengers were on Thursday still stranded at UK's Gatwick airport. The plane had been seized at the airport on Monday over an unpaid debt, but passengers had still been all...Published: 15 Dec 2011 at 23:37hrs | | by Tichaona Sibanda
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