Search / Znlwa
War vets congress shelved
The much-anticipated elective congress of the Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association (ZNLWVA), originally scheduled for June 14-16, has been postponed to foster unity among ex-combatant...Published: 31 May 2024 at 21:18hrs | 2 | by Staff reporter
War vets pile pressure on Mnangagwa
President Emmerson Mnangagwa (pictured) is under growing pressure from a section of war veterans, who say their fight is no longer about the welfare of neglected former liberation war fighters, but to...Published: 31 Mar 2024 at 16:37hrs | 5 | by Staff reporter
War vets cry foul over rigging
Former liberation war fighters in Mashonaland Central say there is an elaborate plan to rig elections for a new Zimbabwe National Liberation Association (ZNLWA) executive.The former fighters f...Published: 14 Aug 2022 at 07:25hrs | 11 | by Staff reporter
Chinotimba appointed war vets political commissar
ZIMBABWE National Liberation War Veterans Association (ZNLWA) has appointed Joseph Chinotimba as the association's political commissar.The appointment comes after the war veterans launched a s...Published: 26 Jan 2022 at 20:59hrs | | by Staff reporter
Huge send off for national hero Khaya Moyo
Zimbabweans from all walks thronged the National Heroes Acre yesterday to pay their last respects to the late liberation stalwart Ambassador Simon Khaya Moyo who succumbed to cancer on Sunday, Novembe...Published: 23 Nov 2021 at 05:54hrs | 9 | by Staff reporter
Zimondi: A brave, ice-cool war commander
Major General (Retired) Paradzai "Tonderai Nyika" Zimondi was the pinnacle of ZANLA's military prowess.He commanded the ZANLA positional guerrilla forces during the battle of Mavonde, a.k.a Mo...Published: 31 Jan 2021 at 06:50hrs | 3 | by Ambassador Christopher Mutsvangwa
SB Moyo: Epitome of Zimbabwe revolution's finest cadre
Comrade Sibusiso Moyo, the General of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces who pronounced the demise of the four decade-old Mugabe dictatorship in November is no more. Comrade SB Moyo, what a journey we have t...Published: 23 Jan 2021 at 06:21hrs | 10 | by Ambassador Christopher Mutsvangwa
War veterans demanding 'automatic entry into power' - povo can kiss 'One man! One vote!' goodbye
"One man! One vote!" was clarion call in the fight for independence. Not after independence and certainly not now!The very fact that blacks were denied a meaningful say, a free vote, in the go...Published: 30 Oct 2020 at 07:23hrs | 3 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
War veterans demand automatic entry to elections
War veterans are demanding automatic tickets to represent the governing Zanu-PF party in the by-elections to fill vacant parliamentary and municipal seats.They want the same to be done in the ...Published: 29 Oct 2020 at 06:26hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
War vets go after Mutsvangwa
SOME members of the Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association (ZNLWVA) have demanded the dissolution of the Christopher Mutsvangwa-led executive on account of neglecting them.Addre...Published: 03 Sep 2020 at 18:42hrs | 2 | by Staff reporter
War vets Children demand more from Mnangagwa's govt
While the Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association (ZNLWA) is making huge demands from the government, their children are right behind making demands of their own saying they deserve spec...Published: 01 Sep 2019 at 14:55hrs | | by Staff reporter
Mnangagwa's govt plots against MDC demo
Government will not brook unlawful demonstrations as law enforcement agents stand ready to resolutely safeguard the peace and tranquillity that currently exists in the country, Home Affairs and Cultur...Published: 11 Aug 2019 at 07:27hrs | | by Staff reporter
Damnatio memoriae and Robert Gabriel Mugabe National Youth Day?
In the recent past few years, it had become a norm in February to see pomp and extravagance in Zimbabwe's state and independent media with preparations towards and celebrations on the birthday of "com...Published: 21 Feb 2019 at 21:18hrs | 2 | by Brian Maregedze
Masvingo war vets rally behind Mnangagwa
WAR veterans here have distanced themselves from the recent protest held by a group of people claiming to be ex-freedom fighters, saying they are fully behind President Mnangagwa's leadership. ...Published: 01 Jan 2019 at 10:46hrs | 2 | by Staff reporter
'Mnangagwa has dumped us'
President Emmerson Mnangagwa has relegated former liberation fighters to back benchers in the supposed new dispensation and surrounded himself with the same criminals that were around deposed leader R...Published: 03 Jul 2018 at 13:44hrs | 8 | by Staff rpeorter
'Mutinhiri feels indebted to Mugabe'
Former president Mr Robert Mugabe and Brigadier-General Ambrose Mutinhiri (Retired) - understood to be his proxy in the former First Family's political project, New Patriotic Front (NPF) - are trying ...Published: 07 Mar 2018 at 05:51hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
War vets move to seize G40 farms
War veterans in Mashonaland East have resolved to repossess several farms allegedly invaded and seized from them by Zanu-PF's G40 members.A recent meeting of the Mashonaland East Zimbabwe Nati...Published: 01 Mar 2018 at 06:03hrs | 2 | by Staff reporter
Mugabe can't divide Presidency: War Vets
Former President Robert Mugabe's bid to use his divide and rule tactics on President Emmerson Mnangagwa's administration with the aim of causing instability in the new administration will not work, wa...Published: 27 Feb 2018 at 06:15hrs | | by Staff reporter
War vets push for Jabulani Sibanda re-admission
THE Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association (ZNLWA) is pushing for re-admission of its deposed former chairman, Mr Jabulani Sibanda, into Zanu-PF without conditions.Mr Sibanda wa...Published: 26 Feb 2018 at 05:48hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Zipra veterans throw weight behind Mnangagwa
THE Zipra War Veterans Trust which all along has been opposed to the ruling Zanu-PF yesterday threw its weight behind the country's new President, Emmerson Mnangagwa, saying they were impressed with h...Published: 17 Dec 2017 at 07:17hrs | | by Staff reporter
Mutsvangwa to reverse AIPPA and POSA
Newly-appointed Information Minister Christopher Mutsvangwa, has assured Zimbabwe's journalists that he will be bringing a new approach to their work, including revising controversial laws such as the...Published: 02 Dec 2017 at 14:12hrs | | by Staff reporter
War veterans' love-hate affair with Mugabe and his endgame
Last Friday's resign or else ultimatum to President Robert Mugabe - who eventually resigned on Tuesday - by the battle-hardened veterans of Zimbabwe's protracted, widespread and bitter struggle for li...Published: 01 Dec 2017 at 08:41hrs | 11 | by Gwinyai A Dzinesa, Political analyst
Grace Mugabe -linked war vets targets ZNLWVA offices
A RIVAL war veterans' group with links to the First Family has threatened to take over offices used by the Christopher Mutsvangwa-led executive of the Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Associa...Published: 10 Nov 2017 at 04:43hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Mnangagwa must quit Zanu-PF
The Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association (ZNLWA) is urging embattled Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa to cut ties with President Robert Mugabe and his Zanu-PF party because there was...Published: 06 Nov 2017 at 05:50hrs | | by Staff reporter
Mujuru, war vets smoke peace pipe
Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association (ZNLWVA) has said it is now ready to work with National People's Party leader Joice Mujuru, claiming President Robert Mugabe was the one who divid...Published: 05 Nov 2017 at 08:06hrs | | by Staff reporter
War vets disown provincial leader
MATABELELAND South war veterans have disowned their provincial chairman, Section Ncube after claiming that he had been imposed on them by Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans' Association chairma...Published: 22 Oct 2017 at 14:01hrs | | by Staff reporter
Mutsvangwa threaten court battles against Mugabe
War veterans have declared that they would soon take their grievances to the courts, now that their perceived ally Vice President (VP) Emmerson Mnangagwa is no longer Justice minister.Mnangagw...Published: 15 Oct 2017 at 17:57hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Mutsvangwa warns Sekeramayi
THE Zimbabwe National Liberations War Veterans' Association (ZNLWVA) has vowed to resist Zanu-PF attempts to dissolve the Christopher Mutsvangwa-led executive, saying the ruling party had no legal gro...Published: 11 Sep 2017 at 05:55hrs | | by Staff reporter
Mugabe go for the kill
President Robert Mugabe's Zanu-PF party has turned its guns on Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa's bastion of support by pushing for the dissolution of Christopher Mutsvangwa's Zimbabwe National Liber...Published: 09 Sep 2017 at 14:59hrs | 2 | by Staff reporter
War vets woo Dabengwa
Veterans of Zimbabwe's liberation struggle are courting former Home Affairs minister and Zapu president Dumiso Dabengwa who left Zanu-PF a decade ago after growing disillusioned with policies of the f...Published: 05 Sep 2017 at 14:41hrs | | by Staff reporter
Mutsvangwa call for Kasukuwere ouster
The Zimbabwe National Liberation War veterans Association (ZNLWA) yesterday reiterated the call for the ouster of zanu-pf national political commissar Saviour Kasukuwere saying that there was nothing ...Published: 10 Aug 2017 at 06:45hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
The Law of 'Diminishing Returns' is sinking Mugabe and his ZANU-PF regime
President Robert Mugabe and his ZANU-PF is at loggerheads with the Law of Diminishing Returns, an economic concept that asserts that after a certain point further investment (or effort) does not incre...Published: 03 Aug 2017 at 19:19hrs | 6 | by Pythias Makonese
Mugabe, war vets in 2018 poll deal
PRESIDENT Robert Mugabe has struck a 2018 election deal with war veterans amid reports the Joint Operations Command (Joc) brought pressure to bear on the Zanu-PF leader to meet their demands. This is ...Published: 02 Jun 2017 at 07:08hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Mutsvangwa cosy with Mugabe, again
WAR veterans chairman, Christopher Mutsvangwa has denied there has been a cooling of relations between the former freedom fighters and their patron, President Robert Mugabe, ahead of their scheduled s...Published: 22 May 2017 at 07:44hrs | | by Staff reporter
SA wary of Kasukuwere - Malema link
SOUTH Africa's ruling ANC wants Zimbabwe to rein in Zanu-PF National Political Commissar Saviour Kasukuwere over his alleged links with Mr Julius Malema, it has emerged.Our Harare Bureau under...Published: 14 May 2017 at 14:54hrs | 2 | by Staff reporter
'Daily News was motivated by political mischief,' says Mutsvangwa
Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association (ZNLWVA) national chairperson Mr Christopher Mutsvangwa yesterday slammed Daily News for falsely portraying a rift between the association and Pre...Published: 05 May 2017 at 06:43hrs | | by Staff reporter
Kasukuwere not off the hook yet
Zanu-PF will press criminal charges against former Women's League deputy secretary Eunice Sandi Moyo and secretary for finance Sarah Mahoka if they fail to remit the US$100 000-plus which they all...Published: 09 Apr 2017 at 08:02hrs | | by Staff reporter
Mutsvangwa stages coup in Midlands
ZIMBABWE National Liberation War Veterans' Association (ZNLWVA) chairman, Christopher Mutsvangwa's acolytes in Midlands province, who had been locked out of their offices at the height of an acrim...Published: 21 Jan 2017 at 11:27hrs | | by Staff reporter
Mutasa wades into Zanu-PF's ructions
Former Zanu-PF secretary for administration and for decades a close confidante of president Didymus Mutasa says the increasingly frail non agrarian must restore democracy w...Published: 29 Nov 2016 at 08:17hrs | 3 | by Staff reporter
Jonathan Moyo 'not qualified to speak on succession'
zanu-PF Secretary for Science and Technology Professor Jonathan Moyo is a "war deserter and a thief" who is not qualified to comment on succession issues as he fled at the height of the liberation...Published: 29 Nov 2016 at 08:00hrs | 3 | by Staff reporter
'Mugabe clueless, desperate'
ZIMBABWE Liberation War Veterans' Association (ZNLWA) has dismissed President Robert Mugabe's meeting with former collaborators, describing it as a desperate attempt by a "caged leader" to solicit...Published: 21 Nov 2016 at 05:39hrs | | by Staff reporter
War Vets $500,000 demands false, malicious, says Mutsvangwa
Harare - Reports in local and social media stating that the Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans association was demanding pay outs of $500,000 United States Dollars, among a plethora of oth...Published: 16 Nov 2016 at 11:09hrs | | by Khuluma Afrika
Zanu PF accused of resorting to disruption of other parties rallies
Heal Zimbabwe Trust reported that it received a total of 9 cases of disruptions of rallies and community meetings particularly by Zanu PF supporters. The trust said most disrupted meetings and...Published: 17 Sep 2016 at 08:09hrs | 1 | by Stephen Jakes
Govt moves to oust Mutsvangwa
BATTLELINES have been drawn between the government and the Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans' Association (ZNLWVA) following attempts by the ministry responsible for the welfare of former ...Published: 08 Sep 2016 at 07:00hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
War veterans still have a role to play
The country owes its gratitude to men and women, alive and departed who fought the colonial yoke and unshackled the indigenous people of the oppression that demeaned them to second-class citizens in t...Published: 16 Aug 2016 at 15:04hrs | 2 | by Tapiwa Maware
War vets dump Mutsvangwa
THE Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans' Association (ZNLWA) Matabeleland North provincial executive has broken ranks with the Christopher Mutsvangwa-led group as the fall-out over the communiqu...Published: 16 Aug 2016 at 07:10hrs | 2 | by Nqobile Tshili
Tshinga Dube attacks Chimene, Mlala
WELFARE Services for War Veterans, Collaborators and Ex-Detainees Minister Retired Colonel Tshinga Dube has launched a blistering attack on Minister of State for Manicaland Provincial Affairs Mandi Ch...Published: 07 Aug 2016 at 10:50hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Mliswa eyes Norton Parly seat
Former Zanu-PF Mashonaland West provincial chairperson and Youth Advocacy for Reform and Democracy leader Temba Mliswa has set his eyes on the Norton parliamentary seat which fell vacant last week...Published: 26 Jul 2016 at 08:55hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Zipra war vets want properties back
THE Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association (ZNLWVA) Bulawayo Province yesterday appointed a five-member committee which will press for the holding of a meeting of all ex-Zipra combatant...Published: 26 Jun 2016 at 19:27hrs | | by Dumisani Sibanda
Mnangagwa allies vow to block 'million man march' demo
There are growing fears within the warring Zanu-PF that deadly violence could break out on Africa Day when party youths opposed to embattled Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa hold what they say will b...Published: 10 May 2016 at 08:56hrs | | by Staff reporter
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