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Undisputed Motherhood

01 Aug 2014 at 08:04hrs | Views

The flexibility with which the ZANU PF approaches the subject of being revolutionary is timeous and negotiative of the dynamics that coins and anchors deep in solidifying its support base.

The party, if one checks the track record, is synonymous with mother figures that have been pillars of strength, catapulting the revolutionary party from glory to glory leaving political villains crying foul and touting witchcraft and vote stealing.

The recipe of strategically introducing a woman has always seen the support base ballooning and incentivizing the revolution further into the social and affirmative action. The endorsement of Mai Mugabe is nothing peculiar as she is simply identifying herself with the revolution that has seen the much marginalised gender playing its social and political cement role.

Deviating from the subject a little, this is however, contrary of Tsvangirai who continues viewing the fairer sex as objects and toys to spend money on.

To those who had a chance to meet with Amai Sally Mugabe it is no secret but rather a long overdue move that the First Lady politically becomes the mother figure and darling of the nation.

Mai Sally Mugabe was a mother figure to thousands of Zimbabwean refugees and revolutionaries who had fled from Rhodesian governmental oppression. Her efforts in this role earned her the popular title Amai (Mother).

She also ventured into charity work; a custom many African First Ladies followed to incentivize their spouses' social responsibility drive.

The mother figure magic also worked wonders when Cde Joyce Mujuru was appointed first female Vice President. This should however, be a lesson the MDC T learns, and that planning makes the world go round than just blame shifting and finger pointing.  

What is attaining is nothing much of a surprise but more of a continuation of the legacy of heroines that has seen the country going strong. A stroll down the history lane, one meets Mama Mafuyana the late Vice President Joshua Nkomo's wife who scoffed at risks and made enormous scarifies which have remained untold.

As she was married to the struggle, her motherly love was national as it went beyond her immediate family to embrace young cadres to and from various training camps and refugee centres.

At independence, up to her death, Mama Mafuyana worked for the unity of all Zimbabweans; mostly for the welfare of underprivileged children through the child survival and development foundation.
Various genres of artist have explored the role and influence of the female heroines and this saw the coining of phrases such as fighting with the "cooking stick"

It is the same path the First Lady is strolling. Indeed history repeats itself, no wonder we call it motherland (Zimbabwe).

After all the political tussles by the men muscle manias in politics, a female figure gives the solidifying and soothing approach to power struggles. In the case of the First Lady, one wonders why the Women's League did not think of manipulating her proximity to the President for their benefit long time ago.

It is never too late anyway, regardless of the timing anyone can decide to be a mother at any given time. Your nod to the women's plight will guarantee you Joys of Motherhood, First Lady.

Source - Caitlin Kamba
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