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Bulawayo hospital baby swap scandal findings to be made public
The investigation into the distressing case of the baby swap at United Bulawayo Hospitals (UBH) is still ongoing, with the Government promising full transparency and the eventual publication of its fi...Published: 24 Feb 2025 at 08:49hrs | 422 | by Staff reporter
Midwife shortage hits Zimbabwe
The government of Zimbabwe plans to double the health workforce by 2030 to address the critical shortage of midwives and improve maternal healthcare amidst a mass exodus of health workers. This was re...Published: 07 Jun 2024 at 09:51hrs | 18 | by Staff reporter
Whose son are you young man?
Exaggeration of one's skills and achievements in CVs to land a dream job is a common trend. Church adverts overselling what will happen if you attend certain services or conferences have left the expe...Published: 15 Apr 2024 at 15:52hrs | 1 | by Mthokozisi Gwizi
Mnangagwa to headline Mugabe Day celebrations
PRESIDENT Mnangagwa is expected to headline the National Youth Day celebrations at Mushagashe Vocational Training Centre in Masvingo on Wednesday with Youth Development, Empowerment and Vocational Tra...Published: 18 Feb 2024 at 09:00hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Unbeatable Bosso reach Chibuku Cup quarterfinals
Highlanders FC 2-2 Bulawayo ChiefsBosso won 8-7 on penaltiesTHE Bulawayo Chibuku Super Cup first round derby at Barbourfields Stadium has had to be decided by a penalty shootout ...Published: 13 Aug 2023 at 21:59hrs | 11 | by Staff reporter
Zanu-PF Politburo meets ahead of primary elections
Zanu-PF primary elections are turning into a jamboree of intra-party democracy across the expanse of the land with the Politburo today expected to consider a fit-for-purpose report that will be submit...Published: 20 Mar 2023 at 07:37hrs | | by Staff reporter
Zimbabwe winning HIV/AIDS fight
Zimbabwe has registered considerable success in the quest to end HIV in children through the way it targets pregnant women and is now urging global peers to embrace the strategy.This came up a...Published: 31 Jan 2023 at 23:44hrs | 10 | by Staff Reporter
Zanu-PF youths urged to shun corrupt activities
THE Zanu-PF Youth League national executive members have been challenged to exhibit a high level of discipline through shunning corrupt activities that may tarnish the image of the party.Speak...Published: 14 Jan 2023 at 07:37hrs | 2 | by Staff reporter
Fluttering the Triple C dovecote
Horror times for Triple CKikikiki, Professor Jonathan Moyo and Patrick Zhuwao have caused a perfect storm in Chamisa's already troubled, and inexorably shrinking space. They have written to "c...Published: 19 Nov 2022 at 06:26hrs | | by Staff reporter
Why do Zimbabweans keep electing individuals who clearly lack leadership qualities?
What do we look for when we elect a leader? Is it their fearless stand against an incumbent oppressive government - whereby, they boldly confront injustice, and ready to die for the greater go...Published: 26 Sep 2022 at 09:24hrs | 1 | by Tendai Ruben Mbofana
Bosso shoots blanks in front of home crowd
Highlanders 0-0 Tenax SC HIGHLANDERS FC coach Baltemar Brito was brave enough to go to the disappointed fans at the Soweto end of Barbourfields Stadium to apologise for a lethargic performance tha...Published: 01 Aug 2022 at 06:34hrs | | by Staff reporter
Chamisa's MP ordered to withdraw question about Chiwenga's whereabouts 'as country burns'
LEADER of government business in Parliament Ziyambi Ziyambi claimed Wednesday that only a few doctors and nurses were on strike as he reiterated the administration's refusal to pay salaries in foreign...Published: 23 Jun 2022 at 06:52hrs | 3 | by Staff reporter
Chiefs blast Zanu-PF govt for lack of infrastructure development in Kariba
TRADITIONAL leaders from Kariba's Nyaminyami Rural District have berated President Emmerson Mnangagwa's administration for failing to push infrastructural development in the area.After 42 year...Published: 15 Jun 2022 at 07:40hrs | | by Staff reporter
Mnangagwa's regime unmitigated failures, and yes, Smith was far much better!
I do not even understand what the whole debate is all about, because there are some matters that are undeniable and can not be contested!For starters, we never had to fetch our water for domes...Published: 14 Jun 2022 at 07:09hrs | 11 | by Tendai Ruben Mbofana
Zimbabwe self-destruct against Namibia
Visiting Namibia hit back at their hosts Zimbabwe to square the five match T-20 cricket series following a six-wicket in at Queens Sports Club in Bulawayo yesterday.It was quite some nerve wre...Published: 23 May 2022 at 06:42hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Green Machine breaks down again
CAPS United 0 - 2 Cranborne BulletsGIANTS CAPS United nearly failed to fulfil their home fixture against Cranborne Bullets after their disgruntled players had made a no-show at the National ...Published: 02 May 2022 at 07:53hrs | | by Staff reporter
Chamisa's CCC under siege as police block campaign rally
The Nelson Chamisa-led Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) was yesterday denied yet another opportunity to hold a major campaign rally after police barricaded Marondera's Rudhaka Stadium and chased aw...Published: 13 Mar 2022 at 08:10hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Zimbabwe receives COVID-19 support from Japan
ZIMBABWE today received 10 ambulances and ancillary equipment from Japan and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) to strengthen obstetric and neonatal care in COVID-19 hotspots across the countr...Published: 03 Mar 2022 at 05:46hrs | 12 | by Staff reporter
Pomp, fanfare at National Youth Day festivities
Thousands of youths from the country's 10 provinces yesterday gathered at the Robert Gabriel Mugabe Square in Harare to commemorate National Youth Day, running under the theme: "Alleviating substance ...Published: 22 Feb 2022 at 05:33hrs | | by Staff reporter
Chamisa must sleep with one eye open
Elections always unfailingly produce rare and curious political creatures and species.You might think you have seen it all only for another election cycle to remind you that you ain't seen not...Published: 20 Feb 2022 at 08:49hrs | 1 | by Bishop Lazi
Electoral reforms must dominate political discourse in 2022
AS we bask on the cusp of a new year, Zimbabweans appear to have gone agog about the pending by-elections and what many deem to be the watershed plebiscite of 2023.And yet for some of us, high...Published: 18 Jan 2022 at 05:32hrs | | by Luke Tamborinyoka
MHCT fights Hydrocephalus
The joys of expectant parents are shuttered upon hearing these words, "Your child has a bigger head than any normal child and you have to go through a caesarian section to give birth." What! a big hea...Published: 02 Dec 2021 at 11:00hrs | 19 | by Health Correspondent
Some Zimbabwe coup troopers die without enjoying benefits of their sweat
SEVERAL key players in the 2017 coup that toppled the late former President Robert Mugabe and elevated President Emmerson Mnangagwa to the helm have died in the past four years without fully realising...Published: 22 Nov 2021 at 06:15hrs | 8 | by Staff reporter
You can't pull in croc with fish hook
IN the village, the outcome of a fishing trip to the river often meant the difference between a sumptuous meal and another dish to be tolerated just to keep the body and soul together.As pleas...Published: 14 Nov 2021 at 05:37hrs | 13 | by Bishop Lazarus
New Zapu SG, a real Political Testosterone
Innovation is a word only relative to the young, and this is what Zapu produced yesterday. Just to start from the right place, Zapu elected a Deliberate Black Log, Ugodo Olumyama Ngenkani,...Published: 01 Nov 2021 at 00:17hrs | 10 | by Ryton Dzimiri
The ZAPU's hour of reckoning has come.
The ZAPU National Elective Congress starts tomorrow on the 28th October 2021 at Bulawayo Amphitheatre and it will run until the 30th. The first day is earmarked for receiving delegates from various br...Published: 27 Oct 2021 at 19:57hrs | 9 | by Thulani Nkala
Kezi mortuary down 10 years on
KEZI Clinic mortuary in Matobo District, Matabeleland South province, has not been functioning for over a decade despite financial and material donations made by locals based in the diaspora towards e...Published: 01 Sep 2021 at 06:29hrs | | by Staff reporter
Winning the masses for positive change
I had received satisfactory results from my Advanced Level exams at Ruya Adventist High School in early 2003. Due to my contiguity to the seat of educational power, I had been informed that Nathan and...Published: 19 Aug 2021 at 08:55hrs | | by Mutsa Murenje Sydney, Australia
Ramaphosa's grip on state security machinery targets 2022 re-election
PRESIDENT Cyril Ramaphosa's announcement of sweeping changes to the Cabinet last week may have appeared radical but did little to dispel the notion that he is paralysed by a commitment to protracted c...Published: 08 Aug 2021 at 16:08hrs | 1 | by Cyril Madlala
End to Zimbabwe power shortages in sight
ZIMBABWE'S drive to permanently end power shortages is well on course after completion of a new thermal power plant in Hwange that is expected to feed 50MW to the national grid by October this year. ...Published: 23 Jul 2021 at 08:42hrs | | by Staff reporter
Zanu-PF's bid to dissipate MDC might return to haunt it
LAST week's Zanu-PF politburo meeting was interesting in two ways - the apparent strange continuation of the shamed Kembo Mohadi as the party's vice president, and second secretary. I have never under...Published: 16 Mar 2021 at 06:29hrs | 2 | by Tendai Ruben Mbofana
ZANU PF's eagerness to dissipate MDC might return to haunt them, as could be spur needed to finally urge Zimbabweans to stand up
Yesterday's ruling ZANU PF party Politburo (supreme body) meeting was interesting in two ways - firstly, the apparent strange continuation of the shamed Kembo Mohadi as the organization's vice preside...Published: 04 Mar 2021 at 10:23hrs | | by Tendai Ruben Mbofana
African universities' science A faculties a mockery
AFRICAN universities should discontinue their science faculties and concentrate their financial resources on the development of the arts, histories and music than misrepresent the sciences through pre...Published: 03 Mar 2021 at 06:16hrs | 3 | by Reinford Khumalo
Japan gives Zimbabwe US$8,6 million
JAPAN has given Zimbabwe US$8,6 million in emergency funding to support vulnerable people who have been most affected by the humanitarian crisis in the country.In a statement yesterday, the As...Published: 24 Feb 2021 at 21:53hrs | | by Staff reporter
King 98 lightens up Xmas with Tanzanian connection
Zimbabwean rapper, King 98 has teamed up with two Tanzanian music sensations, Juma Jux and Shebby Medicine to lighten up the festive mood with an explosive hit song, Jogodo which is a fusion of Afro-p...Published: 15 Dec 2020 at 14:47hrs | | by Simbarashe Mwandipendaa
Rats cannot think beyond peanuts
AROUND this time in 2018, witty cynics, the majority of whom have happily found a convenient playground on social media platforms, were whining and whingeing that shortages of Coca-Cola which is a gen...Published: 06 Dec 2020 at 07:47hrs | | by Bishop Lazarus
Well Taylored future for Wesley Madhevhere
The Chevrons are currently on tour in Rawalpindi in Pakistan and a lot has been anticipated from their outing. On the 30th of October 2020 Pakistan played host to its first ODI of the year with Babar ...Published: 31 Oct 2020 at 10:31hrs | 11 | by Energy Mavaza
When the undertaker wishes you long life
This time Africans have abjectly disappointed the world.For Pete's sake, why can they not simply die?At least that is what the world expected after the outbreak of the coronavirus....Published: 04 Oct 2020 at 09:57hrs | | by Bishop Lazi
Honouring the war spirit
COMRADE Muchazotida, born Sekai, was a member of the Zimbabwe African National Liberation Army, better known as ZANLA.She died during the 1977 Chimoio Attack by the army of racist Rhodesia....Published: 06 Sep 2020 at 08:49hrs | | by Ambassador Christopher Mutsvangwa
Employment law changes in the UK : proposals in the pipeline for HR
Amid all the political turmoil in July, employers will be forgiven for missing a flurry of proposed new employment laws revealed as Boris Johnson's tenure in 10 Downing Street begins.Many of t...Published: 01 Sep 2019 at 20:23hrs | 1 | by Muchie Shamuyarira
Democracy and philanthropism in governance and five of Africa's most rare men in politics
Democracy is a system of governance in which the people choose their leaders by voting for them in elections. ... Philanthropy is free-giving of help or money to those in need. Governance is control o...Published: 25 Aug 2019 at 22:34hrs | 2 | by Reginald Thabani Gola
Magistrate frustrates Chief Ndiweni's bail application
Efforts to get bail pending appeal for jailed Nhlambabaloyi Chief Nhlanhlayamangwe Ndiweni has been struck by delays after the legal team handling the case failed to access the magistrate court record...Published: 21 Aug 2019 at 21:04hrs | 1 | by Mandla Ndlovu
The bane of rabid, frenzied media
Again, dear reader, if ever you are in doubt, if ever you are confused, if ever you need a moral compass, or whenever you find yourself agreeing with Jonathan Moyo, you should know that you are close ...Published: 16 Jun 2019 at 09:35hrs | | by Bishop Lazi
Of poor political performers, protests and stupid protestors
Those who attended or listened to the speeches delivered during Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) May Day commemorations in Dzivarasekwa, Harare, last week will testify of how the labour body's...Published: 06 May 2019 at 13:50hrs | | by Nobleman Runyanga
Cyclone Idai buried people with their belongings
WHEN we arrived in cyclone hit Chimanimani a week after the monstrous Idai, what we could only see at most places are stone boulders that had buried wholesome villages underneath and someone coming fr...Published: 20 Apr 2019 at 15:45hrs | 2 | by Staff reporter
Eating soil, a pregnancy craving that can kill . . .
The smell of soil after light rains is divine. I like to think of it as the smell of nature, pure and fresh. Many women experience iron deficiency during pregnancy and subsequently develop a craving f...Published: 13 Apr 2019 at 13:12hrs | 33 | by Andile Tshuma
Zimbabwe fuel crisis: Can someone please say the truth?
Here is a folklore allegory: imagine a man with a huge rural family of 10 children and a wife to take care of.The family knows that the man, as the breadwinner, goes on several hunting expedit...Published: 05 Mar 2019 at 07:26hrs | | by Learnmore Zuze
LIVE- All eye on Mangudya #MonetaryPolicyStatement speech
THE governor of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) Dr John Mangudya will today (Wednesday) at 14:30hrs release the long-awaited Monetary Policy Statement (MPS). The market is eagerly waiting t...Published: 20 Feb 2019 at 12:16hrs | 20 | by Staff reporter
All eyes on Mangudya
THE governor of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) Dr John Mangudya will tomorrow (Wednesday) release the long-awaited Monetary Policy Statement (MPS). And on Friday, Mangudya will meet various stakeh...Published: 19 Feb 2019 at 17:09hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Hospital fees skyrocket
ZIMBABWE has been plunged into yet another health crisis as hospital fees have sharply risen, well beyond the affordability of most citizens, with most private health institutions now demanding paymen...Published: 08 Feb 2019 at 08:49hrs | 74 | by Staff reporter
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