Search / Pan-africanists
Ballots and Bullets: The Struggle for Democracy in Africa
Since the wave of independence that swept across Africa in the 1960s, the promise of democracy has remained elusive for much of the continent. The dream of democratic governance, where leaders are acc...Published: 20 Feb 2025 at 08:34hrs | 771 | by Rutendo Vanessa Chisi
Pan-Africanism is dead!
Twice, in as many weeks, I have heard Zimbabwe President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa speak on the need to preserve Pan-Africanism.Yesterday was the latest, as he attended a memorial service he...Published: 26 Feb 2024 at 22:11hrs | | by Tendai Ruben Mbofana
Triplicate: Private letter to Brother Brian Kagoro
PEACE and love be in your house. At the start of my journey to Masailand, Kenya, I thought I was going to be cut off from the world. The answer is yes and no. I am working with my longtime friend, Bis...Published: 03 Dec 2023 at 17:33hrs | 14 | by Kenneth Mafuka
Mnangagwa, Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo seal 8 agreements
Underpinned by ambitions to engage and re-engage the international community in pursuit of socio-economic development, President Mnangagwa, is in Equatorial Guinea for high-level discussions covering ...Published: 08 Feb 2023 at 05:00hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
It's tragic how 'Pan-Africanism' has become a refuge for those who ruined fellow Zimbabweans' lives!
I genuinely believe that I am actually more Pan-Africanist that most of those who claim to be Pan-Africanists. I, as so many others, have chosen to place my own safety and life in danger ...Published: 30 Jan 2023 at 20:42hrs | 2 | by Tendai Ruben Mbofana
What makes anyone believe blacks can't 'brainwash' whites?
It is always so extremely disturbing watching how much self-decrepitation and self-hate there is amongst us as black people - a sickening trait more prominent here in our own Zimbabwe.Why do w...Published: 22 Nov 2022 at 16:55hrs | | by Tendai Ruben Mbofana
'African solutions to African problems' shouldn't be excuse for oppression and looting of resources!
I definitely do not have any objections to the concept of 'African solutions to African problems' - since, who can be better placed in addressing challenges than the one faced with such?Indeed...Published: 03 Nov 2022 at 14:45hrs | 2 | by Tendai Ruben Mbofana
Africans' 'victim mentality' now sickening and disgraceful!
I know what racism, racial segregation and discrimination are - having spent the first seven years of my life under colonial rule in the then Rhodesia.Thereafter, facing the same at the dawn o...Published: 20 Sep 2022 at 12:32hrs | 1 | by Tendai Ruben Mbofana
Armchair activists make Pan-Africanism elitist and irrelevant to ordinary suffering Africans!
Imagine an impoverished widowed grandmother, struggling to fend for her orphaned grandchildren, somewhere in rural Marange, Zimbabwe - without any means of income, nor anyone to assist her tend her ti...Published: 14 Sep 2022 at 12:26hrs | | by Tendai Ruben Mbofana
There's no one better placed to educate our children over ED regime abysmal failures than parents!
The opportunity to help our children with their learning, especially in light of the more demanding CALA (continuous assessment learning activity) curriculum - which requires much research and analyti...Published: 16 Jul 2022 at 20:13hrs | 11 | by Tendai Ruben Mbofana
Mnangagwa threatens to seize more black-owned farms, offers them to diasporans
PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa has threatened to seize farms from locals he accused of underutilising them.He said the farms would be handed over to those living in the diaspora.He was b...Published: 28 May 2022 at 08:58hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
There's absolutely nothing Pan-African and Anti-Imperialist about oppressing one's citizens and looting nation's resources
In all my 48 years of existence on this planet Earth, there has always been one thing that has always thoroughly vexed my intellect - as I have greatly struggled to fathom how something that appears s...Published: 26 May 2022 at 21:13hrs | 13 | by Tendai Ruben Mbofana
Zimbabwe a pariah state that can't even be trusted by fellow African countries!
Can African countries genuinely trust the rogue Zimbabwe regime?In fact, should African nations be so foolhardy and naive as to place their trust in a proven pariah state as Zimbabwe?W...Published: 17 May 2022 at 16:41hrs | 13 | by Tendai Ruben Mbofana
How the West is plotting to exploit Africa
IF designs of global money are not stopped in their tracks, Africa is threatened with environmental degradation and nutritional poverty. If we, as Africans, do not begin to think deeply about what is ...Published: 15 Mar 2022 at 05:40hrs | 2 | by Linda Apollo
Pact to preserve Nkomo legacy signed
THE Institute of African Knowledge (Instak) has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Joshua Nkomo National Foundation to preserve the legacy of the late Vice-President Joshua Nkomo and make h...Published: 10 Nov 2021 at 05:34hrs | 8 | by Staff reporter
Zimbabwe anti-sanctions fight reaches UN HQ
SCORES of people, led by anti-imperialist group December 12 (D12) Movement yesterday picketed at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, United States of America, calling for the removal of illeg...Published: 19 Sep 2021 at 08:14hrs | | by Staff reporter
'On land, Mugabe travelled a path Mandela did not dare' - Yes, but look where he landed Zimbabwe!
There is overwhelming evidence out there to show Nelson Madiba Mandela was a visionary leader his greatest legacy to South Africa is a stable democratic system of government. On the other hand, Robert...Published: 09 Aug 2021 at 13:53hrs | 1 | by Nomusa Garikai
Zimbabwe regime's shameless incompetence
As per my usual daily routine, I pray to Jehovah God first, then converse with my wife and get my daily dose of the morning news (both local and international).I could not help being thunderst...Published: 02 Apr 2021 at 09:15hrs | 1 | by Tendai Ruben Mbofana
Zimbabwe regime's shameless incompetence only serves to reinforce colonial stereotypes that Africans just talk but seldom delive
As per my usual daily routine, I pray to Jehovah God as the first thing I do (and, the first Person I talk to), then converse with my wife, and then get my daily dose of the morning news (both local a...Published: 19 Mar 2021 at 09:29hrs | | by Tendai Ruben Mbofana
Obert Dube changing lives through humanitarian work
VICTORIA Falls-based award-winning praise poet, Obert Dube who paid school fees for about 300 underprivileged children in Matabeleland North last year, has extended his humanitarian work to Matabelela...Published: 18 Mar 2021 at 05:43hrs | 2 | by Staff reporter
The science of winning by-elections
URBAN folks are shocked how and why Zanu-PF is winning by-elections amid the economic turmoil. Again, their reasoning still stumbles back to how they mistakenly universalise city aspirations to assume...Published: 25 Aug 2019 at 09:50hrs | 1 | by Michael Mhlanga
On Decolonising Governmentality
It is a truly careless but also stubborn truism that if we had no nation-states in the world we would not have nationless and stateless people. Nations and states are the source of nationlessness and ...Published: 05 May 2019 at 09:57hrs | | by Cetshwayo Zindabazezwe Mabhena
'United Sates of Africa' & 'third parties'
More than seven years ago the late Libyan president Muammar Gaddafi vied for the amalganation of all African countries into a domain he coined the "United States of Africa" an ideology which was first...Published: 28 Sep 2018 at 14:59hrs | | by Daniel Itai
May real MDC-T please stand up?
Who is closer to Morgan Tsvangirai than the rest?That is the question that seems to occupy feuding factions of MDC-T as rivals take turns to parade family members of the deceased founding lead...Published: 13 May 2018 at 11:35hrs | | by Staff reporter
Zim Communist Party laments lack of progress after 38 years of independence
The Zimbabwe Communist Party has lamented lack of progress and development in the country despite the independence that was attained by the country in 1980,."It is to our shame that there has ...Published: 19 Apr 2018 at 07:23hrs | | by Stephen Jakes
Who exactly was former President Mugabe?
The late VP Nkomo warned us in his 1984 book that there is a Robert Mugabe we don't know, but we were too consumed by the dummy we had been sold by the dominant liberation war discourses. These warnin...Published: 18 Mar 2018 at 08:37hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
MDCs rapped for trip of shame
MDC-T has once again exposed its puppet nature and lack of direction in sending its leadership to the United States of America to lobby for electoral reforms in Zimbabwe when other political parties l...Published: 13 Dec 2017 at 05:08hrs | | by Staff reporter
Patrick Lumumba: How to become a Colonial Constable
Patrick Loch Otieno Lumumba does not only speak on African solutions for African problems, he raises hell and does not let any sleeping dogs lie. The Kenyan Pan-Africanist lawyer and judge does not ta...Published: 17 Sep 2017 at 09:54hrs | 4 | by Cetshwayo Zindabazezwe Mabhena
'Joseph Msika wouldn't trade principles'
THE late Vice President Joseph Msika was a rare breed of a nationalist - a fearless and strict disciplinarian and one person who would not trade principle for friendship. His character would not chang...Published: 15 Aug 2017 at 06:45hrs | | by Staff reporter
Only a mindless begot like Bwoni would ignore the facts and still call Mugabe 'Africa's finest'
"It is the battle of the mind however, that is the most difficult to emerge victorious. It takes time and endurance. It is the hardest, especially so in Africa, a continent that bears the still-fresh ...Published: 27 Apr 2017 at 06:36hrs | 6 | by Wilbert Mukori
Mugabe scholarship scheme to be extended to Asian countries
Information, Media and Broadcasting Services Minister Dr Christopher Mushohwe says plans are in the offing to honour President Robert Mugabe's long and close friendship with former Malaysian Prime...Published: 11 Mar 2017 at 09:58hrs | | by Staff reporter
Mugabe, Museveni and Others: Dictators and Enemies of Africa, not Pan Africanists
Do not be fooled by empty speeches against America and her friends on the United Nations stage, ruthless African dictators are not Pan-Africanists.People are quick to forget the crimes of dict...Published: 30 Jan 2017 at 04:46hrs | | by Staff Reporter
How Mugabe double-crossed Joseph Kabila
"Way before Marange, Mugabe and his military men had already started rampant racketeering, illegal mafia-style smuggling, double-crossing, double dealing, as well as illegal arms peddling with Congole...Published: 04 Oct 2016 at 16:10hrs | 1 | by Ken Yamamoto
'Mugabe is godfather of corruption,' says Tendai Biti
Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) president Tendai Biti has said rival President Mugabe has created a class of super rich Zanu-PF cabal.He said 'Mugabe is indeed the godfather of ...Published: 24 May 2016 at 14:03hrs | | by Thobekile Zhou
Africa Day 2016; reflections of a continent in need of new leadership
On 25 May 2016, Africa commemorates the 53rd anniversary of the formation of the Organisation for African Union (OAU) now the African Union (AU).It has been a momentous journey for Africa, fro...Published: 24 May 2016 at 13:42hrs | 1 | by Tendai Laxton Biti
Only a 'Third Way' can fix Zimbabwe
For those who are still in denial, it is worth restating: Zimbabwe is broken. Its people are broken. Their minds and spirits are broken. The infrastructure is broken - rotting, in fact. And, unsurpris...Published: 16 Apr 2016 at 11:50hrs | 6 | by Trevor Ncube
Zimbabwe: Let us say Grace
At the expensive risk of being a hyperbolist, I argue that Zimbabwe is presently a political disaster that is impatiently waiting to happen. Anything can go wrong. Robert Mugabe, the old man, ha...Published: 10 Oct 2015 at 21:48hrs | 2 | by Dinizulu Mbikokayise Macaphulana
Moeletsi Mbeki's think tank could be a project of westerners
EDITOR,I could not believe it when I read an article in one of our local dailies where a Moeletsi Mbeki, who is said to be a deputy chairman of an independent think tank, South African Instit...Published: 25 May 2015 at 09:40hrs | 1 | by Chido Chikuni
Unity Day statement by Dr Dumiso Dabengwa
Unity Day 2014: Critical point for reflection by progressives Unity Day on 22 December 2014, next Monday, is an opportune time to remind the country tha...Published: 20 Dec 2014 at 12:47hrs | | by Dr Dumiso Dabengwa
New Pan African Movement Launch in UK reaffirms Africa's greatness in 21st century
On Sunday, 10 November 2013, a New Pan African Movement will be launched in the UK. Dubbed the first ever ‘New Pan African Movement’ to be launched in UK, ...Published: 08 Nov 2013 at 07:43hrs | | by Muzvare Betty Makoni
Africans with white 'no-fly zones' mentality
You will be blessed wherever you go, both in coming and in going. "The LORD will conquer your enemies when they attack you. They will attack you from one direction, but they will scatter from you in s...Published: 26 Jun 2011 at 15:04hrs | | by Tafataona P. Mahoso
Tsvangirai's mediocrity making Zanu PF shine
I AM surprised that it has taken the world this long to discover that Tsvangirayi is a man of limited intellect. Or could it be that the world is only coming to terms with a fact they had a...Published: 06 Mar 2011 at 15:09hrs | | by Kudakwashe Marazanye
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