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WATCH: Losing Mwonzora's Epworth candidate used US$50K on campaign
Former University of Zimbabwe student representative and Epworth losing MDC-T-Alliance candidate Zivai Mhetu says he spent USD$50 000 during the campaign trail for the just ended parliamentary b...Published: 30 Mar 2022 at 11:29hrs | | by Mandla Ndlovu
Blacks being murdered by Indians in South Africa, SA media on mute - graphic videos
Reports from South Africa are that 15 black people murdered by Indians in Phoenix in the KwaZulu Natala province.Wednesday was the bloodiest in the days of violence and ...Published: 15 Jul 2021 at 10:01hrs | 19 | by Staff reporter
Hungry Lions Hoovering around to devour Nyaminyami Rural District Council
As the former CEO of Nyaminyami Rural District Council, I am really concerned with unfolding issues of mismanagement of public property and corruption by those at the helm of power especial the acting...Published: 04 Jun 2019 at 10:18hrs | 1 | by Isaac Mackenzie (former CEO of the same RDC)
Captive cheetah breeding is reaching epidemic proportions in South Africa
An extremely worrying trend is emerging in South Africa, where cheetahs are bred on demand, taken away from their mothers to be hand-reared for cub petting, to become well-beh...Published: 12 Apr 2018 at 10:25hrs | 1 | by Louise de Waal
WATCH: Range Rover Velar - The Crafting of Simplicity
The New Range Rover Velar features a compelling, modern design with perfectly optimised proportions, powerful taut surfaces and a stunning silhouette. The serene interior has been created with elegant...Published: 19 Oct 2017 at 12:19hrs | | by youtube
Multi-tier pricing model illegal, says RBZ
RETAILERS who are using a multi-tier pricing system for different payment systems are violating the Bank Use Promotion Act and risk the full wrath of the law, a senior Reserve Bank official has sa...Published: 23 Mar 2017 at 05:28hrs | | by Staff reporter
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