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Blacks being murdered by Indians in South Africa, SA media on mute - graphic videos

by Staff reporter
15 Jul 2021 at 05:01hrs | Views
Reports from South Africa are that 15 black people murdered by Indians in Phoenix in the KwaZulu Natala province.
Wednesday was the bloodiest in the days of violence and unrest that broke out in the Durban North suburb. Police have yet to provide an official statement with a confirmed death toll but it's believed rioters who swarmed into Phoenix from the direction of Mandela Park were gunned down by armed residents.

Video footage of the carnage has spread across social media, fuelling rage that could potentially motivate racially charged clashes in other parts of the country.

According to Phoenix community police forum (CPF) chairperson Umesh Singh, residents looked to this resort as a means to protect their private property after days of confrontation with shutdown rioters.

Some commentators are blaming president Cyril Ramaphosa who they say encouraged vigilantism as a response to the 'ethnical mobilization'.

Source - social media