Search / Sociologist
Zimbabwean tree cures erectile dysfunctional
Deep within Zimbabwe's forests lies the Mugondorosi tree, a species steeped in legend and traditional medicinal knowledge. Revered for its ability to treat male erectile dysfunction, this once-abundan...Published: 26 Oct 2024 at 12:43hrs | 487 | by Staff reporter
Stop the Victimisation of Chidimma Adetshina, she is a black African
In the midst of the ongoing Miss South Africa 2024 competition, one contestant has found herself at the center of a national controversy - Chidimma Adetshina. Since being crowned as one of the top 16 ...Published: 02 Aug 2024 at 10:37hrs | 360 | by Jacob Kudzayi Mutisi
30% of marriages collapse within five years
KEEPING marriages intact has seemingly become a mammoth task for newlyweds, if statistics provided by the Judiciary Service Commission (JSC) are anything to go by.At least 30 percent of new ma...Published: 23 Jul 2023 at 08:03hrs | 3 | by Staff reporter
Bona Mugabe divorce, yet another Damascene moment for the republic
The world is not for honest people. I am convinced. Those who toil, break a sweat in various endeavours to make an honest living a...Published: 07 May 2023 at 07:22hrs | 6 | by Josiah Mucharowana in Pretoria
Zimbabwe revolution is nigh
"LET the ruling classes tremble at a communistic revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose, but their chains. They have a world to win. Workers of all countries unite!"This was Karl Ma...Published: 21 Jul 2022 at 06:43hrs | 11 | by Nomalanga Kabanzi
Black children subjected to racism in UK
Racism hurts children, in real and fundamental ways. It hurts not just their health, but their chances for a good, successful life.It destroys their confidence and it is mostly applied by teac...Published: 19 Mar 2022 at 06:40hrs | 13 | by Dr Masimba Mavaza
Distant parenting a disaster in Diaspora
Many Zimbabweans have left the country for purported greener pastures. But the greener pastures turn tinder dry on family relationships, volatile and ready to burn. Most parents have been ...Published: 18 Sep 2021 at 06:22hrs | 12 | by Dr Masimba Mavaza
Old people's homes turn into poor families' dumping grounds
BANANA bread was served at a recent birthday party at Melfort Old People's home, where a group of residents mustered a raspy happy birthday tune.Just a week after arriving at the facility, Rod...Published: 17 Sep 2021 at 06:23hrs | 4 | by Staff reporter
Zimbabwean young farmers lead the charge in agriculture
Agriculture in Zimbabwe is on an upswing and young people are the driving force. For example, the country is set to harvest 2.8 million tons of maize this year, triple the 2020 harvest, and making it ...Published: 22 Aug 2021 at 15:42hrs | 4 | by Audrey Simango
The Birth of the Federal Republic of Mthwakazi Establishment of the Department of National Statistics
MLF President, The birth of Mthwakazi as a sovereign state is informed by the lens of history. As Mthwakazi Liberation Front (MLF), we have learnt from the grave errors of our history. As we c...Published: 03 Apr 2021 at 11:50hrs | | by Dr Churchill Mpiyesizwe Guduza
Is Nepotism a Good Thing, or Bad?
I read with amusement the article written by Luke Tambolinyoka titled "Emerson Mnangagwa : the primitive clansman and the villagisati...Published: 18 Mar 2021 at 07:27hrs | 1 | by Dr Masimba Mavaza
'In Africa, the youths are excluded from the political bus'
In the 21st century, it is appalling that some constitutions advocate for old man's politics, for example, section 91 subsection 1 (a) of the Zimbabwean constitution states that 'A person qualifies fo...Published: 15 Mar 2021 at 10:28hrs | | by Shingirayi Kondongwe
Even your enemies, learn to love them
"VENGEANCE is mine. Neither hate nor be bitter with your brother, no matter how he has injured you. For when you hate, you must know, it is me and my Father inheaven that you hurt."Both to...Published: 17 Jan 2021 at 09:28hrs | 1 | by Zifiso Masiye
Afro-Sino economic relations in the 21st Century: Mixed Reactions and Misinterpretations
The Author is a Master of Science in International Trade and Diplomacy student at the University of Zimbabwe. He holds a MSc degree in Development Studies (National U...Published: 04 Jan 2021 at 19:21hrs | 13 | by Livingstone Kazizi
Mnangagwa in panic mode as MDC protest looms
The Local Solutions Council deduced that President Mnangagwa evidently panicked last night due to the impending MDC Protest when he impulsively arranged an incoherent televised State of the Nation Add...Published: 10 Aug 2019 at 17:27hrs | | by Darlington Nyambiya
Job Sikhala faces a death penalty for treason
Former president Mugabe once said of Madhuku "that once he is broke he provokes the law enforcement so that when he is arrested his sponsors will vilify Zimbabwe and consequently pour money to his poc...Published: 09 Jul 2019 at 11:36hrs | 1 | by Dr Masimba Mavaza
Mnangagwa Under siege from all sides
Civil servants with different political affiliations must not to sabotage the government. The government was aware that some civil servants still supported the previous government. Civil servants may ...Published: 30 Apr 2019 at 19:02hrs | | by Dr Masimba Mavaza
Critical consciousness and educatedness
Even some of the leading philosophers and theorists of education have made the mistake of thinking that being informed is the same thing as being educated.In actuality one may accumulate quant...Published: 24 Feb 2019 at 06:44hrs | 4 | by Cetshwayo Zindabazezwe Mabhena
We need complete thinkers, not compartmentalised ones
What does it mean to be a "complete thinker"? Complete thinking entails connecting apparently disparate or unconnected ideas.To further elaborate, it means being able to take on a variety of i...Published: 15 Feb 2019 at 08:47hrs | 2 | by Conway Tutani
De-Westernisation towards Decolonisation
Most of what are called African problems today are problems that Europe and America have caused or at least promoted in the continent.Most African problems, including civil wars and genocides,...Published: 05 Aug 2018 at 09:40hrs | | by Cetshwayo Mabhena
Jonathan Moyo's Chamisa Moment
AS Zimbabweans countdown to the Monday realignment elections, there is a palpable self-organising and self-propelling clamour for historic change - the spirit of 2018 - blowing in the air across Zimba...Published: 27 Jul 2018 at 15:31hrs | 1 | by Jonathan Moyo
Boycott presidential poll, Chamisa!
Recently, the main opposition MDC Alliance leader's 40-year-old presidential candidate, Nelson Chamisa, who is challenging the ruling Zanu-PF's Emmerson Mnangagwa for the presidency, has been threaten...Published: 27 Jul 2018 at 11:21hrs | 3 | by Simukai Tinhu
Daily Academic Sociology Questions and Answers with Mwiinde Laison
Question Assess the view that the main function of the education system is to reproduce and legitimise social inequalities [25]...Published: 11 May 2018 at 07:07hrs | 10 | by Mwiinde Laison (Author, Sociologist and Mentor)
Grace Mugabe PhD an 'academic fraud'
FORMER first lady Grace Mugabe's controversial University of Zimbabwe (UZ) Doctor of Philosophy degree, which was finally published last week almost four years after graduation, has been described as ...Published: 02 Feb 2018 at 15:56hrs | 3 | by Staff reporter
Tribe and the ism that fights unity in diversity
LAST week's issue of The Sunday News published a very thought-provoking article by Micheal Mhlanga on tribalism in which the author tried to justify that concept, and quoted a couple for what one can ...Published: 10 Dec 2017 at 05:28hrs | 1 | by Saul Gwakuba Ndlovu
Daily Academic Sociology Questions and Answers with Mwiinde Laison
QuestionAssess the extent to which home based, rather than school based factors account for social class based differences in educational achievement (25)...Published: 21 Oct 2017 at 06:55hrs | 2 | by Mwiinde Laison (Author, Sociologist and Mentor)
Daily Sociology Questions And Answers with Sir Mwiinde
Question Religion in modern society is the masses opium or tool for development. DiscussComment overview...Published: 18 Oct 2017 at 12:24hrs | 1 | by Sir Mwiinde (Author, Sociologist and Mentor)
Zimbabwe in the Theopolitics of the Future
At one level Zimbabwe has finally hit its true Dickensian political and historical moment. That moment is "the spring of hope" and at the same time "the winter of despair." Zimbabweans have everything...Published: 10 Sep 2017 at 18:26hrs | 4 | by Dinizulu Mbikokayise Macaphulana
Daily Sociology Questions And Answers with Sir Mwiinde - Assess the reasons for the long term increase in the divorce rate
Question Assess the reasons for the long term increase in the divorce rate (25)Comment overviewThis ques...Published: 26 Aug 2017 at 10:43hrs | | by Sir Mwiinde (Sociologist, Author & Mentor)
Daily Academic Sociology Questions and Answers with Mwiinde Laison
Question Discuss the contributions sociologists have made to the understanding of crime and deviance [25] Com...Published: 13 Aug 2017 at 18:50hrs | 2 | by Mwiinde Laison
Gugulethu Ncube I hear your cries!
I hear your crying and you have been crying for a long time now. It is becoming very difficult to ignore your cries. Your cries are just too loud to ignore. You genuinely want help from us and you are...Published: 10 Aug 2017 at 17:56hrs | | by Nomazulu Thata
Daily academic Sociology questions and answers with Mwiinde Laison - Examine the Postmodern Perspective on the Family
Question Examine the Postmodern Perspective on the Family [25]Comment overviewThe question demands are e...Published: 16 Jul 2017 at 10:09hrs | | by Mwiinde Laison (Author, Sociologist and Mentor)
Daily academic Sociology Questions and Answers with Mwiinde Laison - Assess Marxist explanations of the mass media
Question Assess Marxist explanations of the mass media (25)Comment overview The question needs students ...Published: 03 Jul 2017 at 13:18hrs | 4 | by Mwiinde Laison ( sociologist, author and mentor)
Family feud over witchcraft
TWO Harare brothers are at loggerheads over a ritual performed at the family home meant to enhance supernatural protection but allegedly backfired leaving a child crippled in the process.Corne...Published: 18 Jun 2017 at 10:00hrs | | by Staff reporter
Bosso, Majaivana and other taboos
A number of political philosophers and sociologists of the Global South have noted how sport and religion were used by colonialists to divert the minds and energies of natives from politics.Of...Published: 30 May 2017 at 09:24hrs | 2 | by Cetshwayo Zindabazezwe Mabhena writes from South Africa
Is Zimbabwe's process of appointing judge right or wrong?
Dear editor,The current constitution of Zimbabwe (which is entrenched) gives the President of Zimbabwe the prerogative to appoint the top judges. However, it is enshrined in international law ...Published: 11 May 2017 at 07:06hrs | | by Njabulo
Trump era a continuation of a traditional order, decades in the making
- Former Black Panther chairperson dismisses the "distinction between this individual president and that individual president" in the USA- Author Naomi Wolf cal...Published: 17 Feb 2017 at 09:53hrs | 1 | by Al Jazeera
We must reject the use of violence as a tool to settle differences, political or otherwise
I had initially planned to pen an article challenging Tendai Biti and his party on their proposal of the National Transitional Authority this week but I just could not bring myself to ignore some vide...Published: 08 Nov 2016 at 07:16hrs | 1 | by Whitlaw Mugwiji
Unpacking the Mugabe dictatorship
"We have the power. Now our gigantic work begins."These were the words of Adolf Hitler, the ruthless German dictator who committed genocides and caused a lot of suffering among his own people....Published: 05 Jun 2016 at 11:41hrs | 1 | by Dr Admore Tshuma
Ethnicity and tribalism are highly charged words in contemporary Africa - Part two
Christopher Hitchens's quote: "There is almost no country in Africa where it is not essential to know to which tribe, or which subgroup of which tribe, the president belongs. From this single piece of...Published: 23 Apr 2016 at 20:44hrs | 11 | by Nomazulu Thata
Approaching International Women's Year 2016: We join hands in celebration with Mnumzana Albert Nyathi and Patson Dzamara
We are nearing the month March with loads of social events, among many other important events; we shall be celebrating the international women's year. We reflect our successes and failures in our resp...Published: 28 Feb 2016 at 21:09hrs | | by Nomazulu Thata
Killing in the name of God
RELIGION, seen by many as an oasis of tranquillity and hope, appears to be going bonkers with strange stuff happening in most faiths, particularly in Christianity and Islam.With followers bein...Published: 21 Feb 2016 at 07:07hrs | 1 | by Fatima Bulla
Outlawing corporal punishment in schools, homes and prisons: Issues and challenges
I have been following with keen interest the debate and court case before the Constitutional Court on abolition of corporal punishment in prisons, homes and schools. Mr. Tendai Biti of Biti Law Chambe...Published: 14 Nov 2015 at 09:06hrs | | by Johanne Mhlanga
Chidyausiku slams anti-corporal punishment advocates
CHIEF Justice Godfrey Chidyausiku yesterday took to task lawyers advocating the abolition of corporal punishment, asking them to explain the impact of such an action on the behaviour of children in Zi...Published: 12 Nov 2015 at 05:25hrs | 1 | by Daniel Nemukuyu
She can't drive, she can't vote.... but can engage in sex
The Prosecutor General, Mr Johannes Tomana, stirred up a hornet's nest last week when he argued that the courts have an obligation to listen to men who indulge in sexual activities with girls as youn...Published: 28 Jun 2015 at 09:56hrs | | by Edwin Mwase
Mystery, cover-ups surrounds Miss World Zimbabwe indecent picture
IN a situation similar to the Thabiso Phiri debacle last year, reigning Miss World Zimbabwe Emily Kachote's indecent pictures have still not surfaced on social media or in newspapers.Miss Zim...Published: 10 May 2015 at 11:26hrs | | by Staff reporter
The only ones stopping Court challenge of Mugabe's rigged elections are defeatist self-fulfilling prophets!
It was Sociologist Robert K Merton who defined the term Self-fulfilling Prophecy as: The self-fulfilling prophecy is, in the beginning, a false definition of the situatio...Published: 14 Jan 2015 at 23:37hrs | | by Wilbert Mukori
Defeatist stopping court challenge of Mugabe's rigged elections
It was Sociologist Robert K Merton who defined the term Self-fulfilling Prophecy as: The self-fulfilling prophecy is, in the beginning, a false definition of the situatio...Published: 14 Jan 2015 at 21:33hrs | | by Wilbert Mukori
Robert Mugabe: An African Head of State and the State of an African Head
The political personality and historical project of Robert Mugabe is bound to arrest the attention of thinkers and writers for a long time to come. The Zimbabwean President has attracted extreme r...Published: 19 Dec 2014 at 10:27hrs | 4 | by Dinizulu Mbikokayise Macaphulana
Save Zimbabweans from bogus prophets
I had to make the attached screen shot in case the Sunday Mail Editor, or the chairman of Zimbabwe Newspapers, or the Minister of Information, who is ultimately responsible for state publications, wo...Published: 09 Nov 2014 at 16:04hrs | | by Makusha Mugabe
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