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New cooking tools reduce wastage while improving taste
Are you aware of some staggering statistics concerning our food supply? According to the Shoprite 2024 survey, South African Food Security Index is at its lowest point in more than a decade. ...Published: 23 Dec 2024 at 00:49hrs | 148 | by Emmanuel Koro
The tragedy of Zimbabwe
Main opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) spokesperson Fadzayi Mahere last week spoke at the Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy - a major United Nations conference that shines a sp...Published: 26 May 2023 at 06:34hrs | 1 | by Fadzayi Mahere
Mnangagwa is much worse than Mugabe, Mahere tells UN summit
"Half the population lives under extreme poverty, US$2.2 billion is lost to corruption annually and we have the highest hyperinflation rate in the world – all because those in power would rather loo...Published: 18 May 2023 at 05:41hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
'Never go to bed with Zanu PF. It's dangerous!' warned Chamisa. After 5 long GNU years of nothing, he knows!
"The Constitutional Court on Monday threw out the MDC leader's application seeking nullification of the delimitation report and a delay of the elections set for July," reported Bulawayo 24."Mw...Published: 09 May 2023 at 14:49hrs | | by Wilbert Mukori
Judas Iscariot and the Gold Mafia
When we look at the character of Judas in the Bible we notice that one has to belong to a certain group of people in power or has to form his own group th...Published: 23 Apr 2023 at 07:27hrs | | by Erick Matotoba
Masisi proves ruling elite out of touch with suffering ordinary citizenry as he enjoys life in ivory tower with Mnangagwa!
I perfectly understand that life in the ivory tower of power and wealth is so lavish and comfortable!I am similarly aware that - living an ...Published: 04 Sep 2022 at 07:31hrs | 3 | by Tendai Ruben Mbofana
Traditional healers lure women with promises of easy births
TWO daughters. Long, painful labours. Several miscarriages.For Soko, a hairdresser in her late 30s, the quest for a son and a safe, easy birth led her to seek professional help - from a herbal...Published: 25 Jan 2022 at 05:45hrs | 13 | by Vimbai Chinembiri
Best home remedies for pimples
If acne is plaguing you, then quit wasting money on expensive creams and gels. The best treatment for pimples on your face is actually hidden in your home?Aloe vera with lemon juiceWhe...Published: 28 Nov 2021 at 07:42hrs | 10 | by Staff reporter
Warren Park family abandons house after sewer burst
SERIOUS sewer bursts in Warren Park 1 suburb of Harare have resulted in a family having to evacuate their home as raw sewage flowed over their premises, the neighbouring yards and a car park.M...Published: 17 Nov 2021 at 05:12hrs | 11 | by Staff reporter
Sewage oozes out of taps, residents abandon houses
A HEALTH hazard is looming in Bulawayo's Lobengula West suburb as sewage is oozing out of some houses' taps and toilets, with the local authority allegedly taking over a month to address the situation...Published: 17 Oct 2021 at 09:00hrs | | by Staff reporter
'Zimbabweans must resist imperialists' machinations'
UGANDA-BASED leader of the Coalition against Coronavirus for Africa Development (ICAC-AD), Tom Isingoma Mwesiga, has challenged Zimbabweans to resist imperialists' moves to influence the country's pol...Published: 21 Apr 2021 at 07:09hrs | 2 | by Staff reporter
Chamisa's spin-nurse relives prison nightmare
MDC Alliance spokesperson Fadzai Mahere was arrested recently and charged for allegedly communicating falsehoods in a matter involving a baby who was initially reported dead following a baton stick st...Published: 19 Jan 2021 at 15:51hrs | | by Staff Reporter
Gringo appeals for help after suffering relapse
Veteran comedian Lazarus Boora, known by his legion of fans as Gringo, has fallen sick again after failing to raise money for medication.Gringo, who turned 47 last month, is battling tesnel or...Published: 03 Nov 2020 at 12:56hrs | 1 | by Staff reportetr
Lupane East By-election: A deceptive delineation of the narrow, gorged and mountainous pathway to democracy in Zimbabwe
The recently held parliamentary and council by-elections in Lupane East, Ward 23 Nkayi South and Ward 22 Bubi constituencies respectively, on the 3rd of August 2019, and many others before, are a dece...Published: 11 Aug 2019 at 10:19hrs | | by Nhlanhla Moses
Masawara Group hands over relief packs for 500 families
Companies in the Masawara Group on Friday (22 March) handed over relief packs to Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare Minister Sekai Nzenza and Deputy Local Government, Public Works and National ...Published: 25 Mar 2019 at 21:38hrs | 2 | by Staff reporter
Masawara companies come together to help Cyclone Idai victims
Companies in the Masawara Group, which is comprised of the Zimnat Insurance Group, Cresta Group of Hotels, Minerva, Botswana Insurance company and Grand Re-Insurance , have come together to help...Published: 25 Mar 2019 at 21:32hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Healer 'kills' patient
A self-confessed healer from Epworth has been brought before the court for allegedly killing a patient.Tawanda Vhuso, 27, stood in the dock before a Harare magistrate charged with culpable hom...Published: 02 Jan 2019 at 19:10hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Wife dies, hubby battles for life after STI 'cure'
A Harare woman died and her husband is battling for his life after drinking a concoction they were given by a self-proclaimed prophet to ‘cure' them of a sexually transmitted infection (STI) which h...Published: 29 Dec 2018 at 18:39hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
50kg spoons, forks in sewer system
BULAWAYO mayor Martin Moyo has challenged the city's residents to safeguard infrastructure and help in its maintenance after 50kg of spoons and forks as well as a dog's remains, were retrieved from th...Published: 13 Jul 2018 at 07:21hrs | | by Staff rpeorter
The tale of a jewel and a giant: Facts about revival of Zimbabwe's economy
The Country, Nation and Our WorldMany have talked, written and caricatured Zimbabwe as a country of educated but inept leaders. A country once a jewel of Africa brought down by corruption, greed a...Published: 19 Jun 2018 at 17:35hrs | | by Vincent Gwarazimba
BCC blames residents for frequent pipe bursts
THE Bulawayo City Council has blamed residents for causing regular sewer pipe bursts by dumping solid waste in toilets and manholes.Speaking during a tour of the city's sewer system maintenanc...Published: 12 Mar 2018 at 05:49hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Prophet Magaya opens $17m factory
Vice-President Kembo Mohadi yesterday challenged the church to take the lead in preaching peace in communities to foster national healing.Speaking at the commissioning of a $17 million tile pr...Published: 18 Feb 2018 at 22:10hrs | | by Staff reporter
'Zanu PF set for outright win,' predicts former Minister - clean 'dirty game' and cockiness will vaporise
"Of course, it's a competition and anything can happen but looking at our preparedness as a party and how organised we are, it's clear that we are set for an outright win," said former Minister Tshing...Published: 24 Jan 2018 at 19:48hrs | | by Patrick Guramatunhu
Patrick Zhuwao haana kunyarara!
On behalf of all exiled Zimbabweans in the Diaspora: we welcome Comrade Patrick Zhuwao and some of the G40 in exile: the new version of exile is Diasporas: a subtle description of asylum seekers or ex...Published: 07 Jan 2018 at 23:16hrs | 1 | by Nomazulu Thata
Grace Mugabe is fearful for the future: Sons revenge the good life
Many signs tell it all that Dr. Grace is in a panic mode. Her options to remain in Zimbabwe after the imminent death of her husband in Zimbabwe are very frightening to comprehend; she is rightfully sc...Published: 18 Aug 2017 at 17:26hrs | 11 | by Nomazulu Thata
Robert Mugabe the physical man naturally retreats
PERHAPS we must do that; abandon the "Him" and deal with the "It". We must leave the man and engage with the phenomenon. There are many profits in the present for reading and understanding Robert Muga...Published: 04 Aug 2017 at 13:00hrs | 3 | by Dinizulu Mbikokayise Macaphulana
Zimbabwe: Season of the MOU and the end of Political Innocence
Perhaps we must do that. Abandon the "Him" and deal with the "It." We must leave the man and engage with the phenomenon. There are many profits in the present for reading and understanding Robert Muga...Published: 04 May 2017 at 17:27hrs | 4 | by Dinizulu Mbikokayise Macaphulana
The instructor who trained Joice Mujuru
BORN in 1954 Emelda Musanhu whose Chimurenga name was Suzan Rutanhire joined the liberation struggle in November 1972 soon after her wedding to a catechist George Rutanhire. Suzan, from Mt Darwin, und...Published: 09 Apr 2017 at 08:08hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Death in bedroom war
A 26-YEAR-OLD woman allegedly stabbed her 50-year-old husband to death in Beitbridge following a row over the paternity of "their" five-month-old daughter.The incident, which has since bec...Published: 07 Mar 2017 at 07:18hrs | | by Staff reporter
Death in bedroom war
A 26-YEAR-OLD woman allegedly stabbed her 50-year-old husband to death in Beitbridge following a row over the paternity of "their" five-month-old daughter.The incident, which has since bec...Published: 06 Mar 2017 at 05:48hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Sell-out Coltart hankering for Noble Prize for 'brave defiance' of Mugabe - what chutzpah
"What is it about Southern Africa that creates so many moral heavyweights? It seems that adversity and repression in that part of the world stimulate rather than inhibit, and bring out the best in its...Published: 20 Jan 2017 at 21:07hrs | | by Wilbert Mukori
Seventh Day Adventist Church adopts ward at Gokwe Hospital
The Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) Church has adopted a female ward at Gokwe South District Hospital where the church will take complete charge of the running costs incurred there.The hospital is...Published: 18 Dec 2016 at 06:19hrs | 1 | by Staff Reporter
A new era is born. You have a duty to the people of Zimbabwe
Silence Chihuri is a Zimbabwean who was born and grew up in Kowo Village in Mutoko. He likes to be known more for his underprivileged but very happy upbringing and childhood heading cattle and goats b...Published: 25 Jul 2016 at 07:18hrs | 7 | by Silence Chihuri UDF Interim President
Doctors abandon patients to drink during working hours
JUNIOR doctors at Mpilo Central Hospital have been abandoning patients to drink during working hours at the Doctors Quarters (DQ) Bar located near the doctors residence at the institution, while waite...Published: 08 Nov 2015 at 08:30hrs | | by Robin Muchetu
Baby dumping contribute to 50% of Harare sewer plant blockages
HARARE sewer workers are coming across a dumped foetus every fortnight, Council's waste water manager Simon Muserere has revealed.According to the Standard, Muserere said during a tour of the ...Published: 12 Jul 2015 at 09:43hrs | | by staff reporter
Girl (14) rises from the dead after three days, dies again
A 14 year old Gokwe girl who was dead for three days rose for the dead when her body was placed in a coffin after a prophetess prayed.Ashel Abigail Zananda of Sigali village was given porridg...Published: 19 Jun 2015 at 09:39hrs | 1 | by Staff Reporter
Student teacher steals church groceries worth $30
A HILLSIDE Teacher's College student broke into a church and stole groceries worth $30, a court heard.Mpilo Bhebhe, 22, appeared before Bulawayo magistrate Sibongile Msipa- Marondedze charged ...Published: 07 May 2015 at 08:45hrs | | by Emily Mbewe
Serial housebreaker finally arrested
A serial thief who broke into 24 houses in Gweru's Guinea Fowl area and stole household goods worth nearly $4,000 was yesterday sentenced to four-and-a-half years in prison.Tawanda Garira, 25,...Published: 14 Jan 2015 at 06:57hrs | | by Timoth Makohliso
Jabulani Sibanda slams Zanu-PF
THE chairman of the Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association, Jabulani Sibanda, has reprimanded Zanu-PF Bulawayo province for failing to push for the late Barnabas Mpofu's national hero s...Published: 02 Jul 2014 at 06:08hrs | | by Sifundiso Ndlovu
Press Statement by the MDC-T Shadow Minister for Local Government, Sesel Zvidzai
The MDC-T is strongly concerned by the continued delays in establishing an Act of Parliament that will result in the birth of metropolitan and provincial councils as enshrined in the country's new...Published: 12 Feb 2014 at 11:12hrs | | by Staff Reporter
Cultural Hero Pathisa Nyathi sets up Cultural Village
Veteran historian and cultural expert, Pathisa Nyathi, has set up a cultural heritage village called Amagugu International at White-waters business centre in Matopo District....Published: 28 Mar 2011 at 14:27hrs | 1 | by Byo24News
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