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Zimbabwe army faces scrutiny over unlawful gold mining operations
Rusununguko/Nkululeko Holdings (Pvt) Ltd, a company owned by the Zimbabwe Defence Forces (ZDF), is allegedly conducting an unauthorized alluvial gold mining operation in Allied Timbers' Tarka Forest, ...Published: 20 Oct 2024 at 12:23hrs | 461 | by Staff reporter
Zanu-PF official in trouble for stealing timber
A Zanu-PF Manicaland provincial youth league official, Law Tiengane, is facing serious allegations of timber theft from Allied Timbers in Chimanimani. Tiengane, who previously managed Climb Ha...Published: 11 Aug 2024 at 18:30hrs | 206 | by Staff reporter
'Mutapa Investment Fund mustn't become conduit for looting'
AS prevalence of public sector corruption reaches alarming levels, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has demanded that Zimbabwean authorities ensure the newly-established Mutapa Investment Fund (M...Published: 11 Mar 2024 at 09:09hrs | 33 | by Staff reporter
Zimbabwe fights illegal settlers on state land 'sold' after being repossessed from white farmers
Two decades after a disastrous attempt at land reform, which drove out more than 400 white commercial farmers, the Zimbabwean government is fighting illegal settlers on state land handed out by tradit...Published: 21 Feb 2024 at 07:22hrs | 18 | by Staff reporter
UK High Court order rattles Zimbabwe govt
THE United Kingdom High Court order compelling Zimbabwe to comply with a 2015 ruling requiring the payment of US$125 million to two firms whose land was seized during the country's contentious fast-tr...Published: 12 Feb 2024 at 10:26hrs | 3 | by Staff reporter
London court says former colony Zimbabwe is not immune to English courts
The High Court in London has rejected the Zimbabwean government's attempt to evade paying a US$125 million arbitral award for grabbing land belonging to Border Timbers Ltd and Hangani Development Ltd....Published: 23 Jan 2024 at 20:23hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Mnangagwa's Mutapa Fund likely to create oligarchs
FEARS abound that President Emmerson Mnangagwa's self-serving Mutapa Investment Fund project has hallmarks of how Russian state assets were sold for a song or brazenly stolen during its transition fro...Published: 09 Oct 2023 at 13:50hrs | | by Staff reporter
Mutapa looting machine
PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa is full of surprises.He wants to be seen to be doing something and, in many instances, creates new offices that in reality are as clear as mud.Mutapa Inves...Published: 23 Sep 2023 at 21:34hrs | 1 | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
US court rejects Zimbabwe's bid to evade US$440m payment
A FEDERAL judge in the United States (US) recently tossed a bid by the Zimbabwe government to escape payment of some US$440.3 million compensation awarded to a European family over Harare's controvers...Published: 31 Aug 2023 at 06:40hrs | 6 | by Staff reporter
US foreign policy and the Zimbabwe dollar!
In my life journey, my three years stay in Jamaica was probably the most traumatic and most revealing as to how the imperialists work.I am, therefore, surprised that Mthuli Ncube and his handl...Published: 04 Jun 2023 at 08:37hrs | 3 | by Kenneth Mufuka
Lukashenko joins Zimbabwe lithium rush
BELARUSIAN President Alexander Lukashenko this week travelled 7 982 kilometres, the distance by air from his capital Minsk to Harare, in his first sub-Saharan visit to meet President Emmerson Mnangagw...Published: 04 Feb 2023 at 20:17hrs | 2 | by Staff reporter
Mnangagwa associate biggest winner in Zimbabwe-Belarus deals
ZIMBABWE'S honorary consul to Belarus Alexander Zingman, a close associate to President Emmerson Mnangagwa and his counterpart Alexander Lukashenko, was the biggest winner in trade agreements signed t...Published: 04 Feb 2023 at 20:13hrs | 2 | by Staff reporter
Top Belarus official jets into Zimbabwe
BELARUSIAN Deputy Prime Minister, Mr Piotr Parkhomchik, arrived in Zimbabwe yesterday and is expected to hold bilateral meetings with various ministries as the two countries seek to deepen their long ...Published: 10 Oct 2022 at 06:05hrs | 13 | by Staff reporter
Zanu-PF stalwarts and ex-ministers troop back
Zanu-PF stalwarts and ex-ministers in the current administration and late former President Robert Mugabe's government are plotting a political comeback after they were cleared by the politburo to cont...Published: 08 Oct 2022 at 21:06hrs | | by Staff reporter
Mnangagwa talks tough on illegal mining
THE Government will not tolerate timber poaching, illegal mining, settlements in plantations, and deforestation as that will impede the rural industrialisation agenda being driven by the Second Republ...Published: 23 Jul 2022 at 07:25hrs | 3 | by Staff reporter
Gold branding necessary in anti-smuggling fight, says ZACC
Zimbabwean gold needs to be branded so it can be positively identified once smuggled out of the country, to enable easy identification, the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) has said....Published: 02 May 2022 at 07:54hrs | | by Staff reporter
ZACC blocks US$18m illegal transactions
THE widening of the battle against corruption to include prevention as well as hunting down the lawbreakers is paying off for the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission which recently blocked two illegal...Published: 20 Apr 2022 at 08:03hrs | | by Staff reporter
Blacklist for tender cheats
The Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) is looking at blacklisting tender cheats despite improvements in the processes that have seen all suppliers having to be vetted before they are allowed t...Published: 17 Nov 2021 at 05:10hrs | 12 | by Staff reporter
Manama Mission Hospital rehab to be complete in two weeks
REHABILITATION works at Manama Mission Hospital are expected to be completed within two weeks, before work to upgrade the hospital begins.Sections of the hospital's critical buildings were ext...Published: 03 Nov 2021 at 05:22hrs | 19 | by Staff reporter
Hadebe's team woes mount
WARRIORS defender Teenage Hadebe's Major League Soccer side Houston Dynamo continued to struggle, this time suffering a 2-0 defeat to Portland Timbers at home on Saturday.Hadebe was barred fro...Published: 06 Sep 2021 at 05:23hrs | | by Staff reporter
Air Force of Zimbabwe embracing technology
The Air Force of Zimbabwe (AFZ) is fully embracing technology and widening its technological base in all areas in order to meet demands of the 21st century and effectively deal with emerging threats a...Published: 25 May 2021 at 07:13hrs | 2 | by Staff reporter
Zimbabwe's cartels that are not the real cartels
I just read the report by Daily Maverick, that is purporting to expose cartels in Zimbabwe. The problem with the report is it does not include the obvious and leading cartels in Zimbabwe, such as Old ...Published: 11 Feb 2021 at 09:38hrs | 4 | by Simbarashe Mwandipendaa
PG Industries relocates its Bulawayo Centre
GIANT building materials producer and supplier, PG Industries, has relocated its Bulawayo PG Centre branch from Donnington Industrial Area to Belmont Industrial Area. For many years, the compa...Published: 14 Dec 2020 at 07:10hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Govt to centralise control of State firms
THE Government will adopt a centralised ownership model for State-owned enterprises (SOEs) to eliminate inconsistencies in governance and ministerial interferences, Finance and Economic Development Mi...Published: 27 Nov 2020 at 06:54hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
'Zimbabwe's private sector is not doing its part'
Professor Mthuli Ncube presented the Mid-Term Fiscal Policy Review on Thursday last week and many naturally sought to understand what his new measures mean. Understandably, many are concerned about th...Published: 04 Aug 2019 at 10:09hrs | 2 | by Staff reporter
AG report puts ZACC to test
The efficiency of the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) will be put to test by its response to the scathing Auditor- General's report that exposed serious rot in government and parastatals....Published: 04 Jul 2019 at 18:48hrs | | by Mona Lisa Dube
More heads to roll at parastatals
PUBLIC officials in State-owned enterprises (SOEs) and Government departments might soon face the music after the Auditor-General, Mrs Mildred Chiri, uncovered continued dereliction of duty and deep-s...Published: 30 Jun 2019 at 09:02hrs | 2 | by Staff reporter
Audit exposes shocking govt rot
GOVERNMENT last year overspent by more than $2 billion without seeking parliamentary approval, while various departments and local authorities flagrantly flouted accounting procedures, Auditor-General...Published: 29 Jun 2019 at 16:45hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Mthuli Ncube opens up
Zimbabwe is on a journey of reform. Nobody ever said it wouldn’t be a bumpy ride; but the most important thing is that the journey has begun, and we are heading in the right direction.The Tr...Published: 03 Jun 2019 at 10:11hrs | | by Mthuli Ncube
Why Zimbabwe is on the path to progress
Zimbabwe is on a journey of reform. Nobody ever said it wouldn't be a bumpy ride; but the most important thing is that the journey has begun, and we are heading in the right direction.The Tran...Published: 03 Jun 2019 at 07:23hrs | | by Prof Mthuli Ncube
Govt to retain 26% stake in parastatals
Government has resolved to retain just 26 percent in at least three parastatals and/or State enterprises, Finance and Economic Development Minister Mthuli Ncube has said.Such equity-holding wi...Published: 20 May 2019 at 06:24hrs | | by Staff reporter
Zimbabwe govt only repays 2% of $9,5m domestic debt
GOVERNMENT has, in the first two months of the year, only managed to pay $195 million, or 2%, towards the country's domestic debt which is currently hovering around $9,5 billion, Finance and Economic ...Published: 30 Apr 2019 at 06:51hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Facing national challenges: None but ourselves
In mid-March Zimbabwe together with Malawi and Mozambique fell victim to the violent and destructive Cyclone Idai which killed hundreds of people and left thousands displaced in these three southern A...Published: 08 Apr 2019 at 15:31hrs | 10 | by Nobleman Runyanga
Facing national challenges: None but ourselves
In mid-March Zimbabwe together with Malawi and Mozambique fell victim to the violent and destructive Cyclone Idai which killed hundreds of people and left thousands displaced in these three southern A...Published: 08 Apr 2019 at 12:17hrs | 1 | by Nobleman Runyanga
Cyclone Idai hits Manicaland business
THE devastating Cyclone Idai has affected Manicaland's agro-based industry thereby reducing exports, while players in the small to medium enterprises sector were either forced to close shop or downsca...Published: 27 Mar 2019 at 23:48hrs | 2 | by Staff reporter
Stench leads to recovery of Cyclone Idai victims bodies
The rising stench of decomposing Cyclone Idai victims buried under debris at Ngangu in Chimanimani is now helping the recovery of bodies with residents saying sniffer dogs will quicken the pace of rec...Published: 27 Mar 2019 at 07:00hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Cyclone Idai brings Chamisa face to face with effects of sanctions
The Government of Zimbabwe, led by President Emmerson Mnangagwa is on record calling for the unconditional removal of the Western imposed illegal sanctions on the Southern African State, arguing that ...Published: 21 Mar 2019 at 10:16hrs | 1 | by Mapozho Saruchera
Why Zimbabwe is on the path to progress
Zimbabwe is on a journey of reform. Nobody ever said it wouldn't be a bumpy ride; but the most important thing is that the journey has begun, and we are heading in the right direction.The Tran...Published: 17 Mar 2019 at 08:45hrs | 1 | by Mthuli Ncube
Mnangagwa bullish on TelOne future prospects
The professionalism of TelOne's management, including their determined push to turnaround the State-owned enterprise (SOE), will likely be a drawcard for reputable technical partners or suitors, Presi...Published: 17 Mar 2019 at 08:30hrs | 13 | by Staff rpeorter
Govt regrets Battlefields disaster
The fourth cabinet sitting of 2019 has regretted the Battlefields mine disaster and decided to institute thorough investigations.24 bodies were retrieved from the mines, while 8 people were pu...Published: 19 Feb 2019 at 20:01hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Zimbabwe's foreign based player pool keeps increasing
AS Zimbabwe brace for the Under-23 Africa Cup of Nations football qualifiers when they take on Mozambique next month, the technical department will have a broad base to pick from following indications...Published: 04 Feb 2019 at 07:55hrs | 2 | by Staff reporter
Mega deals remain elusive for Zimbabwe
Locally, thousands have called him a hero for toppling the only leader Zimbabwe has known for almost four decades.Abroad, investors are, for the first time in decades, considering Zimbabwe as ...Published: 08 Dec 2018 at 14:50hrs | | by Staff reporter
Mthuli Ncube's budget: The good, bad and ugly
In September, while meeting fund managers in New York, Finance minister Mthuli Ncube said what the economy needed was a "big bang", a shock to the system. A week later, he brought that big bang; on th...Published: 26 Nov 2018 at 06:08hrs | 4 | by NewZWire
Zinara officials use personal bank accounts for business
The Zimbabwe National Road Administration (Zinara) and National Oil Infrastructure Company of Zimbabwe (NOIC) were using personal bank accounts for employees outside Harare to administer cash transact...Published: 09 Nov 2018 at 05:00hrs | | by Staff reporter
Zimbabwe still awaits mega deals
LOCALLY, thousands have called him a hero for toppling the only leader Zimbabwe has known for almost four decades.Abroad, investors are, for the first time in decades, considering Zimbabwe as ...Published: 30 Sep 2018 at 20:38hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Over $29m mobilised for Zimbabwe cholera
Government has so far mobilised $29 million out of $64,1 million required to fight cholera, amid indications that the outbreak has been contained with the number of patients visiting health institutio...Published: 20 Sep 2018 at 06:29hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
UBM shuts down after 50 years
United Builders Merchants (UBM) has shut down after operating in Zimbabwe for the past 50 years.According to employees who spoke to the Daily News on condition of anonymity, UBM management ann...Published: 15 Aug 2018 at 07:35hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Esau Mupfumi's house attached
Mutare businessman and transporter Mr Esau Mupfumi is set to lose one of his properties to Allied Timbers over an outstanding debt for building material that he bought from the company in 2013. ...Published: 06 Aug 2018 at 07:11hrs | | by Staff reporter
Aspiring legislator pledges to resuscitate Chipinge Central dairy
The Joice Mujuru-led People's Rainbow Coalition candidate for Chipinge Central, Shingi Mathabuka, has pledged to resuscitate small-scale dairy farming and coffee production in the constituency in orde...Published: 04 Jul 2018 at 08:16hrs | | by Staff reporter
Who is who on the Zimbabwe campaign trail?
A TOTAL of 23 candidates successfully filed their nomination papers last week enabling them to run in the presidential elections to be held on July 30, although it is self-evident the real race will b...Published: 22 Jun 2018 at 15:06hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
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