Search / Umuthi
Bulawayo teen in ritual wealth scam
A bizarre and unsettling incident has unfolded in Lobengula West, Bulawayo, where a 16-year-old Form Four student allegedly stole R1 000 and US$230 from his parents to pay a self-proclaimed "godfather...Published: 04 Oct 2024 at 17:19hrs | 1531 | by Staff reporter
Bulawayo teen in ritual wealth scam
A bizarre and unsettling incident has unfolded in Lobengula West, Bulawayo, where a 16-year-old Form Four student allegedly stole R1 000 and US$230 from his parents to pay a self-proclaimed "godfather...Published: 04 Oct 2024 at 17:14hrs | 955 | by Staff reporter
Mystery US$ cause trouble for businessman
When a businessman from Montrose suburb in Bulawayo stumbled on a bottle containing partially burnt US$200 he did not imagine it was umuthi to destroy his business and marriage.After a couple ...Published: 27 May 2022 at 06:53hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Old sex workers lament stiff competition on streets
LIKE any other business, old sex workers in Bulawayo are also facing a similar situation of business competition as they are being pushed out of the "nocturnal" trade due to strong competition from yo...Published: 27 May 2022 at 06:52hrs | 2 | by Staff reporter
Harare man arrested for stealing over $50K in Bulawayo
A SUSPECTED serial house breaker who claimed he had a magical calabash that directed him to homes where there was cash has been arrested for stealing more than US$50 000 from nine houses in the leafy ...Published: 08 Dec 2018 at 08:14hrs | 1 | by Staff Reporter
Xhaka obeseba imali ngomuthi
BASELE benkemile abathengisa emsikeni elokitshini leMganwini koBulawayo kulandela ukubanjwa kwenye indoda akade bethengisa layo ebibatshontshela imali zabo isebenzisa umuthi.UMnumzana John Moyo uvezwe...Published: 27 Oct 2018 at 18:22hrs | 1 | by umlobi woMthunywa
Sangoma now an MP
MANY people believe traditional healers commonly referred to as izinyanga or osiwalu posses some super-natural powers to control our daily lives and even predict the future.In fact, many peopl...Published: 12 Aug 2018 at 09:52hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Usehluphile ngokujola labo malukazana
KULENDODA yeHighlands eZvishavane ekhala ngoyise owehluleka ukuzithiba imizwa yakhe nanko phela kubikwa uhlala emthathela abafazi.Kuzwakale ukuthi uMnumzana Petros Musekiwa usethwalise umntana...Published: 10 Apr 2018 at 17:03hrs | 1 | by uMthunywa
Man defecates and steals from four houses
A 23-YEAR-OLD Bulawayo man who relieved himself in four houses that he broke into in a 12-day housebreaking spree and stole a vehicle and property worth more than $5 000, was yesterday sentenced to ni...Published: 12 Aug 2017 at 11:07hrs | 3 | by Staff reporter
Umuthi under dead man's armpit
WHEN Tshidiso Mohale's ghost kept haunting them in their dreams, they had no choice but to open his grave.And what they found in the coffin confirmed their worst nightmares.According t...Published: 11 Aug 2017 at 08:11hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Deadly umuthi wipes out family
A FALLEN businesswoman is living in fear after umuthi she got from Chipinge to lure customers allegedly backfired leading to the mysterious deaths of her seven children and husband.As if that ...Published: 04 Aug 2017 at 09:55hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
This and that with Mal'phosa - It's all fake
Hey, happy new year everyone. I wish you an awesome year; wealthy and healthy, I mean, really wealthy, not fake wealthy. How did you manage gifts for your loved ones under these trying economic times,...Published: 04 Jan 2017 at 12:03hrs | | by Clerk Ndlovu
Girl confesses to feasting on human flesh with goblins
IN a terrifying case of suspected witchcraft which has once again put African science on the spotlight on whether it is real or not, a 13-year-old girl from Inyathi in Matabeleland North's Bubi Distri...Published: 26 Jun 2016 at 19:04hrs | 1 | by Tatenda Gapare
1ns and 2s with DJ-Sticha - Effective music marketing and brand building.
Today, lets break down music and brand marketing.Marketing your music is the first step in brand building,give people a reason to buy your music let alone listen to you.Just like a fruit vendo...Published: 04 Dec 2015 at 14:11hrs | 1 | by DJ Sticha
Mugabe's anti-Kalanga outbursts wont affect his party's election performance in Mat'land
President Robert Mugabe's recent controversial anti-Kalanga comments have not caused any sleepless nights for government spin doctors.After Mugabe's widely publicised comments,apologists in Harar...Published: 08 May 2015 at 09:01hrs | 1 | by Thabo Kunene
Villagers flee as supernatural snake turns into giant anaconda
Scores of people fled in fear at a Gokwe village when a snake that had been placed in a scotchcart for burning a Tsikamutanda (witch hunter) mysteriously grew big and filled the scotch cart....Published: 22 Apr 2015 at 21:44hrs | 1 | by Staff Reporter
Deadly pesticide vendors take Bulawayo by storm
BULAWAYO City Council has admitted that it has no operational problems with scores of vendors who have flooded central business districts streets selling toxic substances in public as they have been g...Published: 20 Apr 2015 at 13:41hrs | 2 | by Thobekile Zhou
I believe in witchcraft
"SIR," I shouted at the sports master, "you obviously don't know me well I may be only 10 but in everything I do, I am as good as Samson of True Africa magazine. I am as brave as a lion, strong as an ...Published: 23 Feb 2015 at 12:23hrs | 2 | by Mzana Mthimkhulu
Injobo ithungelwa ebandla! Zelaph' insizwa nyanga yeNkosi
Kwakuthi nxa iNkosi seyikhiphe ilizwi lokuthi abafana asebekhula khulile sebengabuthwa, zonke iNduna zazibaqoqa babe liviyo bese ihamba labo iyebethula eNkosini. Bazothi befika esigodlweni abafana bak...Published: 06 Jan 2015 at 13:26hrs | 13 | by Nteletsha we Kezi
Indlela amadlozi abonakala ngayo - Imikhokha lezigameko ezithile ezinganhle
Idlozi liyakwazi ukuziveza emuntwini ngezigameko ezithile ezingajwayelekanga. Kwesinye isikhathi kuvele kufike umuntu axoxe lawe indaba ezinkulu lezi ezikwethusayo ngoba ungazizwisisi. Kum...Published: 14 Apr 2013 at 07:39hrs | 6 | by Velempini Ndlovu
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