Search / Grovelling
Visit by my nemesis ED and Chiwenga will be story of my life!" boasted Chamisa. But why nemesis!
This visit by my nemesis ED and General Chiwenga and the dynamics around it will feature prominently in the story of my life." Posted Chamisa on X accompanied by a video of motorcade of the two arrivi...Published: 11 Jan 2025 at 10:06hrs | 1555 | by Wilbert Mukori
Why is Welshman Ncube being ethnically targeted and bullied?
I repeat and for good reasons, no matter what it takes, Shona ethnic majoritarianism, Gukurahundism and imperialism has to be fought in the following spheres: culture and language , education, healthc...Published: 16 Dec 2023 at 08:48hrs | 2 | by Bekithemba Sibhalwa Jnr
CCC MPs under pressure to withdraw from Zimbabwe Parliament
CITIZENS Coalition for Change (CCC) Members of Parliament (MP) are at a crossroads as pressure mounts on them to withdraw from the National Assembly following weekend's controversial by-elections....Published: 12 Dec 2023 at 06:08hrs | 15 | by Staff reporter
Civil servants grovelling for housing stands isn't economic development but shameful retrogression
It was one of the most painful and heartrending sights! There are very few incidents that are so harrowing and sink the heart, as watching grown-ups - grovelling for things which, in a normal ...Published: 05 Jan 2023 at 13:22hrs | 2 | by Tendai Ruben Mbofana
Our leaders are not just corrupt, they're godfathers of corruption. 'But who will guard the guards themselves!'
The announcement that government will be installing 5 KVA solar powered kits at the homes of over 100 top government official including service chiefs "to cushion them and their families from ZESA loa...Published: 13 Dec 2022 at 09:34hrs | | by Wilbert Mukori
'Rascal Moyo is broke and is licking rogues who tried to kill him' - They're luring him back for a wallop!
Ever since the day Professor Jonathan Moyo and Patrick Zhuwao penned off their letter accusing Mnangagwa and company for the 15 November 2017 military coup; many Zimbabweans have had a good laugh at t...Published: 24 Nov 2022 at 21:52hrs | 1 | by Nomusa Garikai
The politics of mourning Queen Elizabeth II
QUEEN Elizabeth II's death has touched different people differently considering Britain's colonial legacy of plunder and the monarch's indifference to those atrocities.However, in Zimbabwe the...Published: 17 Sep 2022 at 06:43hrs | | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
Desperation and despair turn Mnangagwa and comrades into a pathetic sorrowful sight!
In my book, there is nothing that robs a man of all his dignity and confidence as desperation and despair. There is no sadder and more dismal sight than a man who is fully aware of the hopeles...Published: 25 Aug 2022 at 20:02hrs | 2 | by Tendai Ruben Mbofana
Women should be careful not to be emaciated from being subjects of men, but turned into objects of men
As the world commemorates International Women's Day, it is always an important time for humanity to evaluate, and take stock, of just how far the struggle for women's rights, equality, parity, and the...Published: 08 Mar 2021 at 17:40hrs | 2 | by Tendai Ruben Mbofana
Women should be careful not to be emancipated from being subjects of men, but turned into objects of men
As the world commemorates International Women's Day, it is always an important time for humanity to evaluate, and take stock, of just how far the struggle for women's rights, equality, parity, and the...Published: 08 Mar 2021 at 14:44hrs | | by Tendai Ruben Mbofana
Ritual and superstition - Zimbabwe Vigil Diary
The sight of an opposition MP grovelling on the floor of parliament before the Finance Minister to thank him for women's sanitary pads is about as stupefying as South Africa's Chief Justice Mogeong Mo...Published: 13 Dec 2020 at 22:54hrs | 2 | by Zimbabwe Vigil Diary
'Yet to see what was stolen' Kasukuwere denying being corrupt - seen his bullet-proof mansion, etc.
President Emmerson Mnangagwa is reportedly seeking to have Zanu PF G40 faction leaders like Saviour Kasukuwere, now living in self-imposed exile brought back to Zimbabwe to face justice. The G40 leade...Published: 28 Sep 2020 at 12:17hrs | 1 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
False prophets are worsening the Zimbabwe situation
May the 'dollar now' Prophets, politicians and the so called analysts stop prophesying, theorising and hypothesising about our situation. All that we need is a commoner's life where we have af...Published: 08 Jul 2019 at 08:29hrs | 2 | by Thomas Murisa
'Cannot use tractor to pull Chamisa to dialogue' - bribe him again but can never bribe economy
"I cannot get a bulldozer or a tractor to pull him out of his house for talks. I have made a call to all political parties in Zimbabwe that let us come together. Is he not a leader of a political part...Published: 16 Jun 2019 at 19:02hrs | | by Nomusa Garikai
Zimbabwe Communist Party May day Statement 2019
Revolutionary Greetings to all Zimbabwean working people from the National Steering Committee of the ZCP. As Proletarian Internationalists we extend our revolutionary greetings to workers, communists ...Published: 30 Apr 2019 at 14:07hrs | 2 | by ZCP
Revolution is the great teacher
Those living in luxury from the exploitation and suffering of others have traditionally always been opposed to emancipation struggles; they continue to be opposed to such struggles by the people today...Published: 22 Apr 2019 at 08:33hrs | 7 | by Reason Wafawarova
Mnangagwa has failed to revive economy and Gono to take over in 2020 - he too will fail, guaranteed
Zanu-PF hardliners are in panic mode and for good reasons, the economic meltdown is in overdrive! The country's de fact local currency the Real Time Gross Settlement Dollar (RTGS$) has been losing mor...Published: 17 Apr 2019 at 09:04hrs | 14 | by Wilbert Mukori
MDC A lost by-election because it 'failed to rekindle 1999 ideology' - as alien to MDC as a wing is to a pig
The MDC Alliance's sheer incompetence is breath-taking; they cannot even admit that the rigged Cowdray Park Council by-elections were rigged!"As flawed as our electoral system is this loss can...Published: 01 Apr 2019 at 15:02hrs | | by Patrick Guramatunhu
New GNU will give Mnangagwa legitimacy - still appeasing after 38 years, madness
Zimbabwe is in this economic and political mess because we have again and again failed to define our problem(s) and, as one would expect, have failed to come up with working solution(s). With no worki...Published: 11 Feb 2019 at 09:07hrs | | by Wilbert Mukori
'Who will guard the guards themselves?' - without the rule of law, no one; hence our mess
All who blame the barbarism of the Police and Army of the last two weeks on the stay-away organisers, the street protesters and/or looters have missed the point completely. The point being that Zimbab...Published: 02 Feb 2019 at 07:57hrs | 1 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
Chamisa's limited options
THE results of the elections and the outcome of the Constitutional Court did not go in favour of the youthful MDC leader Nelson Chamisa and his party, but there remain numerous avenues and options for...Published: 05 Jan 2019 at 11:12hrs | | by Dumisani Nkomo
Chamisa, MDC Alliance's options
THE results of the elections and the outcome of the Constitutional Court did not go in favour of the youthful MDC Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa and his party, but there remains numerous avenues and o...Published: 13 Sep 2018 at 06:36hrs | 1 | by Dumisani Nkomo
Jonathan Moyo roasts Grace Mugabe
Former Higher and Tertiary Education Jonathan Moyo minister has turned against his one-time ally and former first lady, Grace Mugabe.Yesterday, Moyo turned his guns on Grace, accusing her of l...Published: 11 Sep 2018 at 13:31hrs | | by Staff reporter
Distressed firms splash costly Mnangagwa adverts
Distressed companies, some of which are on the verge of collapse, have dug deep into their nearly empty pockets to join the bandwagon and congratulate President Emmerson Mnangagwa who was sworn in as ...Published: 29 Aug 2018 at 14:58hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
'I pledge to be peaceful!' twittered Minister Moyo - how naïve, cannot have peace without justice
Yesterday there was a report of Home Affairs Minister, Obert Mpofu saying "Zimbabweans should be guided by the culture of Ubuntu which is embedded on love, peace and harmony saying elections are not w...Published: 17 Aug 2018 at 14:09hrs | 2 | by Nomusa Garikai
An inherited crisis of imagination: A Long Essay concerning the understanding of Zimbabwe - Pt2
Continuing from here...Truth be said, this is a great opportunity for Mnangagwa. And truth be repeated, the...Published: 27 Jul 2018 at 19:03hrs | | by Tshepo Mabalane Mabalane
Chamisa's legitimacy woes mount
MDC-T president Dr Thokozani Khupe compounded Mr Nelson Chamisa's legitimacy woes when she held a successful congress in Bulawayo last Saturday, which elected her leader of the opposition outfit, a se...Published: 25 Apr 2018 at 07:09hrs | | by Staff reporter
Mnangagwa can't touch Grace Mugabe
Grace Mugabe visited Gwina Farm - one of her numerous farms - in Banket in late February and said something telling. She boldly told her farm workers who were demanding their terminal benefits that sh...Published: 01 Apr 2018 at 15:03hrs | 1 | by Tawanda Majoni
Grovelling for sanctions then canvassing for votes from suffering masses
Grovelling for sanctions from the USA then coming canvassing for votes from the suffering masses, what rank madness? ...Published: 31 Mar 2018 at 22:18hrs | 1 | by Tondorindo Murisa
Robert Mugabe: From Hero to Zero
The older generation will recall that in the early part of his leadership of Zimbabwe, former president Robert Mugabe routinely held press conferences in the Airport VIP lounge both when leaving...Published: 28 Mar 2018 at 16:19hrs | | by Desmond Kumbuka
Mnangagwa 'doesn't have a team fit for purpose yet'
When President Emmerson Mnangagwa came into office after his former boss, Robert Mugabe, had been forced to resign following a military intervention, he could have done anything that he wanted to do a...Published: 20 Mar 2018 at 10:27hrs | 2 | by Hopewell Chin'ono
Why Mnangagwa dispensation keeps old problems
WHEN President Emmerson Mnangagwa came into office after his former boss Robert Mugabe had been forced to resign following a military intervention, he could have done anything that he wanted and still...Published: 19 Mar 2018 at 14:55hrs | 3 | by Hopewell Chin'ono
Mugabe will pay for his reluctance to deal with this
resolve by Norton MP Temba Mliswa to dare Energy minister Samuel Undenge over the $5 million controversially advanced to one Wicknell Chivayo, whose company, Intratek Zimbabwe, was awarded the multi-m...Published: 13 Nov 2017 at 07:29hrs | | by Staff reporter
Gorden Moyo apologetic statement to Shona supremacists embarrassing
Gorden Moyo grovelling at the feet of Shona supremacists is very embarrassing. Is this the same man who was once a red hot activist in Matabeleland pressure groups and political organizations like Imb...Published: 11 Oct 2017 at 11:36hrs | 1 | by Israel Dube
Violent demo rocks Harare
BUSINESS came to a standstill in Harare's central business district (CBD) yesterday as hundreds of protesters demonstrating under the #Tajamuka banner clashed with illegal money changers, vendors and ...Published: 30 Sep 2017 at 06:58hrs | | by Staff reporter
Mnangagwa joins Mugabe bootlickers club
The "Zanu-PF Bootlickers Club", signed up a new member on Monday - Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa.Perhaps, conscious of the ugly economic situation that awaited his boss upon his return fro...Published: 27 Sep 2017 at 16:06hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Mugabe turns to youths in re-election bid
He might be old and increasingly frail, slow and stuttering, but there is no doubt that in Zanu-PF, President Robert Mugabe is still the glue that holds, albeit loosely, the fragmented party together....Published: 11 Jun 2017 at 12:32hrs | 2 | by Staff reporter
'Mugabe is angel Gabriel'
ZANU-PF youth secretary Kudzanai Chipanga yesterday equated President Robert Mugabe to an angel while claiming the 93-year-old leader will be part of those vetting righteous people who will go to heav...Published: 03 Jun 2017 at 11:02hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Cain Mathema is a Mugabe stooge
While Cain Mathema was responding to an unfortunate statement by Mr Morgan Tsvangirai that he will provide protection for Mr Robert Mugabe for human rights violations the Zanu--PF in the early 1980s c...Published: 30 May 2017 at 07:53hrs | 1 | by Mbuso Fuzwayo
Tsvangirai has his forlorn hope of Zanu PF rigging the vote and losing election
Tsvangirai and his MDC friends are hopeless simplistic and naïve as Chief Chirau who thought that he, Chief Chirau and a band of black MPs whose very political existence was by the grace of Ian Smith...Published: 23 Mar 2017 at 01:33hrs | | by Nomusa Garikai
Magaya and the Mysterious Black Bag
My humble knowledge of the things of GOD The Almighty, Creator of all things, tells me that God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are indeed just that, Spirit and they dwell everywhere a...Published: 06 Mar 2017 at 12:13hrs | 33 | by Bonzo reSVOSVE
Mphoko accusing Tsvangirai of Gukurahundi massacre - accusing skunk when one can see rotting fish
There are lies that are believable because there have some sprinkling of truth in them. Then there are damn lies where everything is so far-fetched no one can possible believe them. VP Phelekezela Mph...Published: 05 Feb 2017 at 18:30hrs | | by Wilbert Mukori
DARE lambasts traditional chiefs at Zanu PF conference
Once again we are dismayed by the presence of traditional chiefs in chiefs regalia at the ongoing $4 million Zanu Pf annual meeting.It is indeed failing to respect their non partisan role in a democra...Published: 18 Dec 2016 at 07:46hrs | 1 | by Clemence T Nhliziyo
Forcing electing VPs is a loaded gun in Mugabe's hands
.........could backfire and finish him and G40Zanu-PF is a mad-house and you can tell the party's congress is round the corner because the tempo of the drum to which they all dance to goes int...Published: 25 Nov 2016 at 05:45hrs | | by Wilbert Mukori
Botswana has witnessed unprecedented killings and purges of Khama's opponents
There are two things that loom large when people discuss Botswana's president Ian Khama in Zimbabwe: his maverick (if queer is not the word) nature and a particular knack for taking potshots at Presid...Published: 24 Sep 2016 at 17:23hrs | 1 | by Tichaona Zindoga
'Grace Mugabe sent by God to end all Zimbabwe suffering'
Zanu PF legislator for Harare South, Shadreck Mashayamombe has describing First Lady Grace Mugabe as an angel sent by God to help long-suffering Zimbabweans realise their full potential.Speaki...Published: 22 May 2016 at 11:08hrs | 2 | by Staff Reporter
Coltart: (Hi)story and our story as Africans
As I sit down to write this piece, it is February 18, 1978, and David Coltart has just taken off for South Africa, to start his university studies at UCT, the University of Cape Town. He leaves behind...Published: 07 May 2016 at 20:11hrs | 1 | by Nathaniel Manheru
Zimbabwe and the death of ethical leadership
When President Mugabe stood in front of fellow citizens at the national heroes' acre last week, offering an apology as to the absence of the first lady from the burial of two national heroines. He tol...Published: 23 Apr 2016 at 20:38hrs | 1 | by Lloyd Msipa
Apologist condemn Teachers' strike because gvt 'over burdened by wage bill' - no it is overwhelmed by corruption
One of the prices Zimbabweans have paid for having no free media and no freedom of expression is that the nation has been bombarded by Zanu PF apologists and propagandist in the country's party contro...Published: 13 Jan 2016 at 14:31hrs | 2 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
Last year Oppah helped Grace 'baby dump' Mujuru she got a tearful reward!
President Mugabe is not the only one who is being bullied around by his wife Grace, she has all the bigwigs in Zanu PF on the cosh! Look at the large of senior party leaders have been attending her me...Published: 01 Dec 2015 at 20:49hrs | 2 | by Wilbert Mukori
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