Search / Scotch-cart
Man dies in a crocodile infested river
The love of donkeys took away the life of 22-year-old Mbire man last week.Zivaishe Masarirofa slipped into the crocodile infested, floo...Published: 10 Feb 2024 at 06:54hrs | | by Simbarashe Sithole
Scotch-cart injury, Bindura man in a critical condition
A Bindura man is battling for his life at Bindura Hospital after a Toyota Allion rammed into an ox-drawn scotch cart he was driving.Two cows died at the spot while the driver of the Toyota Allion disa...Published: 04 Dec 2023 at 17:08hrs | 12 | by Staff reporter
Bulawayo runs out of refuse disposal space
BULAWAYO residents could be faced with a possible health hazard after it emerged that the city's only landfill site in Richmond suburb has run out of refuse disposal space.This comes at a time...Published: 12 Mar 2023 at 07:39hrs | 1 | by Staff Reporter
Man (63) plus donkeys yoked to cart swept away
A 63-year-old-man drowned in Mabonyane River near Maphisa Growth Point, Matobo District in Matabeleland South province while attempting to cross the river which was flooded.He was in the compa...Published: 19 Feb 2023 at 17:33hrs | 11 | by Staff reporter
Broad daylight smuggling
GOVERNMENT continues to lose millions of dollars in potential revenue as unrelenting smugglers and border jumpers continue to defy Covid-19 lockdown regulations by escalating their illegal activities ...Published: 11 Aug 2021 at 06:31hrs | 2 | by Staff reporter
Illegal miners deface school in gold rush
A week before schools open, after a long Covid-19 induced sabbatical, pupils at Gwangwava Secondary School in Rushinga are returning to a school ravaged by illegal miners who left a trail of destructi...Published: 08 Mar 2021 at 05:27hrs | 11 | by Staff reporter
Mystery of the Mberengwa 'ambula-cart'
AS Zimbabweans wallowed over the weekend in the boredom induced by the second coronavirus lockdown, an unusual but interesting picture went viral on social media.The image featured an ordinary...Published: 13 Jan 2021 at 07:57hrs | 18 | by Geoffrey Nyarota
Long serving Jeka nurse dies
There are allegations that Mai Sigogo, one of the longest-serving nurse at Jeka Hospital has died.A message on Facebook said, "Today Mberengwa lost gamba redunhu. This photo was taken in ...Published: 09 Jan 2021 at 15:30hrs | 11 | by Staff reporter
Man killed in late night bicycle and scotch-cart collision
A cyclist was killed in a collision with a scotch-cart in Filabusi, Matabeleland South, police said.The incident happened at around 9PM on January 2 between Sibasa and Silalatshani, Matabelela...Published: 06 Jan 2021 at 10:13hrs | 14 | by Staff reporter
Chiwenga in Cyclone-hit Manicaland
Vice President Retired General Constantino Chiwenga arrived in Manicaland this morning headed for the cyclone-hit areas as government upscales its response to the tragedy.Speaking to reporters...Published: 19 Mar 2019 at 11:44hrs | | by Staff reporter
Chamisa calls for international help
Movement for Democratic Change leader Nelson Chamisa on Monday saw first hand the devastation caused by Cyclone Idai in Chimanimani, Manicaland Province, and vowed to rally international help for thou...Published: 19 Mar 2019 at 09:45hrs | 8 | by ZimLive
Soldiers block Chamisa from visiting cyclone hit areas
OPPOSITION leader Nelson Chamisa caused a fresh stir Monday, this time in cyclone hit Manicaland after an attempt to visit Chimanimani and Chipinge districts the epicenter of the tragedy.Cyclo...Published: 19 Mar 2019 at 06:50hrs | | by newzimbabwe
Loose lips can really sink ships
As Jesus liked his teachings in parables, the Bishop will continue to use intelligible riddles and anecdotes to help you understand the workings of the world, at least as how I understand them....Published: 17 Mar 2019 at 08:31hrs | | by Bishop Lazi
Tenager dies in scotch-cart accident
A WEDZA teenager died on the spot on Tuesday after a speeding ox-drawn scotch-cart overturned and hit him on the neck.Frank Muzvondiwa (17) of Sheffield Farm died on the spot while his colleag...Published: 16 Nov 2018 at 05:50hrs | | by Staff reporter
Villagers celebrate wife snatcher's death
A MAN from Lukala village in Inyathi died after his manhood was crashed by a hammer which he had earlier used to knock down a man whose wife he was allegedly caught in bed with.The incident that h...Published: 28 Oct 2018 at 08:06hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Who cursed our Economy?
Dear Zimbabweans, REF: I have a dilemma and need your help.THEY came with their donkeys and mixed them with my cows and told me that the donkeys...Published: 05 Oct 2018 at 08:52hrs | 1 | by Melfort Sibanda
Chamisa: Cross of Savimbi, Odinga
No one and virtually no one votes for a person who has no respect for women. Someone who thinks women should be restricted to domestic chores. No. Nelson No! Life is not like that. Zimbabwe needs peac...Published: 03 Aug 2018 at 07:09hrs | 14 | by Isdore Guvamombe
Grade two pupil hangs self on scotch cart
A nine-year-old boy from Pelele Village in Gwanda District, Matabeleland South died in a suspected suicide after he hanged himself with a belt on a scotch-cart support bar in what has left the communi...Published: 12 Nov 2017 at 07:32hrs | | by Staff Reporter
Rot at Zimbabwe public hospitals exposed
The Auditor-General has unravelled shocking levels of official corruption at government hospitals where public funds are not being properly accounted for at a time when patients are failing to access ...Published: 28 Jun 2017 at 14:11hrs | | by Staff reporter
Donkey-drawn carts ply St Peters route
RESIDENTS of Bulawayo's St Peters suburb have accused the local authority of neglecting most roads to the area, forcing them to rely on donkey-drawn scotch-carts as public transport operators were now...Published: 26 Apr 2017 at 07:13hrs | | by Staff reporter
Parirenyatwa demands backs its fuel from Zanu-PF
David Parirenyatwa's Health ministry is demanding back fuel it gave to Zanu-PF for use during President Robert Mugabe's 93rd birthday celebrations in Matobo last month.In a February 27 let...Published: 28 Mar 2017 at 13:39hrs | 2 | by Staff reporter
Boy falls off an over speeding scotch-cart, dies on the spot
A grade four boy from Velvekia farm in Guruve fell off a scotch-cart and died on the spot yesterday (Tuesday).According to eye witnesses it is alleged the incident happened around 6pm....Published: 23 Nov 2016 at 13:01hrs | 1 | by Simbarashe Sithole
Belief in witchcraft sees man who killed 'goblin' woman acquitted
A MAN from Nkayi who brutally axed a mentally ill woman he suspected to be a goblin, has been acquitted.Bulawayo High Court judge, Justice Francis Bere, who is on circuit in Hwange, acquit...Published: 12 Nov 2016 at 18:55hrs | | by Staff reporter
Brothers behead father in cattle sale dispute
TWO brothers in Chiredzi allegedly chopped off their father's head with an axe in a dispute over his proposal to sell an ox to buy donkeys for draught power. Isaac Mugwambami (17) and Ketani (26) of M...Published: 24 Jun 2016 at 05:44hrs | | by Walter Mswazie
Nyanga farmers in lucrative onion market
OVER 260 smallholder farmers at Nyarumvurwe Irrigation Scheme in Nyanga have found a lucrative market for their produce, having supplied 725 tonnes of onions to supermarkets and vendors in Harare betw...Published: 26 Mar 2016 at 07:46hrs | | by Staff Reporter
Wife killer gets life in prison
BULAWAYO High Court judge Justice Nokuthula Moyo has described a Gokwe wife killer as a heartless and evil man who deserved to be removed from society forever, as she sentenced him to life imprisonmen...Published: 14 Nov 2015 at 07:21hrs | 1 | by Mashudu Netsianda
Insanity saves murder suspects
BULAWAYO High Court Judge Justice Martin Makonese yesterday acquitted two men who were facing separate murder charges after finding them not guilty by reason of insanity.A 20-year-old Zhombe m...Published: 24 May 2015 at 09:56hrs | | by Munyaradzi Musiiwa
My Roots, my identity! - Pt1
I had just become one girl and two children old (16 years old) when we heard about the presence of pale people in our lands. My name is Lomamqhaka a Khoi name that means nearer to the "Goddess of ...Published: 10 May 2015 at 12:44hrs | | by Nomazulu Thata
Donkey cart accidents, 2 dead
Two people were killed while two others escaped unhurt in separate scotch-cart accidents that occurred in Bulilima in Matabeleland South and Mwenezi in Masvingo, police have said. A 10-year-ol...Published: 19 Mar 2015 at 07:54hrs | | by Sukulwenkosi Dube and Walter Mswazie
'Tsvangirai not involved in any scam'
The Zanu-PF attempts to drag President Tsvangirai's name into the controversial RBZ Debt Assumption Bill will not wash simply because he is not involved in any scam at all. The all...Published: 18 Feb 2015 at 10:36hrs | | by Luke Tamborinyoka
Hell beckons for Mujuru allies
IT was Aristotle the ancient Greek philosopher who said, "politicians have no leisure because they are always aiming at something beyond political life itself, power and glory, or happiness".T...Published: 16 Dec 2014 at 11:54hrs | 2 | by Herbert Moyo
Undressed sleepwalker assaulted
An unclothed sleepwalker was thoroughly bashed when he took to the streets in the dead of the night. Marshal Makuyu (25) of Chikwamba Village in Gokwe learnt to sleep with clothes on, after he was lab...Published: 02 Sep 2014 at 08:25hrs | | by Staff reporter
Biti playing dangerous regional politics to remain relevant
Tendai Biti is now playing a dangerous divisive game in his desperate effort to make MDC-Renewal relevant. "Our people have become fourth class citizens in the country of their birth because t...Published: 05 Aug 2014 at 19:02hrs | | by Wilbert Mukori
Scotch-cart accident leaves one dead
A NINE-YEAR-OLD boy from Mwenezi in the Chief Maranda area died on Monday when a donkey-drawn scotch-cart he was travelling in hit a tree stump and overturned near Rutenga Business Centre, police con...Published: 24 Apr 2014 at 06:00hrs | | by Walter Mswazie
Sulu composes for Makandiwa
Renowned Dendera artiste, Suluman Chimbetu, has composed a jingle for Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa's forthcoming "Judgement Night 2" pencilled for the National Sports Stadium on April 19.The jin...Published: 03 Apr 2014 at 11:42hrs | | by Arts reporter
Declaring assets is not like declaring HIV/AIDS, says Chinotimba
Controversial Zanu PF Buhera member of the national assembly Joseph Chinotimba says minister and members of parliament should be able to declare their assets as the exercise is not like declaring...Published: 07 Mar 2014 at 14:53hrs | | by Staff Reporter
Maize thief fatally assaulted
A 35-year-old man from Nyanga was at the weekend fatally assaulted after he was caught stealing maize cobs and butternuts in a garden in Mutoko.Acting Mashonaland East Provincial police spokes...Published: 19 Nov 2013 at 01:55hrs | | by Staff reporter
Man kills one, injures three with a hoe
A Hurungwe man ran amok last Friday, axing one man to death and striking and seriously injuring three others with a hoe before walking through the village carrying one of the victims who was critical...Published: 07 Oct 2013 at 03:44hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Counting Lobengula's looted head
Just under two days ago I held a fascinating discussion with Baffour Ankomah, the British-based, Ghanaian-born Editor of the world-read New African magazine. Well known for his obdurately pro-Mugabe ...Published: 08 Sep 2013 at 08:14hrs | 16 | by Nathaniel Manheru
Stationary scotchcart accident claims one
A six-year-old girl in Chivi died last week after she was crushed by a scotchcart she was playing in. Masvingo police spokesperson Inspector Peter Zhanero confirmed the death of Chiedza Gono o...Published: 30 Jun 2013 at 07:27hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Bloody row erupts over beans soup, Headman flogged and injured in brawl
NKAYI is developing a reputation of having feuds that erupt from bizarre issues. Just last year, a man from Sikhobokhobo area beat his wife badly for failing to give him chicken-back as part of h...Published: 04 Mar 2013 at 13:29hrs | | by Staff Reporter
Soldiers arrested for killing a donkey thief
THREE soldiers and a police officer have been charged with murder after a suspected stock thief was beaten to death.Mpokiseng Moyo, 36, of Siboza Village in Beitbridge, met his fate after try...Published: 14 Aug 2012 at 11:07hrs | | by Staff reporter
Blame it all on the Gushungo totem
THE single resolution I made this year is to reclaim my individual liberty, because if one is not free, he or she cannot participate in the liberation of others. But why do I feel enslaved even after ...Published: 11 Apr 2012 at 08:01hrs | 4 | by Rejoice Ngwenya
Mugabe No Longer Has Friends, His Intellectuals Are Misfiring
A report yesterday in which Jonathan Moyo reportedly told the South African Minister of International Co-operation, Mai...Published: 07 Mar 2012 at 13:17hrs | | by Makusha Mugabe | A Zimbabwean Journalist
Chief Njelele worried about impostor claiming to be son
CHIEF Njelele has expressed concern on the growing reports of an unidentified man who is going around in Gokwe masquerading as his son while duping villagers using his name. An unknown man ide...Published: 04 Feb 2012 at 05:12hrs | | by staff reporter
Teenage brothers fatally assault, burn Boy (10) over $10
TWO Zhombe teenage brothers (16) and (17) from Makwezi Village under Chief Malisa allegedly fatally assaulted and burnt a 10-year-old friend over US$10. The duo has since appeared in court facing mur...Published: 13 Oct 2011 at 22:23hrs | | by Staff reporter
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