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Dialogue is critical in the coronavirus fight

03 Feb 2021 at 08:17hrs | Views
Despite promises of vaccines by the country's presidium, the nation remains worried by the coronavirus deaths and the number of new infections being recorded everyday. The situation in the country does not need election winners alone to make decisions but requires teamwork for the good of the majority. Political parties, civil society and churches should start looking for each other now for a collective solution. There is no room for cheap politicking, instead, politicians should start warming up to sincere political engagements for purposes of pushing the development agenda ahead of selfish interests. The Coronavirus needs those in and outside the box to combine efforts if we are to make visible progress in our fight. I read about the opposition overtures to lure the ED Mnangagwa administration to serious dialogue beyond the Political Actors Dialogue POLAD. Insistence on POLAD and unnecessary flexing of muscles by some self-proclaimed stakeholders is cheap politicking that should be dismissed with the contempt that it so deserves.

Time for the blame game is over, its now for collective action for us to produce goals. Reliance on the vaccines in transit is not good enough for us to relax and smell the cough.

The solution to our problems lies with us and any attempt by anyone to quash or ignore the clarion calls by the people for an all stakeholder engagement should be resisted.

Both the Head of state Mr Mnangagwa and his team have gone a long way in trying to build hope and boost confidence among the citizens especially on the vaccine promises. Their graveside and state of the nation addresses speak loudly of their efforts to save lives. The nation is divided on the vaccine although I will personally take the vaccines only if the trial runs are conducted among the executive first.

The Covid 19 pandemic is giving the death fearing flock some torrid time and sleepless nights with the majority of us relying on our caring and attentive God instead of relying on individuals who will die and decompose and never resurrect like our savior Jesus Christ. We believe in the living God through Jesus Christ not the vaccines.

The efforts being made and messages being issued by government officials including the Presidium are greatly appreciated. We are looking forward to life-saving vaccines not anything that will accelerate our time and speed to the graveyards

 So much myths and fears are choking the society hence the need to be dealt with through some educational outreach programs if we want to avert resistance. Some Prophets have warned of plans by some countries to depopulate the world through vaccines and if this is not clarified by the authorities the vaccines may be resisted and people will perish. We should not only dismiss the prophecy as nonsense or moot arrests and attacks on the various men of the cloth. There are some questions that need to be answered before dismissing prophecies like, Who is going to monitor the production, packaging and transportation of vaccines meant for Africans.?

Some questions need answers more than the academic and political reactions by some clueless people. We all want the vaccines but we need assurances that the vaccines will normalize the situation instead of sweeping all of us or reducing our numbers. We are also waiting for results of the research on the effectiveness of local remedies like steaming, zumbani etc since there have been noted contradictions in some sections of society including among health professionals.

I personally doubt government capacity to arrest the pandemic and if the delivery of vaccines prove to be safe from contamination. The majority of the people are raedy to embrace the efforts for purposes of saving lives.

Extending the lockdown is not the solution to the spread of the pandemic Mr President and colleagues. Open up Industry, informal sector and enforce preventive measures in the workplace as we battle the disease. Its not making sense to open city food outlets and medical facilities and mount roadblocks on all roads to avoid town visits. Another option is to open businesses up until midday and give give people ample time to get back home smoothly.

The government of Zimbabwe does not seem to have the capacity to take care of its poor or vulnerable groups during lockdowns and the last time they tried it they failed dismally, Total closure and deployment of hungry police officers and soldiers is not helping the situation because beer and food is being sold in open spaces and backyards in broad daylight. We all want to complement government efforts aimed at arresting the pandemic only if all is done in an inclusive and transparent manner. It does not work to open mining and manufacturing sectors and close commercial sectors accessed by the consumers.

Enforce sanitization, masking up; maintain the curfew and limit purposeless roaming and make COVID 19 testing and vaccination accessible by the poor. We are too poor to pay for testing at private centers. I would like to advise Zimbabwean authorities to desist from privatizing covid 19 vaccines; food or medicine meant to save the life of poor people since God will punish them severely.

Sincerity, commitment and the evasive political will remain critical in the search for home grown solutions required to foster development. The promised assistance from all-weather friends without internal consensus will only provide temporary relief to the desperate nation. Whatsapp +26377274851 Writing in my personal capacity

Source - Kurauone Chihwayi
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