Search / Kakistocracy
Give Chamisa a chance
Zimbabwe is currently suffering from aggravated kwashiorkor of leadership, both in the opposition and the ruling party.The political space without the charismatic Nelson Chamisa is seemingly l...Published: 23 Jul 2024 at 16:50hrs | 1121 | by Leonard Koni
Zimbabwe celebrates independence amid doom
WHEN visiting some towns, urban and rural areas across the country one is greeted by sullen and dropping faces with sorrow and hunger written all over their faces.In a few days to come Zimbabw...Published: 16 Apr 2024 at 18:03hrs | 4 | by Leonard Koni
44 years into independence a giant is still facing economic collapse
Visiting some towns, urban and rural areas across the country one is greeted by sullen and dropping faces with sorrow and hunger written all over their faces.In a few days to come Zimbabwe wil...Published: 13 Apr 2024 at 16:40hrs | | by Leonard Koni
Mnangagwa re-appoints Mohadi vice president
Two years after being forced to quit in ignominy following a sex scandal, Kembo Mohadi was on Friday re-appointed Zimbabwe's vice president as President Emmerson Mnangagwa's final five-year term got o...Published: 08 Sep 2023 at 18:59hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
A free and fair election will heal Zimbabwe
The Zanu PF's government crack on the opposition, abuse of human rights, and failure to embrace and tolerate divergent views makes it harder for the party to appeal both to regional and international ...Published: 18 Aug 2023 at 21:27hrs | 1 | by Leonard Koni
Characteristics of good presidential candidates for Zimbabwe's 2023 elections
EVERY five years, Zimbabweans go to the polls in general elections - including the presidential race - to elect their representatives at various levels of government.However, the most high-pro...Published: 26 Jun 2023 at 19:39hrs | 4 | by Staff reporter
Zimbabwe needs new blood
The volatile political and social situation in the country is a reflection of what was left by the former President Robert Mugabe and Emmerson Mnangagwa has managed to perfect the art of bad governanc...Published: 23 Jan 2023 at 16:31hrs | 1 | by Leonard Koni
Tsitsi Dangarembga considers leaving Zimbabwe
The state-led prosecution of Tsitsi Dangarembga, arguably the most globally revered author the country has produced, for joining a peaceful anti-government demonstration could signify yet another mile...Published: 30 Sep 2022 at 20:56hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
People must resist dictatorship
This economic, social-political collapse and crisis in Zimbabwe is a result of poor governance. It has now affected nearly three-quarters of the country pushing others to leave the country en masse to...Published: 09 May 2021 at 09:13hrs | 10 | by Leonard Koni
High inflation drives cost of living
USAID food security arm, FEWS NET, says the cost of living in rural and urban areas continues to increase mainly driven by high inflation. In FEWS NET's December 2020 report, the food security organis...Published: 03 Jan 2021 at 07:43hrs | 9 | by Staff reporter
Biti predicts a tough 2021 for Zimbabweans
A BLEAK 2021 awaits Zimbabweans, a year which will be characterised by price increases in bread, fuel, electricity, and other basic commodities, creating inflationary pressures in the country, former ...Published: 01 Jan 2021 at 07:26hrs | | by Staff reporter
Ngadziore freed on $5,000 bail
The High Court on Friday ordered the release on bail of Takudzwa Ngadziore, the president of the Zimbabwe National Students Union held since September 18 for allegedly participating in an illegal gath...Published: 16 Oct 2020 at 20:28hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Zimbabwe lacking visionary leaders
Allow me to unpack some of the few things which are derailing the country from progressing and if they are fixed, we can all enjoy the treasures in our country.The recent developments witnesse...Published: 07 Sep 2020 at 12:34hrs | 9 | by Leonard Koni
Tendai Biti speaks on ZESA blackout
MDC Vice President Tendai Biti says the Emmerson Mnangagwa led government will not be able to fix the current socio-economic challenges bedevilling the country. Zimbabwe is currently facing ca...Published: 05 Jul 2019 at 10:09hrs | 1 | by Mandla Ndlovu
Chamisa describes Mnangagwa's regime as a 'kakistocracy'
Nelson Chamisa, and a broad section of Zimbabweans yesterday blasted war veterans leader Victor Matemadanda over his motion ahead of the Zanu-PF annual national people's conference to have the ruling ...Published: 06 Dec 2018 at 15:49hrs | | by Staff reporter
'Forgive Chamisa he is undergoing emotional trauma' says MDC youth leader
The Secretary General of MDC Youth Assembly Discent Bajila has claimed that Nelson Chamisa is undergoing emotional trauma after his alleged abduction attempt by the dreaded Central Intelligence Organi...Published: 15 Nov 2018 at 16:48hrs | 2 | by Mandla Ndlovu
The Zimbabwe Kakistocracy
A Kakistocracy is a government by the worst persons; a form of government in which the worst persons are in power (Oxford Dictionary). This has been the case since 1980 when Zanu pf took over, a year ...Published: 04 Nov 2018 at 13:26hrs | | by AT Kadada
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