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This madness by ED's government is worrisome, must stop

by Fanuel Chinowaita
09 Aug 2018 at 15:48hrs | Views
Harare - The MDC Alliance Students Council is in a shock mode after realizing that the Zimbabwe`s  government led by President elect Emmerson Munangagwa is unleashing violence, abducting and arbitrary arrests to opposition members in a bid to stop them from expressing displeasure against the rigged elections.

This is in contrary to Mnangagwa's "new dispensation" claims. He promised free, fair and credible elections and to step down if he loses.

According to Chamisa's lawyer, Advocate Thabani Mpofu, "The MDC Alliance has won the election. The evidence is not only overwhelming, it is also embarrassing (against Zimbabwe Election Commission).

However, ED and ZEC decided to steal Zimbabweans' VOTE for their own benefit. This did not go well with Zimbabweans who marched In the Streets of Harare demanding  ZEC to stop fiction and be transparent.

It is also sad to note that the Mnangagwa led government denied people their  constitutional right to demonstrate. It then unconstitutionally unleashed soldiers to thwart peaceful demonstrations. At least 6 innocent people died while more than 50 injured thus according to official reports.

During the post election week, our  opposition officials which includes the National Youth Chairperson Happymore Chidziva, MDC Alliance Principal Tendai Biti, National Chairperson Morgan Komichi just to mention a few have been hunted and persecuted by the military intelligence.  We wonder why the military intelligence is arresting and torturing  up people.

As Students Council, we demand and urgently call on the Government of Zimbabwe to make sure that constitutionalism and human rights are respected.

Fanuel Chinowaita
National Spokesperson of MDC Alliance Students' Council

Source - Fanuel Chinowaita