Search / Measles
Bulawayo registers 200 diarrhoea cases, one death
The City of Bulawayo reported over 200 cases of diarrhoea and one related death as of December last year, according to the latest council disease surveillance report. The city has implemented intensif...Published: 11 Feb 2025 at 06:45hrs | 154 | by Staff reporter
Bulawayo diarrhoea cases surge 700%
The City of Bulawayo has experienced a concerning spike in diarrhoea cases, with approximately 555 reported as of August 2024. This marks a staggering 693% increase from the 370 cases recorded in July...Published: 11 Oct 2024 at 17:58hrs | 331 | by Staff reporter
Bulawayo on high alert over disease outbreaks
In July 2024, Bulawayo reported around 400 cases of diarrhoea, an increase from 318 cases the previous month, as noted in the latest Bulawayo City Council minutes. Health services director Edwin Siban...Published: 06 Sep 2024 at 07:18hrs | 93 | by Staff reporter
Bulawayo diarrhoea cases go down
In June, Bulawayo experienced a decrease in diarrhoea cases, with 318 reported compared to 366 in May. The number of dysentery cases rose to eight from four, while dog bite incidents fell to 34 from 4...Published: 20 Aug 2024 at 10:36hrs | 32 | by Staff reporter
Zim teachers frog-marched to administer iron and folate supplements, Govt evasive
School teachers in Highglen District have raised red flag over alleged compulsory administration of iron and folate supplements amongst learners in schools without the presents of health officials or ...Published: 21 Feb 2024 at 08:18hrs | 11 | by Gideon Madzikatidze
Mumps outbreak hits Harare
Harare has been hit by an outbreak of mumps, a contagious viral infection mostly common in children that affects the salivary glands.Mumps is most recognisable by the painful swellings in the ...Published: 06 Aug 2023 at 08:35hrs | 12 | by Staff reporter
Zimbabwe prisons death traps, says Guantanamo Bay detention camp handlers
A UNITED States embassy human rights report has described Zimbabwe's prison conditions as harsh and life threatening.In its latest report on human rights practices, the United States said pris...Published: 13 Apr 2023 at 07:54hrs | 3 | by Staff reporter
BCC confiscates 2 232kg of condemned meat
THE Bulawayo City Council's (BCC) department of health services has raided various grocery shops in the city, confiscating and destroying condemned meat weighing over 2 200kg.Council minutes s...Published: 03 Feb 2023 at 19:13hrs | | by Staff reporter
Measles vaccination campaign rolled out
THE Ministry of Health and Child Care has rolled out the second phase of the measles vaccination campaign.This comes after the first phase launched last year to control measles through trackin...Published: 01 Feb 2023 at 16:55hrs | 15 | by Staff Reporter
Chisora to use £2m Fury pay-day to keep kids in private school and away from his old dangerous neighbourhood
DEREK CHISORA will use his £2million Tyson Fury windfall to keep his daughters in private school and away from his old dangerous neighbourhood.The 38-year-old heavyweight moved to North Londo...Published: 01 Dec 2022 at 05:02hrs | 3 | by Staff reporter
Govt accelerates construction of dams, irrigation schemes
Government is accelerating construction of dams and development of modern irrigation schemes to climate-proof agriculture under a comprehensive plan geared to guarantee food self-sufficiency, Presiden...Published: 16 Oct 2022 at 10:10hrs | 1 | by Staff Reporter
2 boarding schools under full Covid-19 lockdown
FATIMA and George Silundika High schools have been temporarily turned into isolation centres and put under full lockdown as the Government works to contain Covid-19 cases at the two Matabeleland North...Published: 02 Oct 2022 at 09:01hrs | 2 | by Staff reporter
South Africa should not carry burden of Zimbabwe's poor leadership – Chamisa
Like many people in Zimbabwe and elsewhere around the world, I recently watched a video in which Dr Phophi Ramathuba, the Limpopo MEC for Health, spoke to a Zimbabwean patient seeking care in a hospit...Published: 09 Sep 2022 at 19:57hrs | 3 | by Nelson Chamisa I CCC President
Chamisa backs ranting Limpopo doctor, wants Zimbabweans chased away from SA hospitals?
CITIZENS Coalition for Change (CCC) president Nelson Chamisa has thrown full weight behind South Africa's Limpopo MEC for Health amid calls for the neighbouring nation to assist Zimbabwe in holding cr...Published: 09 Sep 2022 at 06:09hrs | | by Staff reporter
Zanu-PF legislator says opposition MPs are homosexual
RULING PF Bindura South MP Remigious Matangira caused a commotion in Parliament Wednesday after alleging some members on the opposition benches were homosexual.During a question and answer ses...Published: 26 Aug 2022 at 06:31hrs | | by Staff reporter
Zimbabwe ready to fight measles, monkey pox
GOVERNMENT says it is ready to fight the measles outbreak which has claimed at least 157 lives countrywide, as well as monkey pox which has affected different countries in the world.The countr...Published: 25 Aug 2022 at 06:34hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Zimbabwe on alert for measles outbreak
Cabinet received an update on the Country‘s Response to the Covid-19 pandemic, and a report on the procurement and roll-out of vaccines, as presented by the Chairman of the National Covid-19 Inter-M...Published: 24 Aug 2022 at 06:36hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Bulawayo diarrhoea cases increase
BULAWAYO has recorded an increase in the number of diarrhoea cases, a cause for concern considering the havoc wrecked by the disease previously.Diarrhoea is defined as the passage of three or ...Published: 07 Jul 2022 at 08:00hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
33% drop in Bulawayo diarrhoea cases
THE City of Bulawayo has recorded a 33% decrease in diarrhoea cases from 148 in March to 97 in April this year.Latest Bulawayo City Council minutes state that although the city is still experi...Published: 06 Jun 2022 at 09:34hrs | 21 | by Staff Reporter
Zimbabwe to become regional vaccines manufacturing hub
ZIMBABWE could soon become a hub for manufacturing vaccines and injectable drugs for national and continental consumption as discussions open for a joint venture deal between NatPharm and a major Indo...Published: 21 May 2022 at 17:52hrs | | by Staff reporter
We are protected by prayers': Sects hampering Zimbabwe's vaccine rollout
HYMNAL melodies reverberate around the hillside in Kuwadzana, a Harare suburb. On a blisteringly hot Saturday, members of the apostolic church, dressed in white, hum and sing together.Songs, l...Published: 08 Nov 2021 at 05:27hrs | 10 | by Staff reporter
Zimbabwe govt COVID-19 response driven by ignorance and ego than logic and science
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to make global headlines, and issues of how to respond to it - most particularly, faced with restive populations divided between those who want to be vaccinated, and...Published: 08 Sep 2021 at 17:27hrs | 10 | by Tendai Ruben Mbofana
'Zimbabwe is 3 months behind COVID-19'
LOCAL health experts yesterday noted that Zimbabwe was three months behind the ever-mutating COVID-19 virus, and suggested that the best brains were now required to tame the tide.This came as ...Published: 10 Jul 2021 at 10:58hrs | | by Staff reporter
8 million Zimbabweans in need of assistance, says Unicef
ZIMBABWE has an estimated 7,9 million people, including 4,1 million children, that are in need of urgent life-saving health services and humanitarian assistance due to multiple hazards brough about by...Published: 10 May 2021 at 05:26hrs | 9 | by Staff reporter
Matebeleland South to get 3 new COVID-19 centres
GOVERNMENT is in the process of constructing COVID-19 treatment centres in three districts of Matabeleland South province that have remained a transit zone for cross-border travellers, often accused o...Published: 29 Apr 2021 at 06:18hrs | 1 | by Staff writer
Makandiwa a 'Sanballat and Tobiah' of our time
Over decades and if not centuries, the world vaccinated and controlled measles. The world vaccinated and stopped polio in its tracks. Tuberculosis is under control because of vaccination. The same goe...Published: 16 Mar 2021 at 17:19hrs | | by Tirivanhu Kateera
Equating recently developed COVID-19 vaccines to long-known vaccinations is not only foolish, but irresponsibly dangerous
Who can deny that the Novel Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has wrecked unimaginable havoc, destruction, and death throughout the world? Who can deny that there is urgent need for a long-lasti...Published: 15 Mar 2021 at 10:33hrs | 1 | by Tendai Ruben Mbofana
Chinese vaccines inject fear into West as Zimbabwe rejoices
The coming in of Covid-19 has highly exposed global vulnerability. The pandemic has left the whole world puzzled, without any amenable solution to the devastating effects. But the vaccination ...Published: 11 Mar 2021 at 06:16hrs | | by Dylan Chiwawa
Covid-19 vaccination: So far so good
Covid-19 vaccination started on February 18, 2021 in our country, making Zimbabwe one of the first 10 countries to roll out this important programme. The national airline, Air Zimbabwe, had to fly to ...Published: 28 Feb 2021 at 08:48hrs | 2 | by Johannes Marisa
Demystifying COVID-19 Vaccines: The Truth
We are consumed by the desire to herald the truth in the age of increased information and knowledge. For this reason, we would like to demystify some dangerous misinformation that is being peddled by ...Published: 21 Feb 2021 at 08:22hrs | 2 | by Oliver Dube and Dr Stanley Maphosa
Covid-19 vaccines welcomed
Zimbabweans have applauded Government following delivery of Sinopharm Covid-19 vaccines from China yesterday. The 200 000 Covid-19 vaccine doses, which were donated by the People's Republic of China a...Published: 16 Feb 2021 at 06:21hrs | | by Staff reporter
Can we use ZUMBANI A traditional medicine for treatment of COVID19?
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines traditional medicine as "the sum total of the knowledge, skills, and practices based on the theories, beliefs, and experiences indigenous to different cultu...Published: 11 Feb 2021 at 18:15hrs | 1 | by Dr Masimba Mavaza
Masarira: I don't trust this COVID-19 vaccine
Linda Masarira, leader of the LEAD political party, has become the latest politician to query the notion behind the current COVID-19 vaccines.According to Masarira, some of the COVID-19 vaccin...Published: 25 Jan 2021 at 15:02hrs | 5 | by Daniel Itai, Harare, Zimbabwe
Government to arrest those spreading falsehoods about Covid-19 and the vaccine
The CORONA VIRUS pandemic has shaken the world and gripped it with fear. In the last 24 hours I lost people very close to me due to COVID. there is no one who can say he does not know a family which l...Published: 13 Jan 2021 at 18:39hrs | 1 | by Dr Masimba Mavaza
Zimbabwe health care network - What you need to know
Health care premiums are increasing across the globe. As every country is dealing with the aftermath of the coronavirus, health care insurers are playing catch-up. The countries - the United States, C...Published: 06 Dec 2020 at 08:41hrs | 6 | by Staff writer
Hunger and disease kill school children in remote Zimbabwe
Having grown up in a crude environment in Zimbabwe witnessing child abuse and negligence there are tell tale signs that are still haunting me this time the number of children going hungry in Zimbabwea...Published: 05 Jun 2019 at 18:52hrs | 1 | by Makho Precious Moyo
Customs and traditions where are we?
Since time immemorial customs and traditions have guided humanity in how things are done and why. The hand me down 'guide book' has never been real yet no one seem to stray big time from the set norms...Published: 14 Apr 2019 at 19:35hrs | | by Thomas Murisa.
Water is a human right, It is illegal to disconnect domestic taps: a Petition to the UN
Water is a human right: It is illegal to disconnect domestic tapes: a Petition to the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights on the way to UN...Published: 04 Oct 2018 at 20:11hrs | 2 | by Nomazulu Thata
Open air churches banned
Mutare City Council (MCC) has banned open air church gatherings unless the churches provide ablution facilities and taped water as it moves to eliminate any risk of disease outbreaks.MCC publi...Published: 30 Aug 2018 at 12:33hrs | | by Staff reporter
Chamisa is seriously fake and dishonest
Comrade Douglas Coltart said in his twitter "This kind of sexist joke might get the crowd laughing but it detracts overall message: worst of all it is the patriarchal norms that women are property," h...Published: 08 May 2018 at 19:35hrs | | by Nomazulu Thata
Measles hit cattle in Bulawayo
A leading meat processing firm in Bulawayo says most animals from communal farmers are being condemned and destroyed at slaughter point as they are infected with measles due to poor hygiene and farmer...Published: 16 Apr 2018 at 21:15hrs | | by Staff Reporter
Mnangagwa never temper with capital punishment, we need it only for paed0philes!
Third letter to Women of Zimbabwe: International Day of Women 2018Paed0philes who abuse babies, toddlers, little girls and boys should never be spared from hanging. We ask the government to up...Published: 22 Feb 2018 at 18:53hrs | | by Nomazulu Thata
Ministry releases $7.6M to assist govt health institutions countrywide
THE Ministry of Health and Child Care has released $7.6 million to the Health Development Fund (HDF) to purchase essential medicines and equipment for Government health institutions countrywide....Published: 06 Jan 2018 at 07:57hrs | | by Staff Reporter
Open defecation out of hand in Harare
Last Sunday marked World Toilet Day (WTD), amid rising concerns for proper human waste management as prescribed in the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 with special focus on underd...Published: 26 Nov 2017 at 09:57hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
87% children in Zimbabwe malnourished
ABOUT 87 percent of children under the age of five years in Zimbabwe do not have access to the minimum required diet necessary for physical and mental development, statistics show.The Zimbabwe...Published: 25 Aug 2017 at 07:52hrs | | by Staff Reporter
Death doesn't move apostolic sect men
MALE members of the ultra-conservative Johanne Marange apostolic sect stand accused of being cold-hearted to the extent of allowing their children to be decimated by preventable diseases without even ...Published: 03 Aug 2017 at 17:01hrs | | by Staff reporter
Dying from lack of medicines
Encouraging local production, right policies the way out Approximately 1.6 million Africans died of malaria, tuberculosis and HIV-related illnesses in ...Published: 13 Jan 2017 at 22:06hrs | 12 | by Tefo Pheage
Linda Masarira, I beg to differ: Banning food-vending is of public interest: people first before politics!
Time and again I read your twitters most of which I like, their inspiring quotes. However I wish to differ with your twitter regarding the banning of food-vending, this ban is long overdue. Food-vendi...Published: 06 Jan 2017 at 14:24hrs | 1 | by Nomazulu Thata
Memories of farm life before Independence
Sunday afternoon, in the blistering heat, I was driving on a dusty winding road, along the Hwedza mountains going to the village. Then I saw an elderly lady flagging me to stop, obviously wanting a li...Published: 14 Sep 2016 at 07:10hrs | | by Dr Sekai Nzenza
Minister warns against open defecation
VILLAGERS in Matabeleland North must stop rampant open defecation as it causes diseases to humans and material loss of livestock that has to be destroyed after contracting measles, a senior official h...Published: 20 Aug 2016 at 10:28hrs | | by Whinsley Masara
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