Search / Animalistic
Statement on Mangaliso Ndlovu's insensitive and violence-laden utterances
The inflammatory, violence-laden and dangerously insensitive utterances by one ZANU PF chairperson for Matabeleland South, Nqobizitha Mangaliso Ndlovu, in which he referred to one opposition party as ...Published: 04 Jul 2023 at 16:03hrs | 20 | by Freedom Alliance
Lets approach all crimes with the same zeal
While we are focusing on drug dealers and drug pushers, we should put in the same effort to stop the collaboration between criminals at our bus stops and the ZRP who look away while travellers are bei...Published: 08 Feb 2023 at 21:13hrs | | by Jacob Kudzayi Mutisi
Use tech to stop tout menace
Zimbabwe's crime hot spots are bus stops and bus ranks where we catch our long distance buses and the biggest criminals are the touts that take advantage of innocent travellers by insulting, harassing...Published: 20 Aug 2022 at 09:39hrs | 2 | by Jacob Kudzayi Mutisi
Chamisa a cunning megalomaniac
THERE is a problem that the Zimbabwean electorate is not seeing in the opposition politics of our country.The situation cannot even be explained using the words disaster and catastrophe. Many ...Published: 17 Jan 2022 at 06:34hrs | 1 | by Gibson Nyikadzino
Is it too late for Mnangagwa to reverse course?
All reasonable men know that the people of the Rainbird are the "wisest" among the Bantu. I was made aware, quite recently that they also have a weird sense of humour. When a bad character meets his f...Published: 16 Jan 2022 at 08:59hrs | 12 | by Kenneth Mufuka
Merry Chiwenga is unfit to see her children but fit to stand trial: What a travesty of justice
Of all the events of injustice that happened in 2021 is that of Merry Chiwenga. This is a woman, not so long ago, was saluted by Zanu PF members and supporters as the second lady of the Republic of Zi...Published: 31 Dec 2021 at 15:05hrs | 11 | by Nomazulu Thata
Obert Mpofu 'invades' Malunga's farm
Zanu-PF secretary for administration Obert Mpofu was yesterday accused of invading the hotly contested Esidakeni Farm in Matabeleland North and chasing away workers.Esidakeni Farm in Matabelel...Published: 05 Dec 2021 at 06:18hrs | 9 | by Staff reporter
Chiwenga and his wife saga! No wonder white people have a low opinion of Africans and their empty philosophy of Ubuntu
General Constantine Chiwenga could be a head of state anytime if Mnangagwa became incapacitated or for any other reason. We have people in the government in 2021 who could be well described as primiti...Published: 17 Nov 2021 at 07:16hrs | 26 | by Nomazulu Thata
Blood of foreigners flow in South African streets as locals swim in joy
If one can not be angered by the animalistic sadistic killings of our people in South Africa then one has a heart of a stone. Please be angry with me as we moan the patriots who are slaughtered like a...Published: 03 Sep 2019 at 22:34hrs | 1 | by Dr Masimba Mavaza
Zimbabweans' lives are not bargaining chips
TRUE to the base instinct of human nature - that subconscious urge or behaviour directed by primeval, animalistic, self-serving, and/or ignoble motivations - some people have quickly rushed to complet...Published: 16 Nov 2018 at 05:54hrs | 1 | by Conway Tutani
SDA pastor in court over gay speech
A Seventh Day Adventist preacher Bishop Joshua Maponga has come under fire after revering to homosexual people as people with animalistic behaviour. A fellow church member only identified as Sim...Published: 14 Nov 2018 at 17:26hrs | 20 | by Mandla Ndlovu
Mnangagwa must lead by example in the declaration of assets process - NPP
Revolutionary greetings comrades. A lot of money has been syphoned from the state coffers by the those in power. Power in Zimbabwe is the most needed political capital for self-enrichment and self agg...Published: 01 Feb 2018 at 07:40hrs | 5 | by Khulani David Ndhlovu
Barbaric Lacoste/G40 off our daughter Zanele Moyo
When the values of humanity/ Ubuntu escape a people, they turn into uncivilized practices that were used in the liberation war of Zimbabwe. Thousands of young people perished in very sad circumstances...Published: 09 Oct 2017 at 11:39hrs | 2 | by Nomazulu Thata
It takes more than sadistic delight in Tsvangirai's health issues
INGRAINED in human nature is the base instinct - that subconscious urge, behaviour, or intuition directed by primeval, animalistic, self-serving, and/or ignoble motivations.That's why we are s...Published: 22 Sep 2017 at 06:42hrs | | by Conway Tutani
MDC-T leaders must act on disrespectful party thugs - Knight
Former Radio Zimbabvwe presenter has challenged the leaders of the MDC-T to rein on the party thugs who showed disrespect to their leader Vice President Thokozani Khupe and assaulted her.Khupe...Published: 10 Aug 2017 at 08:09hrs | | by Stephen Jakes
Govt should stop seeing diaspora merely as cash cow and start investing in real relationship
I've just read a news article which reported Small and Medium Enterprises Minister, Sithembiso Nyoni, as having said that the government has dispatched a delegation to Nepal to study how ‘to organis...Published: 28 Mar 2017 at 11:42hrs | | by Chofamba Sithole
'Queen Bee' Mujuru responds to $5m lawsuit
NATIONAL People's Party (NPP) leader and former Vice-President Joice Mujuru has responded to the $5 million lawsuit filed by Zimbabwe People First (ZimPF) co-leaders and her former colleagues Ruga...Published: 23 Mar 2017 at 05:43hrs | | by Staff reporter
Zimbabwe Ministers all 'heartless'
In reality Zimbabwe is a heavily divided Country and the status quo shall remain invariable for generations to come if the current crop of young people fail to demand what rightfully belongs to them. ...Published: 28 Jul 2016 at 06:39hrs | | by Baba Mabhena
True story of shocking 'xenophobic attack' video revealed
A shocking video which has been doing the rounds for the whole week and described as showing young Zimbabweans being necklaced in a xenophobic attack in Durban this week is unconnected to attacks on...Published: 11 Apr 2015 at 16:17hrs | | by Staff reporter
Xenophobia and Animalismus: the worst equation ever, an open insult to animals!
Animalistic behavior associated with animals and not human beings - VideoIt is very insulting to equate the a...Published: 09 Apr 2015 at 22:57hrs | | by Nomazulu Thata
Animalistic behaviour associated with animals and not human beings - Video
Animalistic behaviour associated with animals and not human beings.WARNING GRAPHIC IMAGES 09 Apr 2015 at 16:04hrs | | by Youtube
Mugabe and Zanu-PF poking a restless nation in the eye
It was the 28th June 1918 assassination of Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austrian Empire that provided the spark to the First World War even though bold signs of an imminent war had been on the wall fo...Published: 12 Mar 2015 at 08:16hrs | 1 | by Moses Chamboko
Dumiso Dabengwa's farm invaded by Zanu-PF youths
Controversial MDC-T politician Job Sikhala has condemned the invasion of a farm belonging to former Zipra intelligence supremo Dumiso Dabengwa by Zanu-PF youths.Zanu-PF has now confirmed tha...Published: 06 Aug 2014 at 15:17hrs | | by Staff Reporter
Man rapes teen sister
A 28-YEAR-OLD Gweru man who raped his sister was slapped with an effective 12 years in prison after being convicted by the Gweru Regional Court on Friday.The man from Mkoba 14 allegedly sneake...Published: 16 Jun 2014 at 07:27hrs | | by Staff Reporter
Married nurse cheats on hubby with landlady's boyfriend
A 28-year-old married nurse in Mutare allegedly failed to keep her marriage vows and cheated on her husband with her landlady's boyfriend in Chikanga high-density suburb.According to the Manic...Published: 25 Jan 2014 at 07:02hrs | 1 | by Staff Reporter
Roy Bennett's remarks over John Nkomo are insensitive
THE recent remarks by self-exiled MDC-T treasurer general Roy Bennett over the death of Vice-President Landa John Nkomo are insensitive and animalistic and expose the former farmer's bitterness towar...Published: 22 Jan 2013 at 05:14hrs | | by Dosman Mangisi
Man (44) seeks divorce from biting wife
A 44-year-old Nigerian man, Samuel Yisa, on Tuesday, asked an Ojo Customary Court to dissolve his marriage, describing his wife as "animalistic".Yisa, a civil servant, also described his wife ...Published: 25 Jul 2012 at 09:57hrs | | by Staff reporter
Why sudden interest in Mugabe's health, his successor
Utterances on President Mugabe's health and his succession have compelled me to write this article to reflect the deliberately overlooked side of him that has such a bearing on the prevailing enjoymen...Published: 29 May 2012 at 05:33hrs | | by Shupayi Kadira
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