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Was Prophet Chiza right apologising for Gukurahundi? - Community discussion
Join the discussion: http://bulawayo24.jungonet.c...Published: 25 May 2018 at 06:28hrs | 7 | by iNdaba Ndaba
Dikili Secondary: No water since the schools opened this year
May the responsible authority please intervene in the case of water shortage at Dikili secondary school in Tsholotsho Mat North before an outbreak of a disease can occur.There has been no water si...Published: 15 Mar 2018 at 10:16hrs | | by Concernced Citizen
BREAKING: Gun shots at Chihuri's residence, house on fire, one dead!
A rogue policeman guarding Zimbabwe Republic Police Commissioner-General Dr Augustine Chihuri's house in Borrowdale today ran amok after his bid to loot property from the house was foiled....Published: 06 Dec 2017 at 17:49hrs | | by Staff reporter
PHOTO: Armed soldiers on Harare streets
Armed soldiers search a vehicle on the road leading to President Robert Mugabe's office in Harare. Overnight, at least three explosions were heard in the capital, Harare, and military vehicles were se...Published: 15 Nov 2017 at 10:37hrs | | by Staff Reporter
Dead man found floating at Mazowe dam - WARNING: Graphic content
A corpse was seen floating at Mazowe dam by fish mongers this morning.Mashonaland central police spokesperson Assistant Inspector Petros Masikati refused to entertain this reporter saying the ...Published: 19 Oct 2017 at 19:59hrs | 1 | by Simbarashe Sithole
WATCH: They say I insulted Mugabe, says Chinotimba in parliament
BUHERA South MP Joseph Chinotimba (Zanu PF) has told parliament that some MPs are going behind his back holding meetings accusing him of insulting president Mugabe....Published: 12 Oct 2017 at 14:06hrs | 1 | by Staff Reporter
WATCH: Man assaults wife over daughter's pregnancy
A video of man beating up his wife over their pregnant daughter has suffered online.Apparently, the incident happened somewhere in Chiredzi.In the video the woman who is being assaulte...Published: 03 Oct 2017 at 11:55hrs | | by Simbarashe Sithole
WATCH: Masowe congregants forced to chant Zanu-PF slogans during church service
Masowe congregants forced to chant Zanu-PF slogans during church service...Published: 26 Sep 2017 at 17:04hrs | | by Staff Reporter
WATCH: Cash crisis in Zimbabwe
#CashCrisis...Published: 26 Sep 2017 at 16:33hrs | | by Staff Reporter
WACTH: How Chiyangwa prays for more money
#Chiyangwa...Published: 25 Sep 2017 at 20:00hrs | | by Staff Reporter
PHOTO: Crisis in Zimbabwe, police officer sits on stones indoors
Shortages of resources within the Zimbabwe Republic Police, a cop was captured sitting on stones at a police base in Mushumbi, Mbire district, Mashonaland Central....Published: 24 Sep 2017 at 10:19hrs | | by Simbarashe Sithole
Picture: Cooking oil - one bottle per customer
...Published: 23 Sep 2017 at 15:40hrs | | by Simbarashe Sithole
WATCH: Woman buries own baby alive - WARNING graphic content
BINDURA - A woman allegedly buried her baby alive on Tuesday after accusing her husband of neglecting her for beer.Justine Madhava, a prison officer is reported to have disowned their newly bo...Published: 19 Sep 2017 at 21:03hrs | 1 | by Simbarashe Sithole
WATCH: Man shares dustbin food with huge elephant
Man shares dustbin food with huge elephant ...Published: 19 Sep 2017 at 20:18hrs | 1 | by Staff Reporter
WATCH: Drunk Bulawayo man sends love to his only sister based in UK
BULAWAYO - Watch the moment a drunk Thorngrove man sends love to his only sister living in the UK. The man also wishes someone could buy him teeth. He says someone knocked off all his front-line and n...Published: 17 Sep 2017 at 13:47hrs | | by Staff Reporter
Former Warriors striker who lost wife to General Chiwenga
Photos of former Warriors strike Shingi Kawondera who lost his wife Mary Mubaiwa to Zimbabwe Defence Forces chief, General Constantine (61) have gone viral on social media.The photos are capti...Published: 17 Sep 2017 at 11:20hrs | 5 | by Staff Reporter
Churches owe the City of Harare $4M - Magaya on the list
Harare - Prophet Walter Magaya's PHD Ministries is on the list of churches that owe the City of Harare close to $4 million in total....Published: 16 Sep 2017 at 06:33hrs | | by Staff Reporter
Helping O'level students pass science subjects
Five months ago an online network called ScienceMadeEasy was set up by one Joe Baison (@VaBaison). The platform targeted at helping O level s...Published: 14 Sep 2017 at 00:58hrs | 1 | by Moyo Roy
WATCH: White Zimbabwean brags about speaking Shona
This video of a white Zimbabwean speaking Shona has gone viral on social media. The man says his Shona name is Shumba 'yemusango'....Published: 12 Sep 2017 at 18:13hrs | 2 | by Staff Reporter
Traffic Light Accident: Police car crashes into kombi (PHOTO)
MUTARE - A police car was involved in an accident at a road intersection controlled by traffic lights.The police car crashed into a kombi.From the photo its appears the kombi driver mi...Published: 12 Sep 2017 at 12:22hrs | | by Simbarashe Sithole
WATCH: Mugabe narrates how Mnanganga escaped the noose
Zanu-PF Youth Interface Mash Central: President Mugabe has narrated how Vice President Emmerson Munangagwa escaped the noose during the liberation struggle. ...Published: 09 Sep 2017 at 14:13hrs | | by Staff Reporter
Voter registration dates finally announced
The voter registration exercise for the creation of a new voters' roll will start on Thursday next week following the proclamation of the dates by President Mugabe....Published: 09 Sep 2017 at 06:46hrs | | by Staff Reporter
WATCH: Munezva bus burns
A South African bound Munezva bus allegedly caught fire this afternoon at Ngundu from Harare. ...Published: 07 Sep 2017 at 18:50hrs | | by Simbarashe Sithole
WATCH: Elders perform rituals for Madzibaba trapped in a cave
The video below shows the moment elders performed some rituals for Madzibaba Tinashe Tipani (30) of Johane Masowe apostolic sect who was rescued by emergency services and police after being trapped in...Published: 06 Sep 2017 at 10:23hrs | 2 | by Simbarashe Sithole
WATCH: Mourners protest outside 'killer' businessman's shop
#TawandaMaPeccaMoyoTawanda MaPecca Moyo#...Published: 03 Sep 2017 at 15:25hrs | | by Staff Reporter
WATCH: Macheso, Kapfupi wow Makorokozas
Legions of Makorokozas flocked 007 hide out in Glendale for Alick Macheso's show who was supported by Freddy Manjalima (Kapfupi) on Friday....Published: 03 Sep 2017 at 12:58hrs | 3 | by Simbarashe Sithole
Prophet trapped while looking for 'God' in a cave
An apostolic sect prophet, Madzibaba was trapped in a cave during a prayer in Chiweshe last week.It is not clear how he managed to squeeze into the narrow cave.Some people claim the pr...Published: 01 Sep 2017 at 08:10hrs | 10 | by Staff Reporter
Senior traffic cop bashed at roadblock over bush sex with married woman
A senior Guruve traffic cop was allegedly bashed at a roadblock in Chimanikire village, after he was reportedly seen coming out of a bushy area with a married woman on Monday.Assistant Inspect...Published: 31 Aug 2017 at 15:44hrs | | by Simbarashe Sithole
Cheating wife caught by hubby in compromising position, bashed left for dead - Video
There was drama in Mvurwi ward one Suoguru Township on Wednesday night when a married woman was caught by her husband with another man.Eye witnesses allege the husband identified as baba Allan...Published: 31 Aug 2017 at 07:56hrs | | by Simbarashe Sithole
CARTOON: Conor Mcgregor meets Grace Mugabe
#GraceMugabe...Published: 30 Aug 2017 at 13:18hrs | 10 | by Staff Reporter
WATCH: uSalukazi udlibaba!
#ViralVideos - An angry old lady complains about cracked plastic washing tub....Published: 30 Aug 2017 at 08:21hrs | 1 | by Staff Reporter
Grace Mugabe, son-in-law photo goes viral - 'WHAT THE...!'
This photo of the first lady Grace Mugabe and her son-in-law Simba Chikore has gone viral on social media. In the photo Chikore appears to be reaching out to kiss his mother-in-law, while people aroun...Published: 29 Aug 2017 at 09:26hrs | | by Stephen Jakes
Lets discuss wrong Ndebele spellings in children's books
This picture of a children's book with wrong Ndebele spellings has gone viral on social media. We would like to hear your thoughts about the issue, please join the discussion here: ...Published: 27 Aug 2017 at 11:18hrs | | by Staff Reporter
PHOTO: 4 people die in kombi crash
Four people are feared dead after a kombi they were travelling in crashed along Simon Mazorodze road on Saturday morning.An eyewitness claims that three people died on the spot while the drive...Published: 26 Aug 2017 at 14:29hrs | | by Simbarashe Sithole
Biotech ambulance crashes
An ambulance was involved in an accident in Harare this morning at corner Harare Street and Herbert Chitepo....Published: 26 Aug 2017 at 14:01hrs | | by Staff Reporter
WATCH: Mobile radio DJ in action
A Mobile radio DJ in action somewhere in Zimbabwe. #ZimTalent...Published: 26 Aug 2017 at 11:22hrs | | by Staff Reporter
Vote Chatunga meme goes viral
A meme of president Mugabe's youngest has gone viral on social media. The meme purports that the president's son will be contesting as candidate for member of parliament for Zvimba constituency. ...Published: 24 Aug 2017 at 21:58hrs | | by Staff Reporter
Telecel begins LTE roll out and announces unlimited night data bundles
Mobile operator Telecel Zimbabwe has announced that it has begun the upgrade of the network in readiness for the launch of LTE services by September and to improve quality of service.The mobil...Published: 24 Aug 2017 at 11:21hrs | | by Agencies
PHOTOS: Kombi driver nabbed, using Zanu-PF badges as road tax licence
A Kombi driver was arrested in Mvurwi this afternoon for displaying Zanu-PF badges in place of road tax licence discs....Published: 23 Aug 2017 at 17:57hrs | | by Simbarashe Sithole
WATCH: War vet leader's attack on Grace Mugabe - she cannot lead a village
Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans' Association secretary-general Victor Matemadanda's attack on the first lady Grace Mugabe. Matemadanda suggests that the first lady should first mange to cont...Published: 23 Aug 2017 at 15:13hrs | | by Staff Reporter
WATCH: Mujuru supporters sing 'Mugabe has no kids'
Joice Mujuru supporters have been filmed singing "Bob hana bana, tora bana baPamire uyende nabo kudzindza kwabo" (Bob has no children, take Pamire's children to their relations). Watch video below:...Published: 22 Aug 2017 at 13:56hrs | | by Staff Reporter
WATCH: Mnangagwa poisoning joke, Jonathan Moyo says police should investigate
Some Zimbabweans have seen the funny side of vice president Emmerson Mnangagwa's alleged ice cream poisoning, watch video below:...Published: 22 Aug 2017 at 09:44hrs | 1 | by Staff Reporter
WATCH: Mnangagwa arrives
Vice president Emmerson Mnangagwa returned today from South Africa where he had been airlifted after he reportedly ate poisoned food on the day of President Robert Mugabe's interaferally with youth in...Published: 19 Aug 2017 at 18:54hrs | | by Simbarashe Sithole
LISTEN: Model explains how Grace Mugabe split her head in attack
The 20-year-old South African model Gabriella Engels, who was allegedly injured by Grace Mugabe, has told a radio station in that country that she tried to escape by getting between the First lady's l...Published: 17 Aug 2017 at 20:38hrs | 1 | by Staff Reporter
WATCH: Prophet Makandiwa saw 'Mnangagwa' vomiting blood in his prophecy?
A video of dated 9 April 2017 showing Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa prophesying that a prominent Zimbabwean politician will eat something and start vomiting blood has surfaced online. Some...Published: 17 Aug 2017 at 10:10hrs | 1 | by Moyo Roy
Peace loving Zimbabweans invited to prayer meeting for hospitalised Mnangagwa
"All prayerful and peace loving Zimbabweans" have been invited to attend a prayer meeting for Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa who is hospitalised in South Africa. This prayer meeting will be...Published: 16 Aug 2017 at 19:25hrs | | by Staff Reporter
WATCH: Jealous woman smashes hubby's car
There was drama at Pamvura Club in Mvurwi on heroes day when a married woman allegedly damaged her husband's Toyota Noah after seeing him partying with his second wife.It is alleged that Danie...Published: 14 Aug 2017 at 22:36hrs | | by Simbarashe Sithole
WATCH: Dr Parirenyatwa explains Mnangagwa's condition
...Published: 14 Aug 2017 at 21:12hrs | | by Staff Reporter
WATCH: Mugabe struggles with dates, thinks August is September
President Robert Mugabe, 93, on Saturday while addressing Zanu-PF youth interface rally in Gwanda struggled to remember the date. He said the 12th of August was a month-end and later said the date was...Published: 13 Aug 2017 at 11:44hrs | | by Staff Reporter
WATCH: Masvingo woman on tribalism (expletive)
A diaspora based Zimbabwean claiming to be a Masvingo native has taken to the internet to respond to an attack on her tribe by what she alleges to be people from the Zezuru tribe. The video is believe...Published: 12 Aug 2017 at 09:21hrs | | by Staff Reporter
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