Search / Brain-dead
Zimbabweans have penchant for sugar-rush solution of Mnangagwa must go even at the cost of retaining the dictatorship yet again
"Zimbabwe is in desperate need of transformative leadership, not the routine recycling of failed politicians," argued Trevor Ncube. "A change in leadership might offer temporary relief, Zimbabwe's iss...Published: 18 Feb 2025 at 20:04hrs | 795 | by Wilbert Mukori
Zimbabweans have penchant for sugar-rush solution of Mnangagwa must go even at the cost of retaining the dictatorship yet again
"Zimbabwe is in desperate need of transformative leadership, not the routine recycling of failed politicians," argued Trevor Ncube. "A change in leadership might offer temporary relief, Zimbabwe's iss...Published: 14 Feb 2025 at 12:03hrs | 607 | by Wilbert Mukori
'Are there quality leaders - no paying lip service to free elections?' Need discerning and lip-reading voters to find them
"In our midst, can we not find today leaders who do not pay lip services to freedom, justice and liberty to gain the people's trust?" asked one whatsApp group member.This is not a simple quest...Published: 28 Mar 2024 at 22:57hrs | 5 | by Wilbert Mukori
'Zimbabweans like to be RULED and not LED' - cold comfort and have paid dearly for it
"Zimbabweans like to be RULED and not LED, ruling requires supporters to support their favourite leader even when he is being undemocratic," observed Hopewell Chin'ono."Leading requires suppor...Published: 14 Nov 2023 at 19:22hrs | 12 | by Wilbert Mukori
'I taught at Eton College!' said Mliswa - pity exposure failed take ape-mentality out of you
Many people have listened to an audio posted on Zimeye in which the Right Honourable Themba Mliswa, Independent MP for Norton, was ranting and raving calling me "a political novice". What was all that...Published: 08 Oct 2022 at 17:42hrs | 5 | by Wilbert Mukori
Zanu-PF terrified of losing elections since they know their party practically a dead horse with no prospects of ever regaining p
Ever wondered why governing political parties in several democratic countries around the globe are not particularly terrified of losing elections?Of course, the main purpose of any political p...Published: 02 Sep 2022 at 06:45hrs | | by Tendai Ruben Mbofana
'Win we shall! God is in it!' Chamisa proclaimed - Curse of discerning mind ossified into fat
Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all th...Published: 20 Jun 2022 at 15:57hrs | 11 | by Nomusa Garikai
Grown up Zimbabweans are 'more Zanu PF than Zanu PF parents' - more brain-dead than Zanu PF buffoons, it's true
"An untold but deep seated sociological truth about Zimbabwe today is that many grown up kids with ZanuPF parents are more ZanuPF than their parents. Therefore, Zimbabwe does not only need new leaders...Published: 10 Sep 2021 at 13:38hrs | 9 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
Chamisa will not replicate Hichilema no more a tortoise replicate a cheetah
The refusal by Zimbabwe's MDC A leaders and their fanatical supporters to accept that Zimbabwe and Zambia share a common boarder but political share nothing else; the direction the two nations are tra...Published: 28 Aug 2021 at 21:36hrs | 2 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
Zimbabwe's political prostitutes
The man who was behind Grace Mugabe's youth interface rallies where she was spewing vitriolic attacks against Mnangagwa has once again by hook or crook managed to get himself appointed to lead a fundr...Published: 31 Jul 2021 at 19:56hrs | 1 | by Sam Wezhira
'MDC must avoid inter-party fighting to win 2023' - subtleties of rigging are a mystery to simpletons
The one thing Zanu PF apologist and propagandist have done well since the 2008 to 2013 GNU is convince the brain-dead MDC leaders and their supporters that the democratic reforms SADC leaders set out ...Published: 20 May 2021 at 07:56hrs | 3 | by Nomusa Garikai
Zanu-PF will 'solve corruption by making it fair' - 'No, it will work. Simple!'
The one thing Robert Mugabe has instilled in his Zanu-PF cronies is the believe that they know what they are doing when in reality they have no clue. Who can ever forget Mugabe's long speeches "full o...Published: 16 Jun 2019 at 19:03hrs | 9 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
Zanu PF dismiss sabre-rattling UK invasion - povo will not, welcomed 2017 coup
The story of the British planning to invade Zimbabwe should be dismissed as far-fetched. The Sunday Times, citing a leaked National Security Document, said Williamson "ordered military chiefs ...Published: 06 May 2019 at 20:45hrs | | by Patrick Guramatunhu
'Tsvangirai will be an albatross round your neck' Dell predicted - he was right, now it is ED and Chamisa
"Morgan Tsvangirai a flawed figure, not readily open to advice, indecisive and with questionable judgment," wrote then USA Ambassador to Zimbabwe 2004 to 2007, Chris Dell in a leaked cable."He...Published: 23 Dec 2018 at 22:32hrs | 1 | by Wilbert Mukori
'Elections are not free and fair. Pull out!' ZCTU tell Chamisa, straight - no putting the genie back now.
"We must clearly express that there are irregularities in the conduct of the elections and that they can't be free and fair. We must tell the opposition parties to pull out of the election," said ZCTU...Published: 17 Jul 2018 at 07:06hrs | | by Patrick Guramatunhu
So how was America on November 9, and thereafter?
No surprises for me. Hopefully none for you too, gentle reader, if you didn't miss my September 24 and October 21 instalments. September 24 piece in part read: "However rough one finds him [Donald Tru...Published: 12 Nov 2016 at 18:41hrs | | by Nathaniel Manheru
Bond notes are Z$ 'skunk' and RBZ Mangudya is a 'fence post tortoise' says Yamamoto
"So what exactly is this bond note?" asked Ken Yamamoto, the Japanese researcher and commentator on Zimbabwe. "Make no mistake about it, through these notes Zimbabwe is bringing the Zimbabwe Dollar b...Published: 10 May 2016 at 18:12hrs | 3 | by Wilbert Mukori
Mugabe calls truce to carefully orchestrated factional war that has Mnangagwa shaken and stirred in equal measure
Zanu-PF spokesperson Simon Khaya Moyo reminds the warring party factions that President Mugabe is the party's 2018 Presidential candidate and threatens those plotting to succeed him with "disciplinary...Published: 01 Feb 2016 at 20:59hrs | 1 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
Musewe democracy is the 'contentious issue' for debate by being 'selective' you're killing the debate
"It is at times futile to have press debates on contentious issues because these debates never really end as we tend to be selective on what catches our attention based on our mental biases and dispos...Published: 30 Jan 2016 at 08:12hrs | 1 | by Wilbert Mukori
MDC-T to force Zanu PF 'kicking and screaming' to implement reforms by end of this year!
When Tsvangirai announced that the MDC-T was ending it "No reforms, no elections" elections boycott in the first breath and then said the party will only take part in free and fair elections in the n...Published: 05 Aug 2015 at 21:44hrs | | by Patrick Guramatunhu
Mavhinga argue Mugabe to focus on ZimAsset - with such confusion Mugabe will never bite the bullet!
Confusion in the Zimbabwe public over the political and economic reality in the country is stopping Mugabe accept the political reality that he has failed and the need for regime change."...Published: 18 May 2015 at 21:38hrs | | by Wilbert Mukori
ZSD welcome partial recovery of war vet Sibanda's political sight!
We in the Zimbabwe Social Democrats welcome Jabulani Sibanda's recent statement condemning the injustice in Zanu PF's infamous land redistribution which has resulted in collapse of the agricultural s...Published: 11 Aug 2014 at 13:12hrs | 1 | by Wilbert Mukori,Secretary General Zimbabwe Social Democrats
Brain dead mom on a respirator gives birth to twins
DETROIT - A pregnant US woman, Christine Bolden, 26, who was already brain dead from aneurysms, but doctors kept her on a respirator for a month to allow for the development of babies, gave birth to ...Published: 24 Apr 2012 at 05:15hrs | 2 | by Moyo Roy
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