Search / Stupidity
Trending video from Blessed Geza - I don't buy it for once!
It's stuff and nonsense. When has Zanu PF become sympathetic to the Ndebele people? With all due respect, Mr. Geza, made a presentation on video now making rounds. Curiously he acknowledges the presen...Published: 27 Jan 2025 at 17:57hrs | 2448 | by Nomazulu Thata
Some leaders are supported because they're stupid and corrupt!
Leadership is a fascinating subject. Ideally, leaders are chosen because they stand out as exemplary individuals with admirable qualities. These are the people with the organizational ...Published: 29 Nov 2024 at 12:35hrs | 328 | by Tendai Ruben Mbofana
Gukurahundi perpetrators are exposed and cited to clarify the 2017 coup!
That the General Chiwenga was cited in the genocide atrocities that took place especially in Matabeleland South is not a coincidence but well calculated. The Zanu PF conference was in Bulawayo, curiou...Published: 28 Oct 2024 at 20:22hrs | 1293 | by Nomazulu Thata
Of all the don'ts, send Mnangagwa begging UNGA for US$5.8b food aid for SADC; he's eyeing 'pound of flesh' cut for himself
Of all the SADC leaders to be begging for food aid on behalf of SADC, Emmerson Mnangagwa would be the last leader anyone would choose to do it!"President Emmerson Mnangagwa has taken the...Published: 17 Oct 2024 at 12:38hrs | 722 | by Wilbert Mukori
Of all the don'ts, send Mnangagwa begging UNGA for US$5.8b food aid for SADC; he’s eyeing 'pound of flesh' cut for himself
Of all the SADC leaders to be begging for food aid on behalf of SADC, Emmerson Mnangagwa would be the last leader anyone would choose to do it!"President Emmerson Mnangagwa has taken the...Published: 27 Sep 2024 at 23:01hrs | 768 | by Wilbert Mukori
Zimbabwe has the highest literacy rate in Africa, what stuff and Nonsense!
Even if he (Mnangagwa) were to die, Cabinet meetings would still be held at his grave at National Heroes Acre: the nation was told this today 17.07.2024. Such visceral statements are uttered unchallen...Published: 18 Jul 2024 at 14:56hrs | 736 | by Nomazulu Thata
African countries assisted South African independence; payback is Xenophobic actions: blacks on blacks' violence
I quote from Byo24: Former ANC MP and Abantu Batho Congress Councilor in eThekwini, Makhosi Khoza, says South African natives have been shortchanged. Close quote. This is a statement that could cause ...Published: 14 Apr 2024 at 18:55hrs | 25 | by Nomazulu Thata
Failure to comprehend CCC's sell-out on reforms is symptomatic of incurable stupidity and worse
"Chounorasiswa ndochiri muruoko. Chirimudumbu unorotwiswa. Hupenzi chifo, unofa nahwo!" (What you are holding, you can throw away. What is on your stomach, you can vomit. Stupidity is a curse you take...Published: 20 Dec 2023 at 22:30hrs | 15 | by Wilbert Mukori
Triplicate: Private letter to Brother Brian Kagoro
PEACE and love be in your house. At the start of my journey to Masailand, Kenya, I thought I was going to be cut off from the world. The answer is yes and no. I am working with my longtime friend, Bis...Published: 03 Dec 2023 at 17:33hrs | 14 | by Kenneth Mafuka
Controversial Nevers Mumba excluded from SADC Panel of Elders meetings
THE Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) Secretariat in Botswana has dispatched its Panel of Elders (PoE) on a fact-finding mission into disputed 2023 harmonised elections results in Zimbabwe....Published: 30 Aug 2023 at 06:43hrs | 3 | by Staff reporter
'CCC will announce results on 24 August!' Yeah and prime street protests. We've travelled this path in 2018!
Nelson Chamisa and company's child-like stupidity never seize to amaze and infuriate me."We have told ZEC that yakafamba kamwe haiteyewi. What you did in 2018, that rigging cannot be repeated ...Published: 22 Aug 2023 at 15:15hrs | 11 | by Wilbert Mukori
'Can't continue to subject povo to sham elections to have their hopes crushed' argued Biti. He's doing exactly that, yet again
Zimbabwe's 2008 elections were a watershed in that Zanu PF was forced to show the world the sicken depths of depravity the regime would go to hang on to power. Before the 2008 elections, Zanu ...Published: 23 Jul 2023 at 08:58hrs | | by Wilbert Mukori
President Mnangagwa's ZANU PF neutralizes Chamisa's CCC
The opposition movement in Zimbabwe needs to be reformed. The leadership of all political opposition in Zimbabwe, whether it be MDC, CCC, ZIP, etc. is wooden, sclerotic, senile, and out of touch with ...Published: 26 Jun 2023 at 22:55hrs | 2 | by Sam Wezhira
'Mnangagwa leading Zimbabwe to ruins,' says US economist Steve Hanke
UNITED States economist and currency expert Steve Hanke has said Zimbabwe's inflation is at 1298% per year, accusing President Emmerson Mnangagwa of running down the country.Mnangagwa recently...Published: 20 Jun 2023 at 06:59hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
From Trump to Biden, it is getting 'more worse!'
In black English, former president Donald Trump was a lunatic, a loud-mouthed New Yorker, whose mouth was unfiltered, a thoroughly "worse guy". If that is so, US president Joe Biden (lovin...Published: 07 May 2023 at 19:35hrs | 2 | by Kenneth Mufuka
'Forget elections, go out in the street!' argue Mapfumo. Protesting what? It's CCC who is hell bent in participating in flawed e
"Zimbabweans must understand who they are really dealing with, [President Emmerson] Mnangagwa took over power from (Robert) Mugabe in an unconstitutional manner and he will never let go of that power ...Published: 20 Mar 2023 at 09:22hrs | | by Patrick Guramatunhu
Unsettled Chamisa spies on all Matabeles in the CCC top leadership
Many people in Zimbabwe were shocked when news filtered that Nelson Chamisa recently acquired intelligence gathering equipment and busy spying on top CCC leaders more than his purpoted ZANUPF rivals. ...Published: 27 Feb 2023 at 14:41hrs | 1 | by Israel Dube
'It's foolish participating in rigged elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy' admitted Biti in 2015 - of course, has known this al
"Look, you can't keep on participating in flawed electoral processes that serve to give big benefits to dictators such as Robert Mugabe. Mugabe has perfected the art of winning elections. So it will b...Published: 21 Nov 2022 at 09:42hrs | 1 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
Mnangagwa's govt jittery
GOVERNMENT is in panic mode and fears an uprising hence resorting to using the police, military and other security organs as a section of Zimbabweans push for economic order, with analysts predicting ...Published: 15 May 2022 at 17:56hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Govt must implement economic reforms
IN 2017, Finance and Economic Development minister Mthuli Ncube, Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe governor John Mangudya and the Zanu-PF government lied to the people, saying the bond note was at par with the...Published: 21 Mar 2022 at 06:39hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Chiwenga berates opposition-led BCC
VICE-PRESIDENT Constantino Chiwenga yesterday berated the opposition-led Bulawayo City Council (BCC) for allegedly running down the city through corruption and poor service delivery.Chiwenga m...Published: 05 Mar 2022 at 08:22hrs | | by Staff reporter
Blanket suspension of teachers moronic
GOVERNMENT'S treatment of its workers, specifically teachers, is proof of moronic leadership that has failed to appreciate how its own destructive policies have impacted the ordinary person.Te...Published: 17 Feb 2022 at 05:40hrs | 1 | by Evelyn Ndlovu
Yellow ‘fever' fast turning into despair
Just a few weeks down the line, the euphoria is fast dying down.The yellow fever is fast turning into despair.Zimbabweans being the creative lot that they are have turned CCC into "Cha...Published: 13 Feb 2022 at 20:40hrs | 2 | by Major Action Mandingo (Retired)
Make Mnangagwa's life 'uneasy', UK MPs Urge Zimbabweans
UNITED KINGDOM (UK) House of Lords MPs say Zimbabweans living in that country should be allowed to stage peaceful demonstrations at the Zimbabwe Embassy in London to make the life of diplomats at the ...Published: 19 Jan 2022 at 05:30hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Zimbabwe women's group in today's reaction to Merry Mubayiwa is long overdue
We welcome the intervention of the Zimbabwe women's group to put pressure to the Vice President, General Constantine Chiwenga. We celebrate their move to put questions to VP why he is treating Merry l...Published: 29 Nov 2021 at 11:18hrs | 20 | by Nomazulu Thata
Mnangagwa's ignorance on economics: Mthuli Ncube his best Boss ever
Even Mnangagwa's law degree is questioned by many. If Mnangagwa had a slender idea how the economy works, they would never launder money to Chinese banks in billions of dollars. He would know that kis...Published: 15 Oct 2021 at 18:45hrs | 12 | by Nomazulu Thata
Let's all register to vote and kick out our leaders
IT is not fair to say Zimbabweans deserve the leaders they have. Whether through fear or otherwise, many in this land voted Zanu-PF into power.If there was any rigging or intimidation, it was ...Published: 28 Sep 2021 at 06:32hrs | | by Revai Dani
Joe Biden's simple message to Africa: Save yourself
I went to university during the days of United States president J F Kennedy, Ghana's Kwame Nkrumah and the American dreamer, the Reverend Martin Luther King.The last 20 years have been dogged ...Published: 26 Sep 2021 at 19:44hrs | 10 | by Ken Mufuka
What good is Mutambara prosperity pentagon if buffoon can, once again, rig elections and impose voodoo policies
Dear Nomazulu Thata, Thank you for your thought provoking article "Professor Arthur Mutambara, Dr Nkosana Moyo and Advocate Nelson Chamisa are speaking" in I agree that...Published: 17 Sep 2021 at 07:38hrs | | by Wilbert Mukori
Professor Arthur Mutambara, Dr Nkosana Moyo and Advocate Nelson Chamisa are speaking
I have dwelt a lot regarding Chamisa's infantile approach to politics and his policies that do not make too much sense. However, I wish to commend Chamisa's visit to Matabeleland South two days ago. T...Published: 16 Sep 2021 at 17:20hrs | 11 | by Nomazulu Thata
So, we have abandoned 'One man, one vote!' for 'SOLID PLANS' to win rigged elections - how nauseating
The right to free, fair and credible elections, the right to a meaningful say in the governance of one's country is the mother of all rights because it is the guarantor of good governance and of all t...Published: 06 Aug 2021 at 10:03hrs | | by Wilbert Mukori
Corruption in the Zimbabwe Republic Police a smoke without fire
In Zimbabwe, it is very rare for politicians holding ministerial positions or senior officers to resign on their own without a hint of scandal. So it has ...Published: 07 Jul 2021 at 19:51hrs | 2 | by Dr Masimba Mavaza
'Judiciary abuse liberator, Zuma; stark warning for Zanu PF' – indeed, for no one is above the law!
In the Movie "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl" there is a scene where Jack Sparrow tells the young Will Turner "Stay here! And please don't do anything stupid!" Pretty damn good...Published: 05 Jul 2021 at 06:16hrs | 1 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
When arguments turn to arrogance and stupidity
The arrogance of a people is exposed when they fail to argue intelligibly and factually; their men ego comes out full force, Ngenkani khathesi, what I say is correct because I am a man and of Ndebele ...Published: 18 Jun 2021 at 17:52hrs | 1 | by Nomazulu Thata
Banjani abantwana ngekhaya? Ndebele women included: Celebrating the International Day of the African Child
To be fair to other cultures in Zimbabwe, it is only in Ndebele culture where a woman is considered and addressed as a child regardless of her age. Ndebele women are called abesintwana by their male c...Published: 16 Jun 2021 at 21:56hrs | 1 | by Nomazulu Thata
Mnangagwa! Hands off Comrade Sydney Malunga's farm, Revenge of Zapu in graves is barbaric
We have been saying for a long time now that that the evil in Mnangagwa is unimaginable by common sense. We can speculate what Mnangagwa and Robert Mugabe were smoking while he lived. Hon. Kate Hoey, ...Published: 15 Jun 2021 at 15:35hrs | 4 | by Nomazulu Thata
If Mbuya Nehanda is a Heroine, why is Comrade Thenjwe Lesabe not one?
Some corrections at national level must be done because what is happening in Zimbabwe does not add up to full total. There are discrepancies openly done to provoke tribalism. Who does Nehanda represen...Published: 06 Jun 2021 at 21:48hrs | 6 | by Nomazulu Thata
Go to Harare and arrest Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa
For someone who studied chemistry, I know that a chain of reactions has a lot to do with the heat that produces those reactions. Chain reactions can be a sequence of reactions where a reactive product...Published: 24 May 2021 at 15:51hrs | 1 | by Nomazulu Thata
'Vote overwhelmingly and counter (Zanu PF) rigging' - regurgitated nonsense, didn't work for 41 years why now
The 2023 elections are nigh upon us and already the volume of material offering fool proof strategies on how the opposition can win the rigged elections in growing."The only option left for th...Published: 29 Apr 2021 at 08:16hrs | 1 | by Nomusa Garikai
President John Pombe Magufuli's demise: how Africa was sold a dummy!
The female President of Tanzania: Madame Samia Suluhu Hassan took office with crystal clear aims and objectives: to take drastic steps of combating the Sars-Covid 2 pandemic. She ordered the wearing o...Published: 04 Apr 2021 at 21:37hrs | 10 | by Nomazulu Thata
Constructive criticism of leaders needs courage
The Honourable Vice President KEMBO Mohadi's Shenanigans have touched a gas cylinder there by creating a social media blast. Many people have urged party ...Published: 21 Feb 2021 at 19:58hrs | 9 | by Dr Masimba Mavaza
Comrade Albert Matapo further exposes himself: Cannot stand critique!
This is exactly what we mean when we say we have too many pseudo revolutionaries in our midst masquerading as genuine liberators of our time. It is desperation to entertain Matapo's dreams about the f...Published: 05 Feb 2021 at 17:59hrs | 1 | by Nomazulu Thata
'Zanu PF is trapped and demanding negotiations at gun point' - how naive, it's povo that's trapped and dying like flies
There are some very confused people out there who are calling for political dialogue as the way forward but have no idea who should be demanding change much less what that change should be. All the ar...Published: 02 Feb 2021 at 00:21hrs | 4 | by Nomusa Garikai
Where is Comrade Albert Matapo?
We always realize extremely late that we the general populace is taken for a ride by people without any conscience, unscrupulous chancers in politics who masquerade as genuine revolutionaries and yet ...Published: 31 Jan 2021 at 08:20hrs | | by Nomazulu Thata
Even your enemies, learn to love them
"VENGEANCE is mine. Neither hate nor be bitter with your brother, no matter how he has injured you. For when you hate, you must know, it is me and my Father inheaven that you hurt."Both to...Published: 17 Jan 2021 at 09:28hrs | 1 | by Zifiso Masiye
Zimbabwe now almost overrun by Covid-19 second wave
When the coronavirus pandemic began early in 2020, most Zimbabweans never took it seriously. Many were misled by social media where it was peddled that Corona is only for whites and only comes in wint...Published: 16 Jan 2021 at 09:24hrs | | by Dr Masimba Mavaza
Lecturer at Great Zimbabwe University v Student (an analysis of this case)
Dr Tapiwa Mudyahoto has a premafacie case against his former student. However, the substantial amount which he wants as compensation, might not be afforded by his former student. Again, the court may ...Published: 22 Dec 2020 at 20:01hrs | 4 | by Njabulo
Only few heads have to roll in Midlands for sanity to prevail
In the 2018 elections ZANU PF lost in Kwekwe to a G40 kingpin the late Blackman Matambanadzo. It was not the campaign of Matambanadzo or the idiocy of Chebundo which lost the plot for ZANU PF. It was ...Published: 28 Nov 2020 at 23:46hrs | 3 | by Dr Masimba Mavaza
Thugs in Zanu PF soiling the good name of the party
In this time of DCC elections, a lot of hero-worshipping and name dropping within the party is rife. Many people are abusing the name of the president in order to gain momentum. Some in provinces are ...Published: 12 Nov 2020 at 13:04hrs | | by Dr Masimba Mavaza
Sikhala says, 'Zimbabwe has reached tipping point'
ZENGEZA West Member of Parliament Job Sikhala celebrated his 48th birthday on Friday. The politician was recently arrested and charged with inciting violence ahead of the abortive July 31 protests. He...Published: 02 Nov 2020 at 05:46hrs | | by Staff reporter
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