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Businessman removed from remand
Kadoma businessman Believe Guta, who was arrested amid his challenge against former judge Webster Chinamhora's controversial judgments, has been removed from remand after a court ruling that the evide...Published: 08 Dec 2024 at 09:58hrs | 274 | by Staff reporter
Death threats issued against Zuma, culprit still not arrested
PhD holder, Dr Simamkele Dlakavu, this weekend purportedly took to ‘X' and demanded the death and assassination of uMkhonto weSizwe Party president Jacob Zuma.Dlakavu, in a series of tweets,...Published: 12 Jun 2024 at 07:28hrs | | by Staff reporter
Chamisa’s tasteless, infantile politicking regrettable
Losing Presidential candidate, Nelson Chamisa, who is now a political orphan, for the umpteenth time chose to ridicule the man who walloped him during the 2023 Harmonised General elections, President ...Published: 10 Jun 2024 at 09:51hrs | 1 | by Tonderai Ndoro
Rejuvenating the Real Estate Market in Matabeleland, Zimbabwe: Strategies for Development and Competitiveness
Chief Real Estate Officer, Integrated Properties Zimbabwe, a nation with a storied history and a vibrant yet tumultuous economy, faces multifaceted chal...Published: 19 May 2024 at 20:58hrs | 39 | by Dr Bekithemba Mpofu
Zimbabwe MPs: Whose interests are they serving?
THIS writer was shocked to learn about Finance minister Mthuli Ncube giving in to the demands of the Zimbabwean MPs regarding the need for an upward variation for the budget for Parliament (NewsDay, D...Published: 27 Dec 2023 at 07:28hrs | 12 | by Nicholas Aribino
Heroes Day: Guns that silenced history's villains
Towards the end of the First Chimurenga in 1896, Cecil John Rhodes called for an indaba with Matabele chiefs, and among them was a young traditional leader, who asked a valid and pertinent question....Published: 28 Jul 2023 at 06:42hrs | 18 | by Elliot Ziwira
A critical review of Al Jazeera's Gold Mafia documentary
APRIL, famously characterised as "the cruellest month" by distinguished poet and literary critic TS Eliot in his critically acclaimed essay "The Wasteland" - not because its first day celebrates fools...Published: 28 May 2023 at 17:07hrs | 4 | by Jonathan Moyo
Evil leaders who stand in front of churches canvassing for support are insulting God!
There is nothing that incenses me more than watching Zimbabwe political leaders - who are the embodiment of evil itself - standing in front of the Church, parading themselves as paragons of love and g...Published: 09 Apr 2023 at 09:04hrs | 1 | by Tendai Ruben Mbofana
Mr. President, its you making Zimbabwe 'subaltern' to world powers!
It was most strange, if not entirely queer and incomprehensible, reading President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa latest diatribe against Western countries' insistence on observing our elections. ...Published: 03 Apr 2023 at 11:08hrs | 1 | by Tendai Ruben Mbofana
Are today's 'Pan Africanists' the most colonially-brainwashed?
I am one of those who, at times, receives the fury of those who claim to be 'Pan Africanists' - on accusations of pandering to western interests, and being a victim of a colonial mindset.My cr...Published: 07 Mar 2023 at 10:54hrs | 1 | by Tendai Ruben Mbofana
Western Embassies demand democracy from Chamisa
Information reaching this reporter indicate that Harare-based Diplomats from Western countries have expressed concern over the Citizens Coalition Change's undemocratic practices. The reports i...Published: 24 Feb 2023 at 13:07hrs | 2 | by Mandla Ndlovu
Illegal settlers forge land documents
KADOMA-based land developer, Paragon Real Estate private limited has approached the High Court after some land invaders forged documents in its name to illegally settle on a piece of land owned by ano...Published: 10 Aug 2022 at 06:35hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Government not a paragon of good corporate governance - Majongwe
The Progressive Teachers Union of Zimbabwe Secretary General Raymond Majongwe has castigated government for interference in the Premier Services Medical A...Published: 07 Jul 2022 at 19:11hrs | 11 | by George Swarei
High Court says 'Billboard' saga to go for trial
The High Court of Harare has dismissed an application for review by two businessmen who erected an illegal billboard in Borrowdale tarnishing the image of a development company.Gra...Published: 13 May 2022 at 19:05hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Mtshana Khumalo: The general who outfoxed villain Allan Wilson
A MILITARY tactician, General Mtshana Khumalo, commanded an elite group of fighters tasked with safeguarding King Lobengula's life and dignity as he trekked north at the height of the Matabele War of ...Published: 11 Apr 2022 at 06:27hrs | 15 | by Elliot Ziwira
Chamisa a predator of press freedom
When Nelson Chamisa formed a new political party which he christened the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), many people had expectations that there would be a paradigm shift from the MDC, where the ...Published: 11 Mar 2022 at 05:39hrs | | by Tafara Shumba
World War III might already be underway
IN life, it is absolutely critical to learn to pick your battles.While celebrated English playwright William Shakespeare once noted that "cowards die many times before their deaths", Nigerian ...Published: 06 Mar 2022 at 08:15hrs | 1 | by Bishop Lazi
Mnangagwa must apologise for gukurahundi genocide, - Chiefs
CHIEFS, once described by the late president Robert Mugabe as paragons of virtue, have called on President Emmerson Mnangagwa's administration to publicly apologise for the Gukurahundi massacres that ...Published: 15 Jan 2022 at 08:05hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Discontent in ZRP over promotion criteria
Discontent is simmering in the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) over the criteria being used to promote officers across the board which some say is prone to abuse, NewsDay can exclusively reveal....Published: 25 Oct 2021 at 06:27hrs | 3 | by Staff reporter
Corruption at Beitbridge has gone too far
IMAGINE a border post where haulage trucks are forced to spend more than five days in a queue to complete a customs clearing process that under normal circumstances would not take mere hours.T...Published: 25 Oct 2021 at 06:27hrs | | by Staff reporter
No one will whip anyone's behind
AS a matter of principle and decency, the Bishop, as a man of the cloth, usually doesn't obsess about individuals as much as he fetishes discussing issues of substance affecting our community and civi...Published: 09 May 2021 at 08:02hrs | 1 | by Bishop L
Chamisa says they've changed tact
Nelson Chamisa the opposition MDC Alliance leader says his party has tightened the criteria used to select parliamentary and local authority candidates to avoid infiltration by "fortune seekers" who d...Published: 27 Apr 2021 at 08:19hrs | 2 | by Staff reporter
Civics must drive the VP's office
In our new kind of normal, where restraint, moral integrity and sound values have been replaced by lumpen orgy, profanity and clown foolery, I meet the question: So what do you think of the latest VP ...Published: 07 Mar 2021 at 08:15hrs | | by Zifiso Masiye
Indeed, the US never been paragon of democracy, but laughable that a worse tyranny would dare comment
As much as my health is not well today, and, would have preferred staying far away from the pen, the most recent outbursts and ranting by the perennially and inherently unrepentant brutal, barbaric an...Published: 08 Jan 2021 at 13:19hrs | | by Tendai Ruben Mbofana
Trump likened to Zimbabwe's Chamisa
Political analyst Mr Goodson Nguni likened President Trump to MDC-Alliance leader Mr Nelson Chamisa, who declared before the 2018 elections that he would not recognise the election result if he did no...Published: 08 Jan 2021 at 07:23hrs | 4 | by Staff reporter
'Zanu-PF will not accept rights lecture from slave trade America'
ZANU-PF says it will not accept human rights lectures from countries that were involved in the slave trade and have not shown any remorse towards the brutalities to this day.Speaking Thursday ...Published: 16 Oct 2020 at 20:27hrs | 5 | by Staff reporter
2 Matabeles shot dead by Zimbabwe soldiers for speaking Ndebele language
MLO Supreme Council was angered by the gunning down of 2 Matabeles, Morgan Sibanda and Dumisani Mpofu by the the number one killers of Matabele people, Zimbabwe National Army, for speaking Ndebe...Published: 06 Oct 2020 at 08:33hrs | 2 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
Who Owns England?
Who Owns England? The question sounds oblique, when one considers the country's documented long history of "civilisation". One would think that, by now, this question should have long been settled. Ye...Published: 01 Sep 2019 at 14:33hrs | | by Ranga Mataire
Foreign missions told stick to their mandate
Foreign missions and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) should stop interfering in Zimbabwe's internal political processes, but confine themselves to their line of duty, Zanu-PF national spokespers...Published: 29 Aug 2019 at 07:24hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Notorious General finally leaves Zimbabwe army
FORMER head of the Presidential Guard, Anselem Nhamo Sanyatwe, yesterday finally handed over the reins of the powerful brigade to his successor Brigadier-General Fidelis Mhonda three months after he w...Published: 29 May 2019 at 15:52hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Herald-Newsday fight escalates
The altercation between The Herald and Newsday newspapers escalated on Monday with Acting Herald Editor Tichaona Zindoga accusing his Newsday counterpart Mr Wisdom Mdzungairi of employing "subte...Published: 20 May 2019 at 12:20hrs | | by Mandla Ndlovu
Who is profiting from negative reporting?
Not so long ago, Aljazeera correspondent Haru Mutasa was denied a visa by one Western embassy ostensibly because of lack of a guarantee that she would return home.While it is the prerogative o...Published: 30 Mar 2019 at 22:44hrs | | by Ranga Mataire
MDC Alliance congress: Of a leopard devouring its cubs
In May this year, the MDC holds its first elective congress after the death of its founding president, Morgan Richard Tsvangirai. It is the first congress under the stewardship of its youthful leader,...Published: 22 Mar 2019 at 06:51hrs | 1 | by Tafara Shumba
Deployment of Shona civil servants in Matabeleland condemned
The government of Zimbabwe is not doing the people of Matabeleland any favour by withdrawing Shona teachers it deployed in Bulawayo primary schools, this should not have happened in the first place. M...Published: 16 Mar 2019 at 08:42hrs | 1 | by Israel Dube
MDC always sees the shadow of Zanu-PF
In May this year, the MDC holds its first elective congress after the death of its founding president, Morgan Richard Tsvangirai. It is the first congress under the stewardship of its youthful leader,...Published: 05 Mar 2019 at 22:51hrs | 1 | by Tafara Shumba
Democrats hold democratic congresses
In May this year, the MDC holds its first elective congress after the death of its founding president, Morgan Richard Tsvangirai. It is the first congress under the stewardship of its youthful leader,...Published: 04 Mar 2019 at 19:41hrs | 1 | by Tafara Shumba
Of a leopard devouring its cubs
In May this year, the MDC holds its first elective congress after the death of its founding president, Morgan Richard Tsvangirai. It is the first congress under the stewardship of its youthful leader,...Published: 04 Mar 2019 at 13:56hrs | | by Tafara Shumba
Chamisa, Mnangagwa dialogue is not about power-sharing
Within five weeks of coming to power in November 2017, President Mnangagwa did the unthinkable.He drove to ailing opposition MDC-T leader Mr Morgan Tsvangirai's place of residence and he...Published: 17 Feb 2019 at 07:44hrs | | by Nick Mangwana
'I resigned from ZANU PF before the coup' says Jonathan Moyo
Exiled Former G40 kingpin has revealed for the first time that he resigned from ZANU PF on the 8th of November the day when President Mnangagwa skipped the country alleging Mugabe wanted to kill him. ...Published: 04 Nov 2018 at 07:16hrs | 1 | by Mandla Ndlovu
MDC @19: A lamentation over the death of democracy
This week the police gave the MDC-T Chamisa faction the go ahead to hold an event to celebrate its 19th anniversary after postponing the event over the cholera outbreak of September in Harare. While t...Published: 26 Oct 2018 at 08:50hrs | | by Nobleman Runyanga
Unpacking impact of sanctions on Zimbabwe
According to Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary, sanctions are defined as "official orders such as the stopping of trade, which is taken against a country in order to make it obey international l...Published: 16 Aug 2018 at 06:18hrs | 1 | by Panganai Kahuni
Perrenial malcontents trying to undermine Zec
There are two sides to Zimbabwe's elections. There is a side that wants to portray the country as peaceful and going through a democratic process in which the will of the people will prevail and be re...Published: 10 Jul 2018 at 07:20hrs | | by Nick Mangwana
Mugabe mimicking emcee dies
THE death of popular events consultant and emcee, Emmanuel Manyika, famed for mimicking former President Robert Mugabe, has plunged the nation into mourning.Manyika, who was affectionately kno...Published: 06 Jul 2018 at 07:17hrs | 1 | by Staff rpeorter
Democracy and Democrats: Who is Who?
In our culture there cannot be an heir to the throne before the throne is laid to rest. Fellow citizens, the question that begs a million answers is "How can Advocate Chamisa, a lawyer by training, an...Published: 23 Apr 2018 at 07:07hrs | | by Dr Panganai Kahuni
Matebele Diaspora Genocide Conference: Dabengwa and Mzila expected to attend
This press release is issued to the public as a way of an update about the 1893 Mthwakazi (Matebeleland) Human Rights Restoration Movement's programme of activities including an update on the up...Published: 11 Apr 2018 at 17:19hrs | | by Thembani Dube
Zuma's resignation speech
Members of the Media, present hereFellow South Africans, I address you after weeks of speculation about my future as President of the Republic of South Africa.In particular, I make ref...Published: 15 Feb 2018 at 14:28hrs | 1 | by APO
Can the Zimbabwe 'good coup' usher in democracy?
Zimbabwe is currently witnessing two very different political trajectories unfolding at the same time. In one; the coup leader is calling for economic transformation and in another; the coup governmen...Published: 29 Jan 2018 at 07:24hrs | 1 | by Kingstone Jambawo
Grace Mugabe: The mother, wife, leader
Like most today's mothers juggling the act of bringing up children in a maze of dizzying modernity, whirlwind technological advancements, illegal substances and intoxicating influences both global and...Published: 26 Nov 2017 at 09:54hrs | 1 | by Maggie Mzumara
Zimbabwe in November 2017 and beyond the military temporary takeover
The dust is settling down regarding political anxieties over the roadmap on politics and governance in Zimbabwe, is it really? The nagging truth is that the military world over when faced with a dilem...Published: 21 Nov 2017 at 00:07hrs | 1 | by Andrew M Manyevere
MDC Alliance gives people hope - Prominent lawyer
A Bulawayo prominent lawyer Matshobana Ncube has insinuated that the recently formed MDC Alliance was giving people hope of better government to come and rescue them from the misrule by Zanu PF which ...Published: 19 Sep 2017 at 07:23hrs | | by Stephen Jakes
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