Search / Neo-colonialism
Forty-Five Years On: The Bitter Aftertaste of a forced colonial marriage
On the Fast Lane to 2030: Awakening the African Mindset Forty-five years ago, the Great Republic of Zimbabwe emerged from the suffocating grip of a forc...Published: 05 Mar 2025 at 16:34hrs | 715 | by Maxwell Haitengeswinyika Teedzai
Paris hosts Pan-African conference opposing neo-colonial policy
On November 23, 2024, Paris hosted a pan-African conference called "Brisons les chaînes! "focused on the fight against neocolonialism. Participants discussed the historical and contemporary forms of ...Published: 25 Nov 2024 at 10:29hrs | 157 | by Staff Reporter
Dr. Arikana Chihombori: the unsung heroine of Africa
She will never get recognition in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwean women have no vocabulary to appraise Dr. Chohombori breaking the glass-ceiling. The inner jealousy and the inherent envy among us women are so ev...Published: 07 Nov 2024 at 12:52hrs | 402 | by Nomazulu Thata
ZIM condemns Mnangagwa's US$3 billion white farmers compensation plan
The Zimbabwe Independent Movement (ZIM) has condemned Mnangagwa's US$3 billion compensation package for white farmers, describing the act as reversal for the liberation struggle gains.In a sta...Published: 13 Oct 2024 at 11:28hrs | 918 | by Staff Reporters
'Africa still feeling effects of brutal colonial past'
President Emmerson Mnangagwa has emphasized that Africa continues to feel the effects of its brutal colonial history, a legacy that still hinders its progress today. In a speech read on his behalf by ...Published: 07 Oct 2024 at 07:57hrs | 139 | by Staff reporter
Innscor vs Rutendo Matinyarare takedown order judgement
Yesterday, we finally received the judgment from Judge Makume, following nine days of deliberations on Innscor's court application filed on August 20th, 2024, in which they sought a court order compel...Published: 29 Aug 2024 at 17:54hrs | 1898 | by Rutendo Matinyarare
Mnangagwa at the epicentre of regional governance
The last two weeks were action packed for Harare as it hosted the 44th Southern African Development Community (SADC) Summit of Heads of State and Government. It was accompanied by a myria...Published: 22 Aug 2024 at 07:11hrs | 135 | by Staff reporter
Milan spoke against the policy of neo-colonialism in Africa
Two events were held in Milan in support of the peoples of Africa: inscriptions demanding the end of the policy of neo-colonialism on the continent were broadcast during laser shows....Published: 18 May 2024 at 19:41hrs | 10 | by Staff Reporter
'Free Africa': a protest took place in Milan due to the neo-colonial policies of France
Residents of Milan and representatives of the African people came out to a protest at which they expressed their disagreement with France's actions towards Africa, while accusing Paris of colonialist ...Published: 02 Apr 2024 at 11:54hrs | 3 | by Staff Reporter
ANC, Zanu-PF and other former liberation movements converge
AHEAD of the country's 44th Independence celebrations next month, Former Liberation Movements (FLM) will converge in Victoria Falls to exchange notes and guard against infiltration by former coloniser...Published: 15 Mar 2024 at 07:08hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Mnangagwa shrugs off Chamisa
Zanu-PF, which got a fresh mandate in the August 23-24 elections, will not entertain "any talk of a rerun, a Government of National Unity, or the so-called Transitional Authority", as this "is a piped...Published: 01 Oct 2023 at 07:45hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Mugabe stirs debate from the grave
YESTERDAY marked four years since former President Robert Mugabe passed on, leaving behind an indelible mark on the nation's political landscape.Mugabe passed away on September 6, 2019 in Sing...Published: 07 Sep 2023 at 06:15hrs | 4 | by Staff reporter
Mnangagwa sworn in as President of Zimbabwe
Zanu-PF leader, Emmerson Mnangagwa has been sworn in as the president of Zimbabwe at a ceremony held at the National Sports Stadium in Harare.Mnangagwa was sworn in by Chief Justice Luke Malab...Published: 04 Sep 2023 at 20:34hrs | 3 | by Staff reporter
South African media has failed to bring regime change in Zimbabwe
Over the past 22 years since sanctions were imposed on Zimbabwe, western governments have invested billions of dollars into South African white owned media, with the aim of discrediting Zanu-PF. ...Published: 29 Aug 2023 at 12:34hrs | 2 | by Rutendo Matinyarare
Sadc satisfied with Zimbabwe poll preps
THE Southern Africa Development Community (Sadc) Election Observer Mission has expressed satisfaction with the peaceful environment prevailing in the country during the election period, saying it is t...Published: 18 Aug 2023 at 06:53hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Mnangagwa says he stands in solidarity with Putin over Ukraine war
Zimbabwe stands in solidarity with Russia as it wages war on Ukraine, President Emmerson Mnangagwa said in a meeting with Russian leader Vladimir Putin on Friday.In comments that will anger we...Published: 28 Jul 2023 at 21:12hrs | 13 | by Staff reporter
Mental colonisation is the biggest obstacle for African development
It is a paradox that the so-called under-developed African countries are the ones endowed with natural resources and yet the poorest in terms of the consumer goods ad services currently pr...Published: 09 Jun 2023 at 06:47hrs | | by Austin Chakaodza
Zanu-PF faced with mammoth task
THERE is a unique connection between Gweru and Zanu-PF that must be cherished by the young generation who are not yet privy to the liberation struggle, the country's independence, and economic emancip...Published: 07 Jun 2023 at 06:08hrs | | by Staff reporter
Chamisa knows where to find me, says Mnangagwa
OPPOSITION political party leaders should feel free to approach the Head of State for dialogue directly as opposed to using proxies, the media and third parties, President Mnangagwa has said.P...Published: 02 Jun 2023 at 06:51hrs | | by Staff reporter
Mnangagwa taunts 'rogue' NGOs
President Emmerson Mnangagwa Tuesday vowed resistance against "rogue" NGOs and "surrogate entities" he accused of attempts to fan instability at the expense of the country's hard-won independence....Published: 19 Apr 2023 at 08:09hrs | 2 | by Staff reporter
White skin, black masks!
Two developments caught my attention this week. One is a Brenthurst Foundation scholarship invitation to young Africans intent on pursuing postgraduate studies.Brenthurst Foundation is owned a...Published: 19 Feb 2023 at 18:08hrs | | by Jamwanda
It's tragic how 'Pan-Africanism' has become a refuge for those who ruined fellow Zimbabweans' lives!
I genuinely believe that I am actually more Pan-Africanist that most of those who claim to be Pan-Africanists. I, as so many others, have chosen to place my own safety and life in danger ...Published: 30 Jan 2023 at 20:42hrs | 2 | by Tendai Ruben Mbofana
PowerChina Supports Cultivation of Highly Skilled Talent in Zambia
LUSAKA, Zambia, PRNewswire/ -- On the Kafue River about 90 km south of Zambian capital Lusaka, Zambia's first large-scale hydropower station is humming sm...Published: 05 Jan 2023 at 07:01hrs | 25 | by PRNewswire
Does Zimbabwe need the Commonwealth?
ZIMBABWE joined the Commonwealth in 1980 after gaining independence from Britain - in what appeared to be a major victory for the Commonwealth. Twenty-three years down the road, Zimbabwe quit the Comm...Published: 25 Nov 2022 at 05:11hrs | 2 | by Vusi Nyamazana
Zanu-PF threatens to block Kariba's development if opposition CCC wins by-election
Zanu-PF has hinted it will not facilitate infrastructural development in the already marginalised Kariba Urban constituency if its candidate loses the local authority by-election scheduled for Saturda...Published: 19 Jul 2022 at 06:15hrs | 9 | by Staff reporter
Two-decade-old U.S. sanctions leave Zimbabweans suffering, triggering protests
Opposite the U.S. embassy northwest of the Zimbabwean capital of Harare sits an anti-sanctions camp marking 1,200 days of protest.On July 4, the organizer of the camp — Broad Alliance Agains...Published: 18 Jul 2022 at 19:50hrs | 10 | by Tichaona Chifamba, Zhang Yuliang, Cao Kai
Zanu-PF solidarity message to Frelimo
On behalf of Zanu-PF and the distinguished pan-African revolutionary First Secretary and President of Zanu-PF, His Excellency Dr Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa, it is heart-warming to send solidarities t...Published: 26 Jun 2022 at 08:11hrs | 2 | by Dr Obert Moses Mpofu
We must prepare for the coming 'war'
From tomorrow until Wednesday, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) will be mourning Patrice Lumumba - the country's first democratically elected prime minister - who was slain 61 years ago in the g...Published: 26 Jun 2022 at 08:08hrs | | by Bishop Lazi
Change in Zimbabwe is a big word and act
THIS country requires to make hard decisions and act in a radical manner for any sensible economic transformation to be upon us. However, we are expecting change of our economic fortunes using the sam...Published: 27 May 2022 at 06:48hrs | | by Brian Sedze
Chiyangwa cedes land to African Museum
The Institute of African Knowledge yesterday officially received 5,5 hectares including some structures from Kilma Investments owned by Dr Phillip Chiyangwa after the legal dispute between the institu...Published: 27 May 2022 at 06:37hrs | | by Staff reporter
Zimbabwe won't fall prey to Western fables, fabrications
DRUMS are beating, so high to a deafening crescendo as Zimbabwe hurtles towards the 2023 elections. Of course, the ground is already uneven because President Mnangagwa has been implementing pro-people...Published: 25 May 2022 at 06:28hrs | | by Staff reporter
Southern African opposition parties need to form a shadow SADC to represent oppressed masses!
It has now become an open secret that the Southern African Development Community (SADC) is nothing more than a leaders' club, which seeks to serve and protect the interests of those in power, at the e...Published: 16 May 2022 at 08:51hrs | 13 | by Tendai Ruben Mbofana
Zimbabwe voted against suspension of Russia from top human rights body
ZIMBABWE is part of a club of independent nations, including eight other African states and countries like China, Cuba, North Korea, Iran, Syria and Russia itself, that voted against a United Nations ...Published: 08 Apr 2022 at 19:29hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Black rights now need to transcend elitism and racism, but be inclusive of all Black people across the globe!
The month of February is traditionally known as Black History Month - whose origins stem from a proposal by Black educators, and the Black United Students...Published: 12 Feb 2022 at 13:53hrs | 12 | by Tendai Ruben Mbofana
Is imperialism faltering or restrategising?
IMPERIALISTIC activities of western industrialised countries in Africa have since 1990 subtly changed, bearing violent objectives and consequences.Colonialism and imperialism today in Africa h...Published: 31 Jan 2022 at 05:43hrs | | by Gibson Nyikadzino
'Discontinue trophy hunting imports ban bill to save African wildlife'
A leading SADC Safari hunting company that has so far spent over US$367 000.00 to support wildlife conservation and socio-economic development in Tanzania has appealed to the British Government to dis...Published: 16 Jan 2022 at 15:00hrs | 21 | by Emmanuel Koro Johannesburg
Rule of law vs historical imbalances
CRIMINALS broke into a homestead and stole everything, taking over the family means of livelihood. They pushed everyone to the periphery of the homestead and ordered them to remain there and obey thei...Published: 10 Jan 2022 at 06:01hrs | 10 | by Tapiwa Gomo
A chain is as strong as its weakest link
The Bishop's heart always bleeds each time he thinks about Ethiopia, the land of brave men and women who valiantly frustrated Italy's imperial designs in the 20th century, making it difficult for colo...Published: 05 Dec 2021 at 06:08hrs | 12 | by Bishop Lazarus
Zanu-PF youths call for Sahrawi independence
Zimbabwe has been commended for its firm support for the de-colonisation of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR).SADR has been colonised by Morocco since 1975.The Sahrawi Arab D...Published: 02 Dec 2021 at 05:26hrs | 10 | by Staff reporter
Go well my friend, Cde SK
COMRADE Simon Khaya Moyo is no more. He has joined the pantheon of Zimbabwe's finest patriots throughout the ages. Of recent note are fellow heroines and heroes of Chimurenga II who sacrificed to bury...Published: 21 Nov 2021 at 09:12hrs | 21 | by Amb Chris Mutsvangwa
Why Zanu-PF is under siege
If Africans knew even half their history, they would understand the reason why they continue to stew in poverty, misery and disillusion while other parts of the world are swimming in prosperity, happi...Published: 17 Oct 2021 at 08:59hrs | 1 | by Bishop Lazi
We need new heroes!
Sometimes, Bishop Lazi is glad that his uncle is dead.The man was never the same ever since returning from the war.He was no longer the bubbly and chatty young man who revelled in the ...Published: 08 Aug 2021 at 07:16hrs | | by Bishop Lazarus
No to factional mudslinging…Discipline comrades discipline!
My 54 political toddler years which are founded 'On the Shoulders of Struggle' signify a journey of robust African revolutionary tutelage which has been vastly enabled by those national paternal and m...Published: 25 Jul 2021 at 08:04hrs | 2 | by Obert Moses Mpofu
America feels threatened by successful Africans
Africa takes pride when a son or daughter of the soil flourish within and beyond the continent. Of late, successful entrepreneurs...Published: 07 Jul 2021 at 08:35hrs | 1 | by Simbarashe Mwandipendaa
Zanu PF Youth League statement on the occasion of the Day Of The African Child 2021 edition
The ZANU PF YOUTH LEAGUE joins all progressive forces in commemorating the Day of the African Child whose theme is "30 years after the adoption of the Charter: accelerate implementation of Agenda 2040...Published: 16 Jun 2021 at 13:30hrs | 1 | by Zanu PF Youth League
As Rhodes falls Nehanda arises
WHILE Zimbabweans bemoan the little money spent to remember a mother of our liberation, the Black Lives Matter Movement engulfs the globe after the massacre of George Floyd. Resultantly, statues and m...Published: 30 May 2021 at 08:39hrs | | by Richard Runyararo Mahomva
Robert Mugabe and Zimbabwe's liberation pilgrimage
In my previous instalment in this publication, I indicated that Zimbabwe's independence history is connected to that of all post-colonial African nations. Likewise, Africa's liberation is also grounde...Published: 18 Apr 2021 at 08:58hrs | 3 | by Richard Runyararo Mahomva
Brief Treatise for my Beloved Sister Nomazulu Thata
Just to briefly put our differences in perspective, I am forwarding a few words for you to consider ahead of our conversation. I have always valued and still do, your deep and ingenious analytical ski...Published: 24 Mar 2021 at 13:04hrs | 1 | by Anonymous Writer
Chinese 'Smart Colonialism' rearing ugly head in Zimbabwe - huge lie that doesn't interfere in other countries' internal affairs
So, the Chinese do not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries? That would have been so refreshing to hear - in the face of a world where global powers have, over the course of centuries,...Published: 12 Mar 2021 at 17:56hrs | 1 | by Tendai Ruben Mbofana
West to impose sanctions on South Africa if Ramaphosa is removed
Lately, there has been rising positive publicity on Zimbabwe and rising negativity on South Africa by international and white media.Just recently, the world bank released unemployment numbers ...Published: 11 Mar 2021 at 14:12hrs | 2 | by Rutendo Ben Matinyararire
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