Search / Vengeful
Ultimate Survivor: The nine lives of Wadyajena
JUST a few months ago, it looked almost certain that factional wars in Zanu PF had buried Justice Mayor Wadyajena. Yet, Mayor's detractors, especially in his turbulent Midlands Province, ...Published: 01 Nov 2024 at 20:02hrs | 926 | by Paul Ndou
From Ramaphoria to Ramageddon
Many political observers have reacted with both "shock and awe" to the astounding performance of the Umkhonto we Sizwe Party in one of South Africa's most contested elections.Indeed, to borrow...Published: 03 Jun 2024 at 15:01hrs | 4 | by Sipho Seepe
Woman kills hubby's lover
BETRAYAL can lead one down a dark and vengeful path. A Gweru woman shattered by infidelity has been arrested for the murder of her husband's lover in a crime of passion.Stacy Thokozani...Published: 13 Feb 2024 at 18:24hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Mnangagwa tells exiled Mandi Chimene to come back home
President Emmerson Mnangagwa has told exiled G40 politician Mandi Chimene to "come back home" after the former Zanu-PF rivals met in Mozambique Thursday through the facilitation of the neighbouring co...Published: 23 Nov 2023 at 22:03hrs | 3 | by Staff reporter
Why SADC is happy with the Mumba Report
Franz Kafka's worldFranz Kafka's art rests and runs on the bizarre and overawing grotesquery. Yet it is that de-familiarised, out-of-size world which he so ably colours which becomes the vehic...Published: 30 Sep 2023 at 07:36hrs | 2 | by @Jamwanda2
Spirit of vengeance cited in Lupane double murder
Spiritual leaders believe that Clever Ngwenya of Gwalubha village in Lupane District, who brutally killed his elderly parents, may have been influenced by vengeful spirits haunting him.Clever ...Published: 26 Sep 2023 at 06:18hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Mwonzora was losing and keen as skunk divorcing its wife to withdraw. If Chamisa fails to field agents again, he will be next
"Chidembo kana choda kuramba mukadzi, chinoshereketa!" (When the skunk wants to divorce its wife, it will try anything and everything!) so goes the adage. When Douglas Mwonzora realised ...Published: 11 Aug 2023 at 16:31hrs | 14 | by Wilbert Mukori
Nyanga family tormented by thigh vendor's avenging spirit killed 50 years ago by their polygamist father
A Nyanga family finds themselves living in constant fear as they believe a vengeful spirit is haunting them, claiming to be a s_ex worker who met a tragic end 50 years ago at the hands of their patria...Published: 22 Jul 2023 at 13:28hrs | 17 | by Erick Matotoba
Sex worker's ngozi surfaces 50 years later
A Nyanga family is living in fear of a vengeful spirit that claims to be a sex worker who was murdered 50 years ago by the family's patriarch.The spirit, which speaks through various possessed...Published: 22 Jul 2023 at 08:04hrs | 3 | by Staff reporter
Kasukuwere wreaks havoc in Mt Darwin
Presidential candidate Saviour Kasukuwere's team is reported to have gained ground in Mount Darwin where he hails from, has learnt....Published: 23 Jun 2023 at 13:19hrs | 14 | by Simbarashe Sithole
Kasukuwere hints at seeking SADC protection
Presidential candidate Saviour Kasukuwere on Thursday hinted at seeking SADC protection from vengeful Zimbabwean authorities as he announced a slew of promises to the electorate while launching his am...Published: 23 Jun 2023 at 06:44hrs | | by Staff reporter
Busisiwe Mkhwebane merely annoyed agents of white monopoly capital
In my view, both Tina Joemat-Pettersson (may her soul repose peacefully) and Busisiwe Mkhwebane are victims of a system that lives off the subjugation of women, where women are treated very differentl...Published: 21 Jun 2023 at 17:18hrs | 1 | by Lindiwe Sisulu
This & that with Mal'phosa: Woman-made Disaster!
There has never been so much hype and hysteria around the prevalence of gender based violence, ninety percent of which, we are told, is committed by men. Like HIV, it has been called a pandemic, and l...Published: 11 Dec 2022 at 22:01hrs | 2 | by Clerk Ndlovu
Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo: are Matabeles co-owners of Zimbabwe?
It is of utimost importance for Matabeles to comprehend the true meaning of deceptive catchy phrases coined by the dubious Shona supremacist government of Zimbabwe and ZANUPF since the days of the Zim...Published: 08 May 2022 at 12:33hrs | 13 | by Israel Dube
Sisters tormented by dead lover
IN a suspected case of a vengeful spirit, two sisters from the same family are being tormented by the spirit of a boyfriend, who died 24 years ago.The girlfriend, Chioniso Mabwe now 40, was in...Published: 05 May 2022 at 20:32hrs | 3 | by Staff reporter
Elvis Nyathi family grateful for support
THE family of a Zimbabwean man Elvis Nyathi who was killed by a vigilante group in South Africa has thanked Government and Zimbabweans from all over the world who provided assistance following his tra...Published: 18 Apr 2022 at 10:26hrs | 2 | by Staff reporter
By-elections: The morning after
ZANU-PF's Wednesday St Mary's rally was a turning point in several ways. Of course, the most obvious marker were the numbers that attended, something even the blind could see and feel.I cannot...Published: 26 Mar 2022 at 06:14hrs | 2 | by @Jamwanda2
Jilted woman teams up with sister-in-law to kill hubby
POLICE have arrested a vengeful Zvimba woman and her sister-in-law who teamed up to assault her husband at the height of a domestic dispute.The pair of Rona Zvimba (31) and Angeline Chinyere (...Published: 20 Mar 2022 at 06:22hrs | 2 | by Staff reporter
Mudha still using state security aides
FORMER State Security minister Owen "Mudha" Ncube (pictured), who was last month fired by President Emmerson Mnangagwa for allegedly fanning division and Zanu-PF factionalism in the Midlands province ...Published: 05 Feb 2022 at 19:42hrs | 3 | by Staff reporter
Owen 'Mudha' Ncube overplayed his hand
BY the time fired State Security minister Owen "Mudha" Ncube was removed from office, he had become a Frankenstein monster for President Emmerson Mnangagwa, as he was now causing havoc in his home pro...Published: 15 Jan 2022 at 15:01hrs | 2 | by Staff reporter
ZANU PF internal polls prove party not only a national security threat but a danger unto itself!
It is so laughable listening to ruling ZANU PF leaders touting its just ended provincial elections as a sign of "democracy at work", and even going as far as ridiculously lauding them as a "resounding...Published: 06 Jan 2022 at 12:51hrs | 9 | by Tendai Ruben Mbofana
Bizzare incidents engulf Mugabe's village as boy hangs self at father's funeral
BIZARRE incident are playing out in the late former President Robert Mugabe's rural Zvimba area after an 18-year-old high school pupil committed suicide by hanging near his newly buried father's grave...Published: 04 Oct 2021 at 19:31hrs | | by Staff reporter
'Mugabe's bitter, vengeful spirit decimating foes'
THE late former president Robert Mugabe's family claims his spirit is causing the death of his tribesmen who are at the forefront of the exhumation of his remains.Mugabe's body was buried at h...Published: 03 Oct 2021 at 08:22hrs | 5 | by Staff reporter
Robert Gabriel Mugabe: The killer of our dreams
THIS week marks the second anniversary of the death of Robert Gabriel Mugabe, the first prime minister of an independent Zimbabwe, on April 18, 1980.While we acknowledge the fact that there ar...Published: 12 Sep 2021 at 08:59hrs | 12 | by Kenneth Mufuka
Mnangagwa will fall with a thud
As I prepared to leave Sydney and its congestion and retreat to a quieter place this past Sunday morning, my curiously inquisitive eye caught a disturbing news report in one of the weekend newspapers ...Published: 07 Sep 2021 at 07:36hrs | 1 | by Mutsa Murenje in Alice Springs, Australia
'Chiwenga threatens Marry's doctors'
VICE-PRESIDENT and Health minister Constantino Chiwenga is reportedly threatening medical doctors against releasing an affidavit for his estranged wife Marry Mubaiwa, who is seeking postponement of he...Published: 06 Sep 2021 at 20:46hrs | 10 | by Staff reporter
Lions kill 3 children triggering revenge lion-killing feelings from bereaved community
The lions of Tanzania's Ngorongoro Conservation Area horrifically killed three school children this month, drawing sympathy worldwide. This put a spotlight on the human-wildlife conflict in Tanzania a...Published: 16 Aug 2021 at 09:12hrs | 38 | by Emmanuel Koro
Mnangagwa's book sells 50k copies on launch
MORE than 50 000 copies of President Mnangagwa biography, that details the liberation struggle, his sacrifice, betrayal by fellow comrades, hopes and aspirations, were snapped up yesterday as Zimbabwe...Published: 06 Aug 2021 at 07:38hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Jacob Zuma is receiving the politics of justice
In South Africa, we have three arms of government, that is, the legislature, the executive and the judiciary. Everyone seems content with allowing criticism of the legislators and the executive, but n...Published: 09 Jul 2021 at 12:26hrs | 1 | by Bathabile Dlamini
Malunga farm ownership documents 'disappear' from deeds office
Documents proving the family of the late national hero Sydney Malunga owns a farm that's being controversially seized by government have gone missing from the deeds office, Malunga's son Siphosami cla...Published: 22 Jun 2021 at 17:12hrs | 2 | by Staff reporter
How Zimbabwe is still haunted by Robert Mugabe
IN OUR series of letters from Africa, Zimbabwean journalist-turned-barrister Brian Hungwe writes that long-serving ruler Robert Mugabe, who died in 2019, seems to be causing trouble from beyond the gr...Published: 06 Jun 2021 at 18:11hrs | | by Staff reporter
There was more democracy amongst white Rhodesians than we have between black Zimbabweans
Yesterday, I penned possibly the most painful and heartrending article, entitled, "Our elderly experienced life under both Rhodesia and Zimbabwe, so why arrest them when they say Smith was better?" - ...Published: 18 May 2021 at 10:26hrs | 14 | by Tendai Ruben Mbofana
Chiyangwa, Omega Sibanda accused of Afcon sabotage
ZIFA has resolved to recall former association president Philip Chiyangwa (pictured) from the Cosafa presidency, holding him responsible for the Warriors dismal performance at the on-going 2019 Africa...Published: 12 Jul 2019 at 08:01hrs | | by Staff reporter
'Chiyangwa to blame for Afcon crisis'
ZIFA president Felton Kamambo yesterday made sensational claims accusing his predecessor, Philip Chiyangwa, for allegedly being part of a cartel that caused mayhem that stalked the Warriors' 2019 Afco...Published: 12 Jul 2019 at 07:41hrs | | by Staff reporter
Open letter to Dr Lovemore Kurotwi
Dear Esteemed Dr Kurotwi my first port of call is to school you on what an opinion piece is. (Ah! Cry the journalistic profession, no sir !!) Dr Kurotwi sir, an opinion is a view or judgement formed a...Published: 05 Jul 2019 at 10:20hrs | 6 | by Nicholas Ncube
Obert Mpofu brushes off graft charges
Obert Mpofu, under pressure to vacate his Zanu-PF secretary for administration post over corruption allegations, has said he won't be stopped from reporting for work by anyone as a graft inquiry gets ...Published: 03 Jul 2019 at 08:56hrs | 3 | by Staff reporter
Is Obert Mpofu corrupt?
The nation and the world have been made to believe that Obert Mpofu is corrupt, evil and arrogant. All this is the proud achievement of one man in particular Lovemore Kurotwi.The Kurotwi - Mpo...Published: 28 Jun 2019 at 11:17hrs | 3 | by Nicholas Ncube
Zimbabwe won't die, the youth will save it
What really caught Ian Smith unawares was presumptuous complacency and his government's arrogance of incumbency… a deeply entrenched sense, both of class entitlement and invincibility based, not so ...Published: 20 Jan 2019 at 09:40hrs | | by Zifiso Masiye
Understanding the Commission of Inquiry Act
Over the past two days, the Presidential Spokesperson, George Charamba has come under immense criticism after being quoted in The Herald of 3 December 2018, saying the August 1 Commission of Inquiry r...Published: 05 Dec 2018 at 07:45hrs | | by Claver Nyuki
Reconciliation, healing elusive in Zimbabwe
VICE-PRESIDENT Kembo Mohadi's revelation that he is still suffering from the trauma of the grenade attack that killed two people at a June campaign rally in Bulawayo addressed by President Emmerson Mn...Published: 03 Oct 2018 at 07:23hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Married woman flees to SA after lover leaks indecent pictures
A MARRIED Victoria Falls woman skipped the border to South Africa after her long suffering husband discovered that she was cheating on him with two men.The woman, Duduzile Ngwenya (30), report...Published: 28 Sep 2018 at 06:46hrs | | by Staff reporter
Zanu PF used tribal card since 1980
ZANU PF used a tribal card since independence, it tactically used this weapon drilling it in the minds of its victims, the United Voices Forum has said. "As we address this man made cancerous ...Published: 29 Aug 2018 at 08:10hrs | | by Stephen Jakes
Deportation of Biti low, low point for Zambian regime
From 1953 to 1963, Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe were one country. Except for someone who has a real problem in their heads, even now that they are separate sovereigns, in fact their people are one. Pre...Published: 23 Aug 2018 at 06:47hrs | | by Michelo Hansungule
Why Biti was deported from Zambia
A Zambian political analyst based in South Africa has now suggested that the decision to deport opposition MDC Alliance principal Tendai Biti from Zambia was likely payback by President Edgar Lungu fo...Published: 20 Aug 2018 at 07:45hrs | | by Staff reporter
Deportation of Tendai Biti low, low point for Zambian regime
From 1953 to 1963, Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe were one country. Except for someone who has a real problem in their heads, even now that they are separate sovereigns, in fact their people are one. Pre...Published: 20 Aug 2018 at 07:42hrs | | by Prof. Michelo Hansungule
Beyond mad politics, the economy is waiting
A lot has happened since the July 30 harmonised elections. There are plenty of things that made sense and many other things that cannot be comprehended. Some results made sense while others hardly did...Published: 07 Aug 2018 at 07:27hrs | | by Learnmore Zuze
In the aftermath of the 'most peaceful' elections
The repeated calls by President Mnangagwa for unity and understanding, together with the condemnation of all violence must bring much hope to all Zimbabweans. This is a stance of a true statesman. If ...Published: 06 Aug 2018 at 18:16hrs | 1 | by Dr Ralph Mguni
Don't submit to Mugabe's divide and rule stylish
I was flabbergasted and fazed by the behavior of the two front runners (Former President Mnangagwa and Nelson Chamisa) following an interview by Robert Gabriel Mugabe at his Blue Roof residence in whi...Published: 01 Aug 2018 at 20:53hrs | | by Benny Gudo
An inherited crisis of imagination: A Long Essay concerning the understanding of Zimbabwe - Pt2
Continuing from here...Truth be said, this is a great opportunity for Mnangagwa. And truth be repeated, the...Published: 27 Jul 2018 at 19:03hrs | | by Tshepo Mabalane Mabalane
Time to reflect and decide!
Fellow Zimbabweans the time to reflect and map out our future has arrived. This is the golden opportunity we have been waiting for. It is not time for vengefulness or witch-hunting, but all voters hav...Published: 27 Jul 2018 at 08:48hrs | | by Frazer Muzondo
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