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'We don't eat Nationalism' says Mthwakazi President

10 Jul 2019 at 08:11hrs | Views
So many people in Zimbabwe particularly shonas and some of our Ndebele speaking people do not really understand or comprehend with what is meant by the term "Nationalism". To Shonas, nationalism means unleashing the Genocide to kill more than 100 000 innocent Ndebele people in the disguise of hunting dissidents whilst it was ethnicity cleansing.

It is true that between 1983 and 1987 the Zanu PF government under Robert Mugabe as the Prime minister and Emerson Mnangangwa as the Minister of State security deployed about 5000 Fifth brigade troops, trained by 106 North Koreans in Inyanga under the facilitation of Britain sometime in 1981. This is further reflected on the Chronicle newspaper of 12 September 1981 where Emerson Mnangangwa paid a hotel bill of $12943 for the accommodation of 106 North Koreans who were to train the Shona people on the skills to kill innocent Ndebeles.

One wonders why if indeed the Zanu PF government was looking for the so called dissidents that they manufactured to create what was to be regarded as civil war  could not use the Zimbabwe National Army which had since intergrated ZPRA and Zanla millitary wing to constitute the Zimbabwe National Army.

Some of us have argued that all the 5000 trained Shona assassins if we say in five years each killed 20 people that would translate to 100 000 Ndebeles having been killed in five years,  considering that these people were solely trained to kill and paid to kill. The minimum number of 20 per soldier per five years might be even be smaller.

It is in this background that I have defined nationalism mantra as in the context of killing, raping, maiming innocent Ndebeles. They are also some of our people who believes in what shonas believe, that if a party is led from Harare by a Shona person then that political party is national whereas if a Ndebele leads a national  party,  that would be a tribal party.  We saw it with the late Dr Joshua Nkomo led ZAPU which had a lot of Shonas in it, the likes of Josiah Chinanamo as the vice president to Joshua Nkomo, Joseph Msika, Willie Musarurwa, Nziramasanga, James Chikerema, George Nyandoro and many more but the shonas still branded ZAPU as a tribal party. We have seen it with Professor Welshman Ncube's MDC with the likes of Kuraone Chiwayi and other shonas, the revived Zapu with Dr Dumiso Dabengwa as the leader deputised by Emilia Mukarakatiwa and other Shona.  People still view these two political parties as tribal and its leadership labelled tribalists.

Nationalism is when Shonas write a 1979 Grand plan and it's then reviewed satanic 14page document. All these Zanu PF documents were written by Simba Makoni and the likes of Nathan Shamuyarira and other Shona people who included Herbert Ushewokunze the biggest tribalist who was behind the impregnating of Ndebele students at Mpilo hospital who will be doing nursing in the early 1980s. Ushewokunze would fund Shona guys to splash money as to lure the unsuspecting Ndebele females and in the process getting impregnated and failing to finish their nursing programs and hence the fulfilling of the Grandplan which says, 'deprive Ndebeles of education'. Herbert Ushewokunze will be remembered for wanting to name Bulawayo as Guruuswa, Mtshabezi Dam as Mwanakuridza, he was also behind the naming of the Matshiphisini Clinic at Mzilikazi as Marondera Poly Clinic. How do you have a clinic in Bulawayo named after Marondera?.

Nationalism is when there is huge deployment of Shona teachers in Mthwakazi schools, nationalism is the parcelling out of Mthwakazi land and it's mineral resources to Shona people, nationalism is the flooding of all government departments in Mthwakazi with Shona speaking people, and also in private sector, including nurses and doctors, policemen, soldiers, prison officers, Magistrates, Public Prosecutors and including the sweepers in the government departments. Nationalism is when Shonas are flooded at Beitbridge border Post including the sweepers ahead of Sotho and Venda speaking people who are the locals.  Nationalism is when Shonas are deployed at Plumtree border posts at the expense of the Kalanga speaking people, nationalism is when Shonas are deployed at Victoria Falls- Livingston Border post at the expense of the Nambya and Tonga people who are the locals at these areas.

Many of our people have failed to give me a satisfactory reason why they think and believe that nationalism will ever work in Zimbabwe. Many are quick to say Joshua Nkomo was a nationalist and he left them at Zanu PF. Do we then need to define Nationalism on the argument that Nkomo was a nationalist, then it came MDC which also have the same mentality that nationalism only works when a Shona is in leadership and a Ndebele being a deputy.

We have since witnessed MDC led by Nelson Chamisa having three Deputy Presidents, that means three shonas against one Ndebele in form of Welshman Ncube, the Professor. We have also seen MDC refusing to be outdone by ZANU PF, by also creating their own rule book code xxx which is a complimentary to Zanu PF grandplan. According to MDC code xxx, it says they should work hard to Shonalise Mthwakazi, particularly Bulawayo where we saw them successfully fielding 17 Shona Councillors and in the process putting a Shona deputy mayor which is something that has never happened in the history of Bulawayo,  the city of Kings and Queens. MDC went on to further Shonalise Bulawayo structures in their recently ended Congress in Gweru where all their structures were endorsed.

Whereas Shonas and other sick Ndebele people have always labelled us as tribalists, tribalism according to shonas is when Ndebele people begin to realize that we are treated as second class citizens in our own forefathers Land.  Tribalism according to them is when we start to fight the deployment of Shona teachers in our schools. Tribalism according to them is when we as Mthwakazi people send a clear message that we now want out of Zimbabwe marriage through restoration of yester year boundaries. Tribalism according to them is when we start to put a lot of pressure on the Zanu PF government on Gukurahundi-Genocide.  Tribalism according to them is when we start to talk about the Installation of the Ndebele King.

The list is endless on how the Shonas would want to define Nationalism and Tribalism as a way of justifying themselves to continue their dominance on the thirteen tribes of Mthwakazi. I want to categorically state that having mentioned all the ills by shonas against us there is no way we would continue in that yoke of oppression in their hands. Instead the time to escalate and intensify our struggle has come and The Time is Now.

For how long should we continue living in denial as Ndebeles. It is true that 60% of the resources that sustain Zimbabwe are from Mthwakazi yet we are the poorest and our resources are looted to develop Harare like what Britain used to do.

My final word to our people is that we have tried all we could to co-exist with Shonas but in all our efforts we are failing. Dr Joshua Nkomo tried it, Professor Welshman Ncube and Gibson Sibanda tried it with MDC, the late Dr Dumiso Dabengwa tried it with Simba Makoni on the Kusile- Mavambo Dawn Project. The underlying fact is that you can not yoke a donkey and an oxen together that will never work. We have tried it for the past 39 years and the situation on the ground has proven to this truth.

Nothing for us without us.

We also want to warn the Zanu PF government particularly shonas that we are a generation that is totally different from Dr Joshua Nkomo's generation and we learnt a lot from the blunders of the yester year leaders. We therefore cannot fall in the same pit that would render us as failures and a generation without a history and legacy and we would have failed the generations to come.

Sisonke Sibambene SinguMthwakazi Sizakulungisa.

MRP For Peace And Justice In our Lifetime

Mqondisi Moyo
Mthwakazi Republic Party

Source - Mqondisi Moyo
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