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'Ndebele workers terrorised in Lupane Registry office'

08 Aug 2019 at 08:02hrs | Views
The news filtering through our intelligence department is so much disturbing on what Shona senior workers did to the Ndebele workers in Lupane registry yesterday.

We can safely confirm that William James Sayenda who happens to be the head of Lupane Registry office, Victor Memory Muchemwa and Evelyn Chivasa are behind the illegal transfers of all the Ndebele staff members who were working in Lupane registry office.

All these Shona senior workers are a cartel from Masvingo, the unprocedural transfers of these Ndebele workers emanated from the corruption cases that were exposed by MRP two months back where it was reported that some people from as far as Masvingo, Harare, Marondera and other places from Mashonaland are now given first preference when applying for emergency passports at Lupane registry office ahead of the local people of Matebeleland North province and these people will be made to pay bribes of not less than  $100 US DOLLAR  per individual. According to the information at hand Lupane passport office used to be allocated 15 emergency passports per day and 75 emergency passports per week which translates to 300 emergency passports per month for the Lupane office. Simple mathematics will tell you that these Shona senior staff workers were or are clocking  $30 000 United States Dollars because they only accept the US Dollar and Rands. Also equivalent to R450 000 per month.

The corruption at Lupane passport office has affected the Ndebele workers as the Shona senior workers suspect that the Ndebele workers are the ones who whistle blowed about their corruption tendencies.

Recently MRP President was interviewed by a journalist on Zimbabwean news online about the dismally performance in the recently ended Lupane East by-election that was won by the corrupt Zanu PF, cde Mqondisi Moyo said *the winning of Zanu PF will not stop the employment of Shona teachers, nurses and all civil service in Lupane and particularly Matebeleland North and the whole of Mthwakazi.*  After the president's interview we are now faced with these disturbing news where the Shona workers are doing as they wish in Lupane registry office,  the president of MRP has always said that the influx of Shona workers in all the government departments in the land of Mthwakazi is due to the 1979 Satanic Shona Grandplan which clearly states that they should be takeover of all deployment of the government workforce by Shona speaking people and this is the rule book of shonas against Ndebeles. True to our President's words Zanu PF will continue to terrorise the Mthwakazi people regardless of the fact that our Ndebele speaking people vote for it.

We have noted that after our corruption expose at Lupane passport office,  the godfathers of corruption Sayenda Willard James (Provincial Registrar), Victor Muchemwa and Evelyn Chivasa, the Human Resources officer are now victimising Ndebele officers including Phathisani  Ndlovu who is Sayenda's deputy by transferring them to far away places. The victimised officers are accused of leaking the corrupt shenanigans who are bragging and saying that they are connected to the Central Intelligence Organization  ( CIOs) and Zanu PF and they are untouchable.

As MRP we now demand for the removal of Sayenda Willard James the Matebeleland North provincial Registrar,  Victor Memory Muchemwa who is a Human Resources personnel and Evelyn Chivasa who is also a relative to Sayenda.

We are a political party that would not tolerate corruption within our territory and some people think that our success is measured through election results,  we are the only political party that is visible and taking Zanu PF head on even if there are no elections as we believe with or without elections we need to liberate Mthwakazi from the Shona oppressors. People will undermine MRP at their own peril.

We have also attached the names of all those affected Ndebele workers as a proof that as MRP we are not a party to cook up stories through propaganda as Zanu PF would do.

The affected Ndebele workers have been told to resume their duties  at their new stations today and to make matters worse they were not given three months notices as the statutory Instruments  requirements (SI), no disturbance allowances were given to the affected workers as the statutory Instruments will require and will also feel their transfers are as a punitive measure as the statutory Instruments clearly state that no worker should be transferred as a way of punishment.

*These unprocedural transfers reminds us of the way our President Mqondisi Moyo was to be transferred to Mashonaland central in August 2015  where the central intelligence organization of Bulawayo advised the head office of Agritex in Harare that Mqondisi Moyo was to be transferred immediately to Mashonaland central as a way of isolating him with the people of Matebeleland as he was believed to be giving the government some headaches and opening the eyes of the Mthwakazi citizens.  Many of you will remember that our President who is the former Accountant Assistant in the department of Agritex in Matebeleland North province went for 17 Months without a salary until the government fired him on the 30th of March 2017 a day before he was finishing his three months of the notice he had written to the department informing them that he is leaving the department as he felt he was being victimised for his political choice and his stand to fight for Mthwakazi citizens.*

The time is now or never.  Nothing for us without us.

Sisonke Sibambene SinguMthwakazi Sizakulungisa.

*MRP For Peace And Justice in our Lifetime.*

MRP Information department - Matebeleland North Province.

Source - MRP Information department
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