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Panic as Trevor Ncube's media empire faces collapse
Alpha Media Holdings (AMH), one of Zimbabwe's largest independent media houses owned by media mogul Trevor Ncube, is teetering on the brink of collapse, insiders revealed. The company has failed to up...Published: 20 Dec 2024 at 12:00hrs | 2740 | by George Tshuma
African countries assisted South African independence; payback is Xenophobic actions: blacks on blacks' violence
I quote from Byo24: Former ANC MP and Abantu Batho Congress Councilor in eThekwini, Makhosi Khoza, says South African natives have been shortchanged. Close quote. This is a statement that could cause ...Published: 14 Apr 2024 at 18:55hrs | 29 | by Nomazulu Thata
Bulawayo Business Network team meets Obert Mpofu
...Published: 28 Sep 2023 at 11:06hrs | 8 | by Nkululeko Nkomo
Rufaro Stadium is now ready for inspection
Rufaro Stadium is now prepared for inspection, as reported by Byo24Sports.Last week, a delegation comprising representatives from Zifa and the PSL visited the venue to provide their final asse...Published: 14 Sep 2023 at 12:01hrs | 3 | by Staff reporter
LISTEN: Mnangagwa speech remixed into a song, goes viral
A new song has surfaced online that uses President Emmerson Mnangagwa's speech on how to make $1 million USD. The song encourages the youth to stop taking shortcuts ...Published: 26 Apr 2023 at 11:21hrs | 5 | by APO
LISTEN: No wedding, no sex, wife tells her ZANU-PF aspiring MP husband
The only thing that humbles a married man is being denied sex by his wife, especially a second wife. The situation is not only frustrating but traumatising after possibly dumping the first ...Published: 09 Mar 2023 at 12:11hrs | 24 | by Simbarashe Sithole
Pupils possessed by Satanism
In a bizarre incident, pupils at Amhlophe High School in Phumula East, Bulawayo were allegedly possessed by a mysterious spirit on Thursday forcing ...Published: 23 Jul 2022 at 20:42hrs | 4 | by Desmond Nleya and Shelton Muchena
LISTEN: Journalist Simbarashe Sithole's life in danger
Home Affairs Minister Kazembe Kazembe has reportedly sent ZANU PF youths led by Shamva based one Chief Saunyama to threaten and assault Freelance journalist Simbarashe Sithole. Sithole i...Published: 06 Jun 2022 at 14:20hrs | 2 | by Staff Reporter
Mwonzora, Chamisa scuffle (is there a Zanu-PF hand)
There have been many accusations and counter-accusations going on since the ruling that installed Khupe as MDC T leader and which resulted in much turmoil in the opposition camp. While much or less ma...Published: 12 Jan 2021 at 21:23hrs | 1 | by Kumbirai Stein Chivhuna
Zimbabwe is for us all
I find it unfair for people like Ezra Tshisa Sibanda to say that the government is trying to get rid of Ndebele by employing teachers with Shona surnames to teach in Matebeleland and other Ndebele dom...Published: 09 Mar 2019 at 18:29hrs | 3 | by Shumba Happison
'Will lift sanctions if implement constitution' USA is saying now - nonsense, and ignore vote rigging, again
"United States ambassador to Zimbabwe Brian Nichols has said that all that is required for the United States to lift sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe is for Zimbabwe to fully implement the 2013 Constitut...Published: 26 Sep 2018 at 18:26hrs | | by Nomusa Garikai
2018 Elections: National Assembly Results - Live update (01 Aug 2018)
Download official ZEC 2018 Harmonised Elections Results...Published: 01 Aug 2018 at 06:16hrs | 15 | by Staff Reporter
MDC Alliance partners fail to agree on candidates
Tensions are widening in the MDC Alliance with parties failing to agree on the candidates for parliamentary elections.MDC-T, People's Democratic Party and Multi-Racial Christian Democrats have...Published: 04 Jun 2018 at 18:59hrs | | by Byo24News
Bulawayo deputy mayor, 10 more arrested over MDC-T violence
Police in Bulawayo have arrested Bulawayo deputy mayor and 10 more other people in connection with violent clashes that took place at their party offices on Sunday.Rival factions supporting vi...Published: 06 Mar 2018 at 16:56hrs | 6 | by Byo24News Reporter
Calling the future by its name - the most accurate political forecasts
As the political dog-fights in Zimbabwe took spiralling turns with each twinkle of an eye, Zimbabweans were not spared from a bunch of fake analysts, and sweet-sounding unsubstantiated news. But I lay...Published: 11 Jan 2018 at 19:35hrs | | by Munyaradzi Rukanda Mhaka
Read again 19 Oct spiritual confirmation about Mugabe's fall on Byo24
For those who doubt the Powers of Heaven, this is the chance to read again my interpretation of Pastor Mugadza's Prophesy of Mugabe dying on 17/10/17. On the 19th of October 2017, people were laughing...Published: 08 Dec 2017 at 13:13hrs | | by Ryton Dzimiri
Live Updates: Mnangagwa cabinet, Zimbabweans speak
Following the euphoria after Robert Mugabe resignation, Zimbabweans had high hopes that change was afoot under the new president Emmerson Mnangagwa and were eagerly awaiting the announcement of h...Published: 01 Dec 2017 at 07:12hrs | 12 | by iNdaba Ndaba
Mugabe meets Mash Central youths - LIVE
THE Zanu PF rally rolls into Bindura’s Chipadze Stadium for an interactive meeting between President Robert Mugabe and Mashonaland Central youths. President Mugabe is going to address the eighth You...Published: 09 Sep 2017 at 12:54hrs | | by Staff reporter
Public responds well to calls to sponsor Nkayi Kids
The public, community groups, churches and businesses have responded well to calls to sponsor Nkayi Kids' South African Science Competition Trip Financial Appeal.Individuals are calling and de...Published: 26 Jul 2017 at 19:52hrs | 3 | by Agencies
LISTEN: 'Bravo Bus Service drivers ask for another R400 after we had paid at office'
Hi Byo24 I just need to share with you and your readers how cross border-bus-drivers treat people (Bravo Bus Service) I was on a second coach of Bravo on the 06/05/2017 from Jo'burg to Byo whi...Published: 13 May 2017 at 20:47hrs | 1 | by Concerned Citizen
Another cop speaks on extortion in the police force
The Editor, I would like to refer to an article in Byo24 by a cop titled "Cop exposes serious extortion in Zimbabw...Published: 09 May 2017 at 21:11hrs | 1 | by ZRP Officer
Gay baboon terrorises villagers in South Africa, rapes 5 men
Men at a village in the North West are leaving in fear over a big male baboon that likes to grope and bonk human males.According to a newspaper clip seen by Byo24News, the baboon is said to ha...Published: 18 Apr 2017 at 10:35hrs | 51 | by Staff reporter
Desperation in Marriage-institutions: Zimbabwe is wholly conservative!
Some iconic Journalist Haru Mutasa questioned the desperation of Zimbabwean women in their quest for marriage on twitter: to say it verbatim: Minister Jonathan Moyo replied the good journalist: ...Published: 03 Apr 2017 at 09:08hrs | 5 | by Nomazulu Thata
WATCH: Mugabe cautiously walks the red carpet in Ghana
Zimbabwe's 93-year-old president Robert Mugabe, just returned from seeing his doctors in Singapore, cautiously walks the red carpet in Ghana. And everyone's watching his feet.The Herald ne...Published: 07 Mar 2017 at 12:55hrs | | by Online
Lost but not yet found
Editor,Lost but not yet found/Okulahlekileyo okungakafunyanwaSalibona lonke bafundi beBYO24.lbizo nguTrevour kaNcube, ngiloba lencwajana, ngisazisa uzulu wonke nge ID lama result...Published: 15 Feb 2017 at 15:05hrs | | by Trevour kaNcube
Thank you Byo24
Editor! As a human rights defender and activist I wish to congratulate the editor @ Byo24 and the entire staff for giving the people of Zimbabwe in and abroad what is happening in all co...Published: 23 Jan 2017 at 11:56hrs | | by Evan Matola
Democratic transformation will follow a cerebral shift from subjective to objective thinking
Patrick Guramatunhu you are spot on; (Trevor Ncube tweet "torched a storm" Byo24) - Trevor Ncube was stating a fact, Tsvangirai is corrupt and incompetent. - Ncube's conclus...Published: 14 Dec 2016 at 07:37hrs | 1 | by Wilbert Mukori
This below the belt kind of thinking! Stinks to high heaven!
When we say our thinking and our ways of life has not changed to better ourselves and our communities this is one classical example. It is just sad and backward to say a girl-child does not dese...Published: 05 Dec 2016 at 20:19hrs | 2 | by Nomazulu Thata
Missing 'Hillbrow' boy (6) found
The 6-year-old boy who went missing yesterday (Wednesday) evening in Hillbrow has been found. The good news came after a reader, ...Published: 17 Nov 2016 at 13:39hrs | | by Staff Reporter
Man bashed over bond notes
[11:00, 11/9/2016] +263 7* *** ****: A heated debate erupted after somebody gave his own views about the implications behind the introduction of bond notes until a fight began...Published: 09 Nov 2016 at 10:45hrs | 5 | by Concerned Citizen
Farm workers get free teeth extraction
Editor, More than 200 patients who are farm workers only for Forrester Estate in Mazowe North, Mashonaland Central sections had their teeth extracted for free at Forrester clinic on November 5...Published: 07 Nov 2016 at 06:37hrs | 7 | by Mazowe Resident
PHOTO: Police crash MDC-T rally
Police in Zvishavane on Sunday crashed a rally held by the Movement for Democratic Change....Published: 06 Nov 2016 at 16:54hrs | | by Staff Reporter
PHOTOS: ZimPF donates to member whose home was burnt down
Zimbabwe People First (ZimPF) on Saturday donated blankets, foodstuff, utensils and money to Builder Kambaza whose home was burnt down by alleged Zanu thugs on Friday (yesterday). Present was&...Published: 05 Nov 2016 at 17:40hrs | | by Simbarashe Sithole
Boreholes hive of activity in Bulawayo
Bulawayo residents are now relying on borehole water for survival after city council introduced crippling 48 hour water cuts.Boreholes dotted around townships are now a hive of activity....Published: 01 Nov 2016 at 13:15hrs | | by Thobekile Zhou
Police ignore drunk govt driver who plunged into water canal, vehicle pulled out after 24hrs
The government vehicle that fell into a water canal on Sunday in Mvurwi at around 19:45hrs has just been recovered tonight (Monday) just after 23:15hrs.The driver who drove the Ministry of Edu...Published: 24 Oct 2016 at 23:00hrs | 1 | by Simbarashe Sithole
Sex starved teen bashed by would-be rape victim
Sex starved 19year-old man tried to rape a 38 year old woman in the bush this afternoon at Chance farm Mvurwi leaving residents shell shocked.It is alleged that Alson Mapuranga who is currentl...Published: 24 Oct 2016 at 15:51hrs | 1 | by Simbarashe Sithole
Cancer equipment lays idle at Mpilo Hospital, manuals written in Chinese
Cancer treatment equipment worth $1.5million is gathering dust at Mpilo Central Hospital, MDC-Vice president Thokozani Khupe and Bulawayo legislator has said.The equipment was sourced in China...Published: 24 Oct 2016 at 14:49hrs | | by Alice Dube
PHOTOS: Police sell cabbages to vendors - WhatsApp update
[7:06 AM, 8/5/2016] +27 7* *** ****: Misuse of gvt property due to brokeness[7:19 AM, 8/5/2016] +27 7* *** ****: The truck was being offloaded at Railway market place in Ma...Published: 05 Aug 2016 at 08:18hrs | 7 | by Concerned Citizen
Mugabe's govt panics, changes pay dates to tomorrow
Government has succumbed to pressure from mass protests and the on-going stay away and changed civil servants' pay dates in a futile attempt to end the crippling demonstrations. Teachers w...Published: 06 Jul 2016 at 18:21hrs | | by Staff reporter
Chitungwiza stay away update - Helicopter hovering around (photos)
Please note that Bulawayo24 does not edit WhatsApp updates. We publish them as sent by our readers and we do not disclose the sender's telephone number.[...Published: 06 Jul 2016 at 11:36hrs | | by Concerned Citizen
Beitbridge town totally shut down - WhatsApp update
Please note that Bulawayo24 does not edit WhatsApp updates. We publish them as sent by our readers and we do not disclose the sender's telephone number....Published: 06 Jul 2016 at 11:18hrs | 4 | by Beitbridge resident
No transport in Chitungwiza - WhatsApp update
Please note that Bulawayo24 does not edit WhatsApp updates. We publish them as sent by our readers and we do not disclose the sender's telephone number....Published: 06 Jul 2016 at 06:24hrs | 5 | by Concerned Citizen
1ns and 2s with DJ-Sticha - Things You Should Never Say to Your Band mates
They say communication is the key to good relationship, kodwa how you communicate sometimes might start or put out a fire, I chose this topic today ngoba this week uzwa kuthiwa kuneqembu elisha elomcu...Published: 24 Jun 2016 at 09:24hrs | 1 | by DJ-Sticha
The Bulawayo24 is owned by us, you are only trusted to be the Editor!
Dear Editor,Allow me to democratically express my Grandiose Mental Disorder by warning you that Bulawayo24 is owned by us readers, and you are only trusted to edit it for our pleasure....Published: 09 Jun 2016 at 06:29hrs | 7 | by Rakanga Danble
Zim kwaito stars make waves in UK
"We have never been good at following the norm. We don't follow trends nor feel the need to fit in. Neither are we worried about a target audience as our demographics are unknown but what we do know i...Published: 28 May 2016 at 16:03hrs | | by Showbiz Reporter
Rising Gospel star
The Star of the group Ithemba lensindiso keeps rising with the group set to release their third album just in time for summer.Speaking to Funani Ncube who sounded excited about the new Kal...Published: 24 May 2016 at 14:15hrs | | by Staff reporter
Abafana BakaMzilikazi releases new album
Fresh from the shelves as they promised earlier this year, Abafana BakaMzilikazi have released a 13 track sizzling hot Maskandi album which is heavily pregnant with motivational, inspirational and soc...Published: 17 May 2016 at 13:09hrs | 1 | by DJ Sticha
Zim kwaito stars shine in the UK - Interview with Xolani Nqo
"We have never been good at following the norm. We don't follow trends nor feel the need to fit in. Neither are we worried about a target audience as our demographics...Published: 09 May 2016 at 10:06hrs | 1 | by Showbiz Reporter
A'Level: Daily Divinity Question and answers with Dingani
Qn: "The actions of Pre-canonical prophets led to the deaths of so many people that we cannot regard these prophets as good men." Examine this view. To what ext...Published: 07 May 2016 at 07:40hrs | | by Witness Dingani
We are sick and tired of thieves in Nketa
04/05/2016, 01:45 - +263 77 *** ****: hallo byo24. We are sick and tired of thieves in our neighborhood of Nketa. These criminals are victimising residents when they are fast asleep. They are robbi...Published: 04 May 2016 at 02:30hrs | 8 | by Nketa Resident
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