Search / Mathanda
Strive Masiyiwa honoured at ICT Excellence Awards
Leading entrepreneur and founder of the Econet Group, Strive Masiyiwa, was on Thursday night awarded at the prestigious Zimbabwe ICT Excellence Awards held at Rainbow Towers Hotel in Harare. Masiyiwa,...Published: 30 Nov 2024 at 13:03hrs | 124 | by Staff reporter
Zimbabwe's political crisis has dragged on for too long
The phrase "political economy" has entered the dictionary of the World Bank and other development organizations around the world.Academic interest in the components of the political economy of...Published: 01 Jul 2024 at 11:35hrs | 27 | by Evans Mathanda
Recalling Morgan Tsvangirai's political tactics
Opposition politicians are often faced with the daunting task of criticising government policies and actions while maintaining a level of diplomacy that ensures their message is heard loud and clear w...Published: 25 Jun 2023 at 09:39hrs | 3 | by Evans Mathanda
African countries must scrap passports, abolish border restrictions
Colonisation created a divided Africa.Even when King Leopold II ravaged the present day Democratic Republic of Congo, he didn't envisage that Africa would have independent states one day....Published: 19 Mar 2023 at 07:50hrs | 2 | by Evans Mathanda
Zimbabwe after Robert Mugabe
This opinion-editorial piece was written by Japhet Ncube, a Zimbabwean-born former editor of South African daily, The Star, in November 2017 during the coup which ousted the late former president Robe...Published: 04 Feb 2023 at 20:10hrs | 17 | by Japhet Mathanda Ncube
Zimbabwe opposition's to-do list ahead of 2023 polls
Zimbabwe is expected to hold its presidential election next year, and the world has mixed sentiments about the impending polls due to the Zimbabwean government's reluctance to execute electoral reform...Published: 04 Dec 2022 at 08:12hrs | | by Evans Mathanda
Mnangagwa's re-election campaign in full swing
Most African countries started undergoing political transitions decades ago, breaking away from colonial powers and establishing independence.This resulted in far reaching democratic gains in ...Published: 06 Nov 2022 at 11:57hrs | 2 | by Evans Mathanda
Zanu-PF desperately needs succession planning
AT least 3 500 delegates attended the just ended Zanu-PF congress in Harare, which overwhelmingly endorsed President Emmerson Mnangagwa's candidacy ahead of next year's general elections.But w...Published: 30 Oct 2022 at 06:56hrs | | by Evans Mathanda
Zimbabwe opposition must rethink its strategy to win 2023 polls
In most southern African countries political parties become entrenched once they win state power and they pull all stops to maintain the status quo. Such parties appear to be a "restorat...Published: 03 Oct 2022 at 19:54hrs | 2 | by Evans Mathanda
Zanu-PF must revisit its ruinous stance on NGOs
Zanu-PF has been in overdrive with its attacks of civil society organisations with party spokesperson Christopher Mutsvangwa being the latest top ranking official to launch an unprovoked tirade....Published: 25 Sep 2022 at 16:48hrs | | by Evans Mathanda
Chamisa's CCC need to be clear about its structures
A bizarre situation is playing out in Zimbabwe ahead of the general 2023 elections.The major political parties have picked their candidates for next year's all-important harmonised election....Published: 31 Jul 2022 at 08:14hrs | | by Evans Mathanda
Zanu-PF must commit to peaceful transition in 2023
IT'S critical to understand what transpired in the aftermath of the 2008 and 2018 presidential elections.The opposition's focus on a peaceful power transition is even more critical as the coun...Published: 12 Jun 2022 at 09:24hrs | 1 | by Evans Mathanda
Govt must have a plan to rescue jobless graduates
Education used to be a ticket to a better life in Zimbabwe. Life was better when one was educated, one could afford a house and a middle income lifestyle.But this has changed over the la...Published: 05 Sep 2021 at 07:04hrs | 1 | by Evans Mathanda
Zanu-PF, govt officials in panic mode
AFRICA has a long-standing history of heavily contested elections.Most liberation war parties find it hard to let go of their grip on power.In Zimbabwe, the late Robert Mugabe had to t...Published: 22 Aug 2021 at 08:08hrs | | by Evans Mathanda
Zimbabwe's online content creators under siege
FREEDOM of expression and access to information is and will always be the backbone of any democracy.The media should express itself freely, without being gagged or persecuted. At the bottom of...Published: 08 Aug 2021 at 07:32hrs | 2 | by Evans Mathanda
Washonaphi uMzac'omnyama?
Ngiyabingelela Mthwakazi kaMzilikazi, Mthwakaz omnyama, ondlela zimhlophe iinduku zibomvu. Lombhalo ngiwubhala nje kungumbuzo engiwubhekise kumaNtungwa akwaSokhumalo okungabantu bakoKhumalo is...Published: 20 Jul 2021 at 10:29hrs | 5 | by Nkonzo Mathanda
Zimbabwean politicians and their addiction to Twitter
WITH the advancement of technology, Twitter has rapidly become a crucial communication tool for Zimbabwean politicians to convey their messages to the public, either to threaten or give general update...Published: 16 Jul 2021 at 09:14hrs | | by Evans Mathanda
Umkhuba omubi ngokukhuzwa kuka Bayethe/ Bayede!!!!
Ngiyabingelela Mthwakazi kaNdaba, Mthwakazi kaMzilikazi, Mthwakazi omnyama, lina bonduku zibomvu, izindlela zimhlophe. Kuleshlava esesangena shiqe esizweni seMbabala sadala umonakalo omkhulu n...Published: 19 Feb 2021 at 19:32hrs | 10 | by Nkonzo Mathanda
Elliot Moyo's death, Twitter reacts
Most social media users don't believe the reports, saying there could be yet another resurrection miracle on the way.Several Zimbabwean news publications reported on Monday that Brighton Ellio...Published: 09 Apr 2019 at 09:42hrs | 21 | by Staff reporter
Oliver Mtukudzi had blood cancer?
The late super star Oliver Mtukudzi might have suffered from blood cancer, journalist Lenin Ndebele reveals.In his tribute to the late global icon, Ndebele says when he was a young journalist ...Published: 23 Jan 2019 at 21:26hrs | 15 | by Mandla Ndlovu
Our journalists must up their game
Many have asked me why our media is as bad as it is today. It is not a question that can be answered with one magic sentence. It is true that we have a crisis in journalism; today's reporters ...Published: 31 Dec 2018 at 17:00hrs | | by Hopewell Chin'ono
Couple stabs workmate to death
A COUPLE based in Matabeleland South Province has been arrested for allegedly stabbing their workmate to death in a dispute after a drinking spree.Matabeleland South provincial police spokespe...Published: 04 Jul 2018 at 07:19hrs | | by Staff reporter
uKusosa bakithi 'Phansi ngobumbulu lodlame'
ABASEKELI beqembu elidala kulawo wonke kumdlalo wenguqu iHighlanders FC, sebebike ukuba bayaxolisa ngodlame lobukliwi obenziwe ngabanye babo ngeSonto edluleyo mhla umsekeli kanompembe esenza iphutha e...Published: 18 May 2017 at 08:36hrs | 2 | by Umlobi
Siwaqedile ngombobobo amanina insumbelume
ASELE etshaywa ngumoya omnanjana amanina esigabeni seNsuza kulandela ukubanjwa kweyinye insumbelume ngabaphurofethi ebizenzela umathanda ngombobobo, uMthunywa uyakuveza lokhu lamhlanje.Linsind...Published: 21 Aug 2016 at 16:21hrs | 2 | by Ncekwenhle Ncube
Impi kubangwa umakhwapheni
ZIBAMBE oluphuphumayo izakhamizi zesiqintini seMhome esigabeni seMahole, eFilabusi ngemva kokuba esinye isakhamuzi sakule indawo sikhuthe umkaso ngengqamu kabuhlungu kubangwa umakhwapheni.Inda...Published: 26 Mar 2016 at 15:23hrs | | by YiNtatheli kaMthunywa
Pensioners urge NSSA to decentralise services
PENSIONERS have called on the National Social Security Authority (NSSA) to decentralise its services saying it was unsustainable for them to be travelling from remote areas for minor paperwork....Published: 05 Jan 2016 at 06:06hrs | | by Nqobile Tshili
Bulawayo to give huge send off to Sikhanyiso Ndlovu
NATIONAL hero Sikhanyiso Ndlovu is expected to be given a huge send off by the Bulawayo community this morning before his body is flown for burial at the National Heroes Acre in Harare tomorrow. The f...Published: 18 Sep 2015 at 06:10hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Zimbabwean player charged for strangling Swaziland referee
Swaziland-based Zimbabwean defender Talent Maphosa grabbed the headlines last week for all the wrong reasons after he was charged for strangling an assistant referee during a Castle Premier Challenge ...Published: 19 Oct 2014 at 16:01hrs | | by Staff reporter
7 die, 23 injured in road accidents
SEVEN people died while 23 others were critically injured in two separate accidents in Bulawayo and Plumtree.Three people died on the spot yesterday afternoon while 14 others were seriously in...Published: 05 Aug 2014 at 11:49hrs | 2 | by Sukulwenkosi Dube - Nqobile Tshili
More chaos from Gwanda Provincial Hospital
Following media reports of massive corruption at Gwanda Hospital Nursing School more damning reports of corruption and mismanagement are emerging from the hospital.Latest very reliable sources...Published: 18 Feb 2014 at 12:39hrs | 8 | by Staff Reporter
Indlela amadlozi abonakala ngayo - Imikhokha lezigameko ezithile ezinganhle
Idlozi liyakwazi ukuziveza emuntwini ngezigameko ezithile ezingajwayelekanga. Kwesinye isikhathi kuvele kufike umuntu axoxe lawe indaba ezinkulu lezi ezikwethusayo ngoba ungazizwisisi. Kum...Published: 14 Apr 2013 at 07:39hrs | 6 | by Velempini Ndlovu
Matabeleland South man arrested for saying 'Mugabe is too old and should retire'
An MDC official in Matobo district in Matabeleland South has been arrested for allegedly stating that President Robert Mugabe "is too old and should retire", the party claims....Published: 18 Aug 2012 at 06:53hrs | 13 | by Staff reporter
MDC official arrested for saying 'Mugabe is too old and should retire'
Police in Matobo have arrested an MDC official for allegedly stating that President Robert Mugabe "is too old and should retire", the party claims.According to party members, MDC secretary in...Published: 17 Aug 2012 at 13:55hrs | | by Staff reporter
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