Search / Zawu
Zimbabwe businessman survives murder attempt
Three men from Harare, Ronald Mpopoma (38), Trevor Chigumba (40), and Fungayi Razawu (58), have been charged with attempted murder following an alleged attack on local businessman Blessed Runesu. The ...Published: 26 Sep 2024 at 13:34hrs | 773 | by Staff reporter
Bulawayo seeks heroine status for Dupute
BULAWAYO Province has requested a national heroine status for Nellie Dupute who was laid to rest on Saturday at Lady Stanley Cemetery.A former death row inmate at Chikurubi Prison after she wa...Published: 19 Sep 2022 at 05:57hrs | 2 | by Staff reporter
Zapu mourns liberation stalwart Thaka
Opposition Zapu has been plunged into mourning following the departure of one of its senior members, Teresia Thaka on Thursday."ZAPU once again is in deep sorrow as the mother party mourns the...Published: 26 Jul 2021 at 19:21hrs | | by Staff reporter
Mother Teresa has departed
ZAPU once again is in deep sorrow as the mother party mourns the death yesterday of uMama Teresia Thaka (nee Mafu).Widely referred to not as comrade in ZAPU, but as Mrs Thaka or uMama uT...Published: 23 Jul 2021 at 20:05hrs | 11 | by Iphithule T Maphosa
ZAPU RSA provincial press statement on the province's roadmap to provincial conference and national congress
Zimbabwe African People's Union South Africa Provincial leadership Council sat on 04 October 2020 to take stock of the progress that has been made and the shortfalls that still need to be covered. ...Published: 06 Oct 2020 at 13:20hrs | 1 | by Cde Godfrey Viki
Lest we forget: Women of the struggle
Tomorrow, Zimbabwe celebrates National Heroes Day, an important day on the national calendar to honour the gallant sons and daughters of the soil who made extraordinary sacrifices to liberate the coun...Published: 11 Aug 2019 at 07:26hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Dabengwa in door to door campaign
ZAPU president has revived his door o door meet the people campaign as the party drums up support for the coming elections later this year. Reminiscentof the 2015 edition where ZAPU took part ...Published: 28 Apr 2018 at 15:39hrs | 1 | by Iphithule Thembani KaMaphosa
Four church attack group remanded in custody
FOUR Mbembesi men who stormed into an apostolic church and attacked its members, injuring six during a service on Easter Sunday have appeared in court.Lulekani Hadebe (24), Mbongeni Khuboni (2...Published: 05 Apr 2018 at 07:13hrs | | by Staff reporter
6 injured in midnight church fight
SIX members of an apostolic church in Mbembesi, Umguza District were injured after four men allegedly stormed their church and pelted them with stones before attacking them with knobkerries during a s...Published: 04 Apr 2018 at 13:24hrs | | by Staff reporter
Grace disgraced Women's month of August
The month of August in Africa and in many other places is a specially designated and apportion month for women. This is a show of appreciation to women for their amazing strengths throughout the ages ...Published: 18 Aug 2017 at 20:09hrs | 1 | by Sipho Sibanda
Zapu Europe Province holds grand meeting
Zapu is shifting into the right gears at the right time. This was evident in the recent Zapu Europe Inter-organs meeting which was held in the West Midlands, UK. The inter-organs meetings are held qua...Published: 17 Feb 2017 at 06:07hrs | 1 | by BMV
Zimbabwe government evictions after 8 months on new farms
So Tongaat Hulett packed their bags and left Zimbabwe because of production levels becoming so low thanks to the poor weather while fixed costs remaining extra high. Zimbabwe lost so...Published: 28 Dec 2016 at 23:06hrs | 1 | by Sipho Sibanda
This n that with Mal'phosa - Let us sPray
Abantu amanga! Just this week they were claiming that the price of doom is going to go up ten-fold. They said that the manufacturers had invented new uses for their product - something like, Lacto - i...Published: 27 Nov 2016 at 14:35hrs | | by Clerk Ndlovu
Zapu Update: Molife joins the National Executive Committee
Zapu's Arthur Molife has vacated the hot seat of being chairperson of Europe Provincial Executive Committee (PEC) for a hotter seat elsewhere. This paves way for the results-driven Ms Susan Ndlovu to ...Published: 25 Oct 2016 at 10:47hrs | 3 | by Zapu Europe
Heroes' Day: Zapu remembers its heroes and heroines.
Ruth Chinamano Ruth Lottie Nomonde Chinamano (1925-2005) was born on 16/02/1925 in Cape town South Africa. A Xhosa by birth, she grew up in East Grinqualand now (Matatiele). Like any oth...Published: 08 Aug 2016 at 22:48hrs | | by Fiso Hikwa
ZAPU to host Joshua Mqabuko Nkomo Commemoration Gala in Birmingham, UK
Zapu plans to host a commemoration gala in Birmingham UK on 30-31 July 2016. The events are being coordinated by the Zapu Europe Secretary of Culture, Sis Zenzo Siziba, pictured above. She is working ...Published: 11 Jul 2016 at 22:29hrs | 2 | by Zapu UK
Power of Pink and the Zapu Woman - Why is there a history of women being sold short??
Women are always presented as the "weaker sex" but as my Granny used to say, the man may be regarded as the head of the family but the woman is the neck which controls and turns the head. All over the...Published: 10 Jun 2016 at 00:19hrs | 2 | by Sipho Sibanda - ZAWU Provincial Chair-Europe
ZAPU Europe Provincial Executive Committee handover meeting
Bahlonitshwa:Members of the National People's Council (NPC)Members of the Council of Elders (CoE)Zimbabwe African Women's Union (ZAWU)Youth and members of our Great Party ZAPU.All ...Published: 07 Jun 2016 at 10:11hrs | 9 | by Dr Ralph Mguni (ZAPU Secretary General)
Devolution of Power instills a sense of ownership of governance and Patriotism - ZAPU
ZAPU held celebratory event to mark Culture day which was celebrated throughout the world on Saturday 21 May 2016, at which the party said embracing, appreciation and celebration of cultural diversity...Published: 24 May 2016 at 11:36hrs | 1 | by Iphithule Thembani kaMaphosa
Zapu Europe chooses a new PEC
On Saturday 30 April 2016, Zapu Europe chose its new provincial executive committee (PEC). Arthur Molife was given a clear mandate to lead this PEC after fighting a strong and spirited challenge from ...Published: 02 May 2016 at 14:57hrs | 14 | by Thulani Nkala
ZAPU Belfast Rally: A Revolutionary Protest
ZAPU BELFAST took to the streets of Belfast, Northern Ireland, on the 18th of April to protest the so called Independence Day. While other movements and the majority of Zimbabweans protested all over ...Published: 25 Apr 2016 at 19:57hrs | 3 | by Thulani Nkala
Zapu is gender insensitive
With all due respect I have for the party Zapu, (I was born inside this party, both my mother and step father: Mr. Zephaniah Sihwa and Mrs. Louisa Sihwa were founder members of Zapu and they died unsh...Published: 21 Jan 2016 at 20:12hrs | | by Nomazulu Thata
'Keep Zanu-PF out of Bulawayo,' says Dabengwa
Statement delivered y Dr. Dumiso Dabengwa, ZAPU President at official launch of by-election campaign, 9th May 2015 at Stanley Hall, Makhokhoba, Bulawayo....Published: 11 May 2015 at 17:17hrs | | by Dr. Dumiso Dabengwa, ZAPU President
ZAPU Europe AGM lively and robust.
"I would like to pose a question today, for the Youth is about to be active and change the gear, it is about to get hot, if I am arrested for the revolutionary business of ZAPU, tell me will you s...Published: 04 May 2015 at 12:01hrs | | by Bokani Mlindelwa Vundla
'No to a flawed election,' says Zapu
THE Zimbabwe African Peoples Union (ZAPU) has said it does not fear to participate in any election held under flawed conditions, but will only participated when the polls are held in transparency...Published: 30 Mar 2015 at 14:01hrs | | by Stephen Jakes
ZAPU Youth Front and ZAWU hold a revolutionary rally in Manchester
ZAPU Youth wing leaders have sent a chilling message to President Robert Mugabe for his continued oppression of the people of Zimbabwe, saying that time is fast approaching for the people to lose ...Published: 04 Mar 2015 at 06:13hrs | 1 | by Clement Moyo
ZAPU Youth and Women Lead a street rally in Manchester
The Zimbabwe African Women's Union (ZAWU) and The ZAPU Youth Front (YF) would like to invite you to their revolutionary event in Manchester at the end of the month. This is going to be the first event...Published: 13 Feb 2015 at 08:24hrs | 2 | by Nkosi Vundla and Ms Susan Ndlovu
ZAPU launches its devolution booklet
Yesterday on the 31st January 2015 in Dudley near Birmingham City, ZAPU launched its devolution booklet called 'Devolution explained: The right way, the rainy day for Zimbabwe'. Its author is Mr Them...Published: 01 Feb 2015 at 15:54hrs | | by Thulani Nkala
Unity Day statement by Dr Dumiso Dabengwa
Unity Day 2014: Critical point for reflection by progressives Unity Day on 22 December 2014, next Monday, is an opportune time to remind the country tha...Published: 20 Dec 2014 at 12:47hrs | | by Dr Dumiso Dabengwa
Grace Mugabe a negative role model for Women
A role model is a person whose behaviour or success is an example to be emulated by others, especially young people. It is a person who inspires others to form a vision for their own future ...Published: 17 Oct 2014 at 12:49hrs | | by Sakhile Sibanda
When a 'mother' fails the nation
To those who know me well enough I am not one to say 'words fail me' that often but today I am saying it from the top of the mountain that words fail me. You obviously want to know why isn't it?...Published: 15 Oct 2014 at 11:19hrs | | by Emilia Mukaratirwa, Zapu Vice President
uRay Ndlukula ufuna ubayisikhulu yedwa - WhatsApp update
Please note that Bulawayo24 does not edit WhatsApp updates. We publish them as sent by our readers and we do not disclose the sender's telephone number....Published: 23 Sep 2014 at 21:00hrs | | by Concerned Citizen
ZAPU reclaiming Dr Joshua Nkomo's legacy in Bradford
A buoyant and increasingly confident & visible ZAPU held a flamboyant and a spectacularly successful Dr Joshua Nkomo commemorative event in Bradford this weekend on 2nd August 2014. The memorial s...Published: 04 Aug 2014 at 06:41hrs | 1 | by ZAPU Europe Information, Publicity and Marketing Department.
ZAWU ON WOZA: In defence of Human Dignity and our civilisation
On the 5th June 2014 Women of Zimbabwe Arise (WOZA) won a landslide victory against the Co-Home Affairs Ministers, Attorney General and the Police Commissioner-General for violating their Constitu...Published: 13 Jun 2014 at 06:17hrs | 1 | by Susan Ndlovu
ZAPU UK Elections Committee Ends Its Work
I send my greetings to you all comrades, leaders, members, friends and associates of ZAPU. I would have loved to be in attendance to witness this momentous occasion in the aftermath of the Zimbabwe G...Published: 02 Sep 2013 at 16:52hrs | 1 | by Mlamlankunzi Nkomo
ZAPU Europe holds a 'successful' AGM
Dr Admore Tshuma speaking at ZAPU's Annual General Meeting in Birmingham this weekend argued that the top 20% of earners in Zimbabwe should pay what he termed "solidarity tax" as a way of redistribu...Published: 06 May 2013 at 22:56hrs | | by Own correspondent
Dumiso Dabengwa's speech over the weekend
Remarks at the joint opening of conferences: Zimbabwe African Women Union (Zawu) & Zapu Youth Front.Dr. Dumiso Dabengwa, President, ZAPUPelandaba Hall, Bulawayo, 6 April 2013...Published: 09 Apr 2013 at 08:55hrs | | by Dumiso Dabengwa
Zapu's Zawu and Youth Front Elects new leadership
Delegates from the country and diaspora yesterday, 07 April 2013, thronged Pelandaba Hall located in Pelandaba township in Bulawayo, to witness the selection of interim committees within Zapu's win...Published: 08 Apr 2013 at 08:22hrs | | by Own correspondent
Serializing Nguni Novel Igazi Labafo: Chapter 3
ISAHLUKO 1 ISAHLUKO 2 IS...Published: 27 Mar 2013 at 07:13hrs | | by Titshabona Malaba Ncube
ZAPU To hold massive Africa Day Celebrations in the UK
At a ZAPU PEC meeting held in Leicester on 2 March 2013, the Arts and Culture department represented by its Secretary Ms Nokutula Ncube proposed that ZAPU holds a cultural event to mark/commemorat...Published: 25 Mar 2013 at 16:53hrs | | by Thulani Nkala
Serializing Nguni Novel Igazi Labafo: Chapter 2
ISAHLUKO 1 ISAHLUKO 2 ...Published: 19 Mar 2013 at 23:19hrs | 1 | by Titshabona Malaba Ncube
ZAWU Canada Statement on Father's Day
Sunday June 17th, 2012 is Father's Day, a day dedicated to all fathers around the world. We, as members of ZAWU, salute all fathers, particularly the Zimbabwean fathers who struggle against all odds t...Published: 17 Jun 2012 at 05:31hrs | 3 | by Isabel Murambiwa
ZAWU Canada Statement on Mothers day
Sunday May 13th 2012 - we join many countries across the world in celebration of Mothers Day. As members of ZAPU’s Canada Pr...Published: 13 May 2012 at 06:27hrs | 1 | by Isabel Murambiwa
Zapu Golden Jubilee celebrations as it happened: Report
3:32 ajbhova: The President of ZAPU Dr D Dabengwa speaks against reverse racism as that practiced by Zanu. [via Twitter]...Published: 17 Dec 2011 at 14:16hrs | | by Mafu Sithabile
Zapu ready to take over government and implement policy - Dabengwa
MANGWE - MORE than 1 000 people thronged Sanzukwi Business Centre in Mangwe District on Saturday 26 December 2011 to attend a Zapu rally addressed by party president, Dr Dumiso Dabengwa.Sanzu...Published: 27 Nov 2011 at 11:26hrs | | by Methuseli Moyo
MDC-T Youth Seek Cops Repentance
THE Youth Assembly of the Movement for Democratic Change formation led Prime Minster Mr Morgan Tsvangirai has condemned the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) for blocking the party's rallies in Matabelel...Published: 31 Oct 2011 at 12:57hrs | 1 | by Sehlule Zondo
Zapu-Canada provincial elective conference out come
Located in the southern tip of Ontario, Canada and a mere 15 minute drive to the United States frontier, the City of St. Catharines became a hive of activity for members and supporters of the Zimbabw...Published: 04 Aug 2011 at 08:03hrs | | by Zapu Canada
Zapu-Canada Gears for its Provincial Elective Conference
Press Release The Zimbabwe African People's Union (ZAPU)'s Canada Province, is preparing to hold it's first Provincial Elective Conference to elect a Pr...Published: 18 Jul 2011 at 17:57hrs | 1 | by Zapu-Canada
ZAPU Press statement
At present ZAPU has no newspaper mouthpiece. The trend is that the State media covers ZAPU when it finds or thinks it has found something negative to report on. The so- called independent press appe...Published: 09 May 2011 at 05:45hrs | | by Steven Nkiwane
The infiltration of Zapu by Zanu-PF
In what has left members of the opposition ZAPU party in South Africa baffled and shell-shocked, it has emerged that the party's leadership in that country has been hijacked and hoodwinked by Zanu ...Published: 06 May 2011 at 05:24hrs | | by Ntombizodwa Luphahla
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