Search / Siyanqoba
Top 6 Members of Parliament who shook Bulawayo in 2024
Bulawayo's political landscape was alight in 2024, with six Members of Parliament shining brightly for their transformative and relentless efforts to uplift their constituencies. Using a sophisticated...Published: 12 Jan 2025 at 22:31hrs | 875 | by Nkululeko Nkomo
Zanu-PF accused of meddling in South African politics
Anti-immigration activist Kwena Molekwa from South Africa has leveled accusations against Zimbabwe's ruling party, Zanu-PF, alleging their infiltration into South African politics.Molekwa's cl...Published: 28 May 2024 at 10:13hrs | 6 | by Staff reporter
ANC 'supporters' paid R400 to attend Siyanqoba Rally
JUST R400 is the amount that was paid to ANC supporters to attend Saturday's Siyanqoba Rally at the FNB Stadium.Lufuno Mabulane, from Venda in Thulamela District, told The Star on Saturday tha...Published: 26 May 2024 at 21:35hrs | | by Staff reporter
MDC still can't 'do the obvious - withdraw from (sham) elections' out of greed - will SADC continue punish povo for it
There is a real danger of Zimbabwe sending the wrong and confused message to SADC and the international community at large; yet again. SADC and the world at large want to know whether Zimbabweans want...Published: 26 Nov 2021 at 20:26hrs | 9 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
Ibumba festival roars to life
THE virtual Ibumba International Festival kicked off yesterday with a number of artistes set to perform at the fete organised by Siyaya Arts, a Bulawayo-based arts and entertainment company.On...Published: 18 Dec 2020 at 06:13hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
King Mambo weds second wife
The skies were overcast the whole day yesterday as if to give people a break from the scorching sun witnessed the previous day. It was the day of King Mambo's royal wedding at his homestead in Mawaben...Published: 12 Oct 2020 at 06:09hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Zanu-PF delegation for ANC star rally
ZANU-PF will send a delegation to South Africa to attend the African National Congress (ANC) "Siyanqoba" star rally at the Ellis Park Stadium in Johannesburg on Sunday ahead of the country's national ...Published: 03 May 2019 at 06:40hrs | | by Staff reporter
'Women politicians are weak,' says MDC Alliance candidate
MDC Alliance's ward 28 candidate for Cowdray Park in Bulawayo, Collet Ndlovu, has triggered a storm with women rights activists after urging residents to rally behind a male candidate, saying women po...Published: 25 Mar 2019 at 07:03hrs | | by Staff reporter
Mnangagwa and Matabeleland leaders finally find each other
Yesterday, 21 March 2019, more than 120 civic societies, church bodies, faith based and community based organisations' leadership met the President of Zimbabwe, His Excellency Emmerson Dambudzo Mnanga...Published: 22 Mar 2019 at 18:42hrs | 2 | by Matabeleland Collective
Moyo revives Pantsula genre
VICTORY Siyanqoba is reviving Pantsula Jive through what they call The Hitler Effect — a bi-monthly platform initiative, which admires Adolf Hitler's resilience, selflessness of purpose, undying spi...Published: 10 Mar 2019 at 09:06hrs | | by Staff reporter
Dan Tshanda to be buried Saturday
DALOM music founder Dan "Ndivhiseni" Tshanda, who died in South Africa at the weekend, will be laid to rest in Soweto on Saturday, family spokesperson, Moudy Mudzielwana has said.Tshanda succu...Published: 07 Jan 2019 at 08:43hrs | 4 | by Staff reporter
Artistes mourn Joe Maseko
The Executive Producer of Rising Sounds Studio Joe Maseko has passed on. He is remembered as one of the unsung heroes who positively shaped the music Industry in Southern Africa. Artistes ...Published: 11 Nov 2018 at 09:09hrs | 3 | by Mandla Ndlovu
Jeys Marabini tears into govt 'Mafia'
AFRO-JAZZ ace Jeys Marabini has lambasted the government, describing it as the "major Mafia", for hindering the growth of artistes in Bulawayo, as they were often side-stepped.Speaking on the ...Published: 12 Jul 2018 at 08:49hrs | 2 | by Staff reporter
How am I making the life of my Mthwakazi brother better
I appreciate the reality of Shona hegemony, however it does not justify the levels of hatred that we exhibit here. Secondly, none here has been able to convincingly articulate the direction of a Shona...Published: 21 Apr 2018 at 07:40hrs | 1 | by unknown
23 bused MDC-T supporters injured in Filabusi accident
Twenty three MDC-T supporters from Masvingo were on Saturday injured in an accident in Filabusi while travelling back home from an MDC Alliance rally that was held in Bulawayo earlier in the day. ...Published: 09 Apr 2018 at 07:31hrs | | by Staff reporter
Chamisa imports supporters to hype Bulawayo rally
THE Advocate Nelson Chamisa-led MDC Alliance, in a bid to fool the world that it commands a large following in the country, yesterday bused in thousands of supporters from as far as Chitungwiza and Ha...Published: 08 Apr 2018 at 09:19hrs | | by Staff reporter
Artiste vies for political office
BULAWAYO-based arts practitioner Desire Moyo of Victory Siyanqoba has decided to run as a politician in the forthcoming harmonised elections.Moyo is vying for the Nkulumane constituency in his...Published: 06 Apr 2018 at 06:59hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
MRP hails people for supporting Crown Prince Bulelani
Mthwakazi Republic Party has hailed the citizens in the region for supporting the Crown Prince Bulelani Khumalo when the government and critics worked against the coronation at a public place even whe...Published: 06 Mar 2018 at 12:28hrs | 1 | by Stephen Jakes
Hundreds attend WeCAN Sports and Arts Festival in Gwanda
Over 900 people braved the rainy weather to attend the We CAN Sports and Arts festival held at Stanmore in Gwanda Ward 4 over the weekend.The event was organised by Habakkuk Trust to encourage...Published: 08 Feb 2018 at 11:47hrs | 7 | by Stephen Jakes
'Aliens' face challenges in registering to vote in Zimbabwe
Habakkuk Trust has hosted a Biometric Voter Registration roadshow in Bulawayo Ward 21 which houses one of the oldest communities in the city, Sizinda and Tshabalala, and has a significant portion of p...Published: 19 Jan 2018 at 10:28hrs | | by Stephen Jakes
Robert Mugabe Uncontested Leadership
No one in Zanu-PF, I repeat, no one in Zanu-PF would challenge Robert Mugabe for the leadership of Zanu-PF never mind his incompetence, age or health status.He would remain a big liability and die wit...Published: 06 Nov 2017 at 16:03hrs | 3 | by Paul Siwela
President Robert Mugabe will not be Buried at National Heroes Acre
It became clear to some of us a long time ago that Mrs Grace Mugabe would become the next President of Zimbabwe while her husband Robert Mugabe shall retain the Presidency of Zanu-PF indefinitely....Published: 07 Oct 2017 at 18:41hrs | 1 | by Paul Siwela
Zimbabwe future President
It became clear to some of us a long time ago that Mrs Grace Mugabe would become the next President of Zimbabwe while her husband Robert Mugabe shall retain the Presidency of Zanu-PF indefinitely. It ...Published: 27 Sep 2017 at 11:11hrs | 3 | by Paul Siwela
Madlela awarded in SA, artists go crazy
The popular Gwanda-born comedian, event organiser, Director of ceremonies, musician and film producer Mothusi Bashimane Ndlovu known in arts circles as Madlela Skhobokhobo Power has scooped the ...Published: 11 Dec 2016 at 17:57hrs | 2 | by Future Moyo aka Jamelah
Habakkuk Trust celebrates human rights day at St Sebastian Secondary School
The Civic organisation Habakkuk Trust is today (Saturday celebrating the Human rights day at St Sebastian Secondary School in Sigangatsha in Matobo Ward 6.The organisation said the celebration...Published: 10 Dec 2016 at 05:08hrs | | by Stephen Jakes
Madlela Skhobokhobo Power movie screening tour set for 3 countries
Madlela Skhobokhobo Power three movie screening will be held in three countries , namely: South Africa, Botswana and Zimbabwe. Alongside the cast, there will be other featuring artists like, Zinja...Published: 13 Sep 2016 at 15:21hrs | 13 | by Future Moyo
'Mjox' son to undergo a 'baptism of fire' before birthday
The eight year old Ricardo Tinashe Joga will on this Friday undergone a baptism of fire at Indlovu Youth Center in a ritual scheduled for 26 August in the afternoon. The ritual will ...Published: 25 Aug 2016 at 21:41hrs | 2 | by Future Moyo aka Jamelah
Mzwakhe Mbuli mentors Desire Moyo
LOOKING for an in-depth source to nurture his poetic talent, Desire Moyo couldn't look any further but trust the renowned South African legendary poet giant Mzwakhe Mbuli to add weight to his professi...Published: 08 Aug 2016 at 07:20hrs | | by Nhlalwenhle Ngwenya
Gwanda community embraces constitutional and human rights café's
GWANDA - As the constitution of Zimbabwe matures by each day after it was resoundingly adopted in the referendum of 2012, rural communities still wait to get in-depth understanding and the realization...Published: 21 Sep 2015 at 12:46hrs | 2 | by Staff Reporter
Dr Joshua Nkomo Celebrations
The following is the list of artist to grace this year's Annual Dr Joshua Nkomo Celebrations through Arts South Africa. The event will be held at Hillbrow Theatre in JohannesburgMlambos Express Ba...Published: 11 Jul 2015 at 08:02hrs | 10 | by Mengezi Mpofu
Madlela Skhobokhobo Power actor dies after releasing movie
BARELY two months after releasing a hilarious drama comedy movie - Madlela Skhobokhobo Power - which depicts the life of Zimbabweans based in South Africa, a co-star to the movie has passed away....Published: 12 Jan 2015 at 09:00hrs | 11 | by Peter Matika
Bulawayo residents bring city centre to standstill
Over 2 000 Bulawayo residents on Friday brought business in the central business district to a standstill as they demonstrated against the city council's decision to install prepaid water meters in C...Published: 15 Nov 2014 at 06:28hrs | | by Staff reporter
Eziko Theatre Laboratory - WhatsApp update
24/10/2014 12:07:16: +263 7* *** ****: Eziko Theatre Laboratory is an arts platform hosted by Bulawayo-based Victory Siyanqoba Trust aimed at given artistes a platform to discuss arts developm...Published: 24 Oct 2014 at 13:51hrs | 1 | by Byo Residents
Woman launches new political party
A NEW political party, the African Democratic Party (ADP), was launched last week in Harare with much pomp and fanfare. Led by president, Marcellina Chikasha (MC), the party is not wasting time, ...Published: 22 Oct 2014 at 21:42hrs | | by Staff Reporter
MDC Renewal team - Bulawayo meeting - Live update
16:30 Dr. Gorden Moyo unveiled amid applause. Takes to the podium...Published: 19 Sep 2014 at 14:21hrs | | by Moyo Roy
This and that with Mal'phosa - Ngeyethu!
Well, the verdict is out. The people of South Africa like Nkandla. The Nkandla that their President Jacob built. In his final rally at the FNB stadium, some say he was shouting "Nkandla!" and the mult...Published: 11 May 2014 at 17:02hrs | | by Clerk Ndlovu
This n that with Mal'phosa - A beginner's definition of political terms
A teacher friend of mine sent me this test outcome which was written by one of his Form Three pupils. Like Mtasa asked one day at a rally in Mahole, Filabusi; 'Botitsha, abantwana libafundisani?'...Published: 07 May 2014 at 15:10hrs | | by Clerk Ndlovu
Zanu-PF predicts a resounding ANC election victory
The Zanu-PF National Chairman, Simon Khaya Moyo says he is optimistic that South Africa's ruling ANC party will win Wednesday election resoundingly.South Africans go to the polls...Published: 06 May 2014 at 17:38hrs | | by Staff reporter
Gogos snapping up free condoms
Gogos in Mpumalanga have been snapping up free condoms from clinics to… rub on their knees.The condoms have become so popular amongst pensioners that Mpumalanga health and social develop...Published: 06 Jan 2014 at 08:13hrs | | by Staff Reporter
Does Mugabe speak Ndebele or not?
If there is anyone out there who knows for real and without any equivocation whether or not president Robert Mugabe speaks Ndebele, can that person kindly confirm this fact during Mugabe's lifetime s...Published: 04 Nov 2013 at 10:10hrs | 10 | by Colls Ndlovu
Celebrating the life on Joshua Nkomo through arts
The matabeleland Entertainment News On the 27th of July invites the peoples of Zimbabwe in south Africa to come celebrate the life of the Late Hero , nationalist , Zipra Commander , Joshua Nkomo th...Published: 10 Jul 2013 at 17:08hrs | 1 | by Matebele Entertainment
Dr Joshua Nkomo remembered
Dr Joshua Nkomo's commemorations progressed well with business almost coming to a standstill in the city centre as hundreds of people joined the march to commemorate the life of the late Father Zimb...Published: 02 Jul 2013 at 04:25hrs | 2 | by Prosper Ndlovu
Bashimane to release his first video
Bashimane born Mothusi Ndlovu is set to release his first video from his latest debut album VUKANI which was released November last year. Born Mothusi Ndlovu in Gwanda Bashimane says this video w...Published: 15 Jan 2013 at 08:45hrs | 1 | by Shilolo Music
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