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Taxi driver in court for kidnapping cops

by Staf reporter
02 Nov 2018 at 06:02hrs | Views
A 37-YEAR-OLD pirate taxi driver was arraigned before Guruve magistrate on charges of kidnapping two Zimbabwe Republic Police officers who were enforcing traffic laws at the growth point.

Christopher Honye (37) appeared before Guruve resident magistrate Shingirai Mutiro. He was granted $50 bail and remanded to November 15.

Public prosecutor Albert Mazhindu alleges that on October 11, two female cops, Eneres Tandi (40) and Lucia Mhungu (38) were arresting motorists picking or dropping passengers at undesignated points.

Chihonye picked passengers at a prohibited place with his Toyota Noah and was warned and advised to use the bus terminus by the cops but allegedly refused.

Upon his refusal, the cops arrested the pirate taxi driver and ordered him to drive to the police station to pay a fine.

The cops boarded his vehicle which had four passengers on board, but he drove to Kachuta which was in the opposite direction to the police station.

When questioned on his actions by the cops, the accused allegedly told them he was taking them to his own place of interest since they were in his car.

He drove for 16km and finally dumped them at Conland bus stop near Madyasarira area.

The cops had to board another commuter omnibus back to the police station where they filed a report.

Source - newsday
More on: #Taxi, #Kidnap, #Cops