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Zanu-PF MPs caucus, Politburo meet

by Staff reporter
24 Feb 2023 at 07:02hrs | Views
PRESIDENT Mnangagwa is today expected to meet the Zanu-PF Parliamentary caucus at the party's headquarters in Harare, with all members of the Politburo also taking part.

Zanu-PF Chief Whip Pupurai Togarepi confirmed today's meeting saying they were expecting to get guidance on legislative issues from the President.

"Tomorrow's meeting offers us an opportunity to interact with the President where we will get his guidance and wisdom on various issues and also an opportunity to express our gratitude for his leadership during the ninth Parliament which will be coming to an end soon," Togarepi said.

He said the President was also part of the legislature, giving final approval to legislation, so it was also important that they get his views on legislative issues currently before Parliament.

Togarepi said the meeting will start at 9am.

Zanu-PF Secretary for Information and Publicity Chris Mutsvangwa yesterday said the party Secretary for Administration Obert Mpofu had invited all Politburo members to the same meeting, now a joint meeting to be addressed by the President.

Source - The Herald