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Tongogara's overt hostility toward Herbert Chitepo
Tongogara's overt hostility toward Herbert Chitepo eventually led to unfounded accusations that he had been responsible for Chitepo's death, despite a lack of supporting evidence. Chitepo was killed b...Published: 08 Mar 2025 at 18:22hrs | 1208 | by Staff reporter
Removing Mukuru will open Pandora's box!
Whether we are in the Diaspora or in the homeland, events unfolding in Zimbabwe will affect us all. The story of Pandora comes from the Greek poem, Theogony by Hesiod circa 700 BC. Once a...Published: 23 Feb 2025 at 18:09hrs | 2758 | by Kenneth Mufuka
Mavetera under fire for leading Chiwenga diss song
ICT Minister Tatenda Mavetera is facing a firestorm of criticism after leading a controversial song that appeared to target Acting President General Constantino Chiwenga at the National Heroes Acre in...Published: 29 Jan 2025 at 08:52hrs | 2956 | by Staff reporter
SADC in a mess
The brutal killing of opposition lawyer Elvino Dias and a party official, Paulo Guambe, on Saturday in Mozambique puts a gloomy picture on the region. Instead of engaging in such horrific activities, ...Published: 23 Oct 2024 at 19:27hrs | 438 | by Leonard Koni
ED's self-made prison: Trapped by power and paranoia!!
So, President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa will not be attending the UN (United Nations) General Assembly to be held at the organization's headquarters in New York on 22-23 September 2024.This ...Published: 21 Sep 2024 at 13:05hrs | 3486 | by Tendai Ruben Mbofana
Gold Mine vetting CCC supporters out
Cynthia Gold Mine in Shurugwi is vetting its workers and kicking out anyone found to have links with the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) party, The Mirror has been told.A board member of t...Published: 24 Feb 2024 at 13:56hrs | | by Staff reporter
Reunification sought by Tsvangirai 5 months before he died now in tatters
The implosion of CCC in Nelson Chamisa's hands is telling not only because it puts paid to Morgan Tsvangirai's widely publicised [see attached videos] last-ditch efforts - just five months before his ...Published: 19 Feb 2024 at 12:48hrs | 3 | by Jonathan Moyo
The Sad Truth About CCC
Yesterday, Tshabangu and his gang unintentionally revealed their vendetta to destroy their own political party. It was malicious stuff. In so doing, they also showed that their party was a rud...Published: 19 Jan 2024 at 13:17hrs | 2 | by Max Lion
Chamisa's MPs clash on social media
Tensions within the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) reached a new peak as Southerton legislator, Bridget Nyandoro publicly clashed with that party's Movement Mobiliser Amos Chibaya on social media...Published: 15 Dec 2023 at 16:35hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Zimbabwe will never be ruled by traitors who called for Westerners to punish their people through sanctions
THE problem we have in Zimbabwe is we have a new generation of people who think they are educated and thus they don't acknowledge that Zimbabwe is a sacred country, nyika ine varidzi (a country with a...Published: 17 Nov 2023 at 05:04hrs | 2 | by Rutendo Matinyarare
CCC members in court after turning on each other in election fallout
Six members of the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), including Members of the National Assembly Surrender Kapoikulu (Bulawayo Central) and Gift Ostallos Siziba (Pelandaba-Tshabalala), appeared in a...Published: 15 Sep 2023 at 17:59hrs | 2 | by Staff reporter
Britons now coming back, says Chiwenga
VICE-President Constantine Chiwenga has claimed that the re-engagement process undertaken by government is bearing fruits as several British companies have started investing in Zimbabwe.He mad...Published: 19 Aug 2023 at 16:23hrs | 2 | by Staff reporter
Criminal law amendment will close loopholes, says Zanu-PF
The Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Amendment Act, which was signed into law last Thursday by President Mnangagwa, closes loopholes that were previously taken advantage of by the country's erst...Published: 17 Jul 2023 at 06:52hrs | 14 | by Staff reporter
'Mnangagwa's govt weak'
PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa's administration is weak and is capitalising on intimidation to gain mileage ahead of this year's harmonised elections, opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) spok...Published: 22 May 2023 at 06:37hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Commonwealth has appalling human rights record
This written article by Professor Jonathan Moyo, then an academic at the University of Zimbabwe, was published by the Financial Gazette on 10 October 1991, a few days...Published: 04 Feb 2023 at 20:07hrs | 2 | by Jonathan Moyo
Zanu-PF rift grows
A Zanu-PF activist who wrote to parliament last week raising objections to a draft delimitation report submitted by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) was seized by state security agents on Monda...Published: 10 Jan 2023 at 18:27hrs | 4 | by Staff reporter
Forthcoming Zimbabwean elections not a Chamisa alone spectacle
Opposition leader Nelson Chamisa cannot wrestle power from Zanu PF single -handedly without all progressive Zimbabweans putting hands on deck....Published: 16 Dec 2022 at 16:03hrs | | by Josiah Mucharowana in Pretoria
'Zimbabwe political violence exported to diaspora'
CITIZENS Coalition for Change (CCC) interim leader for Sweden-Scandinavia branch has accused suspected Zanu-PF activists of allegedly torturing her 16-year-old son after he posted a video supporting o...Published: 06 Dec 2022 at 05:08hrs | 2 | by Staff reporter
Mnangagwa's Cabinet approves bill to jail unpatriotic traitors
President Emmerson mnangagwa's cabinet has approved an amendment to the Criminal Law Code which will see traitors who agitate against the country liable for criminal offence. Speaking on Tuesd...Published: 22 Nov 2022 at 19:35hrs | | by Mandla Ndlovu
Mnangagwa ally vows 'worse than 2008' violence against opposition
Former state security minister and Zanu-PF top official, Owen Mudha Ncube has threatened opposition leader Nelson Chamisa and his party with violence he vowed shall be worse than the bloodbath experie...Published: 20 Oct 2022 at 21:08hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Catholic bishop in acerbic attack on Mnangagwa
CONTROVERSIAL Catholic Diocese of Chinhoyi cleric, Bishop Raymond Mpandasekwa, has once again taken aim at President Emmerson Mnangagwa and his administration's alleged misrule characterised by violen...Published: 29 Sep 2022 at 06:02hrs | | by Staff reporter
Zimbabwe war vets demand Parliament seats
Zanu-PF's war veterans have told President Emmerson Mnangagwa to reserve seats in Parliament exclusively for the 1970s liberation war fighters to preserve the party's rule.Presenting the war v...Published: 15 Sep 2022 at 05:56hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Your 'new dispensation' claims are banal
DEAR President Emmerson Mnangagwa,Your Excellency, authority of the Office of the President is being undermined by the incumbent.Oftentimes your speeches are unwholesome and not in tan...Published: 20 Jul 2022 at 06:41hrs | 1 | by Cyprian M Ndawana
Of Joshua Nkomo and the raging fires of Matabeleland independence
"The fly that does not heed advice follows the corpse to the grave", goes the Igbo proverb. MLO is happy that Matabeles refused to follow the Joshua Nkomo political corpse to the grave.It must...Published: 16 Jul 2022 at 20:15hrs | 11 | by Israel Dube
Zimbabwe airport security screener 'stole US$2 million'
It was the perfect crime. Almost.Roselyn Dunga, a 31-year-old woman working as a security screener at the Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport was close to the end of her shift sometime...Published: 07 May 2022 at 19:54hrs | | by Staff reporter
Politicians are fuelling hate crimes
ONLY hate and barbarism could have produced the sort of spectacle the world witnessed a few weeks ago when a baying mob of South Africans moved from house to house in Johannesburg's Diepsloot slum to ...Published: 27 Apr 2022 at 13:37hrs | 2 | by Addy Kudita
Ex-Mutare Mayor barred from attending Chamisa meeting
FORMER Mutare mayor, Blessing Tandi was last Friday labeled a traitor and barred from attending a Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) provincial assembly meeting presided over by party president Nelso...Published: 27 Apr 2022 at 12:59hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Chamisa, Biti and CCC manifestly lack patriotism
While the yellow fever may have gripped the nation, and the youth seems to be captured in the idealistic bankruptcy, the CCC remains the most unpatriotic outfit which uses the current economic stress ...Published: 28 Mar 2022 at 06:45hrs | | by Dr Masimba Mavaza
Khupe re-admission moves split Chamisa's CCC
THE Citizens for Coalition Change (CCC) could be faced with another downfall amid reports that talks on the readmission of Dr Thokozani Khupe into the party are threatening to split the opposition in ...Published: 20 Mar 2022 at 06:28hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Britain and the USA gave Putin the idea of invasion, by doing this in Iraq, Libya, Serbia etc
In the long-ago summer of 2010, I found myself in the beautiful harbour of Sevastopol, surveying the rival fleets of Russia and Ukraine as they rode at anchor in the lovely Crimean sunshine. O...Published: 08 Mar 2022 at 08:45hrs | 16 | by Peter Hitchens
Citizens' new hope for a New Great Zimbabwe
In the last quarter of 2021, it seemed as though the political arena of Zimbabwe was hopeless due to the enemy-fuelled split in the main opposition party. The turning of the tables was hatched overnig...Published: 28 Feb 2022 at 08:51hrs | 4 | by Nontokozo Malaba Ncube
MDC Alliance members to nominate by-election candidates
THE Nelson Chamisa-led MDC Alliance has said candidates for the March 26 by-elections would be nominated at grassroot level to allow for democracy to prevail.The party also said recalled MPs a...Published: 19 Jan 2022 at 05:25hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Not even ZANU PF late presidents are laid at the national heroes acre!
The first ZANU president, Ndabaningi Sithole, was deposed by Robert Gabriel Mugabe (who had been the party's secretary general) in 1975 - in an internal coup, whose constitutionality was questionable....Published: 18 Nov 2021 at 18:25hrs | 10 | by Tendai Ruben Mbofana
Apartheid leader De Klerk to be burnt
The funeral of South Africa's last white president, Frederik Willem (FW) de Klerk, who died last Thursday aged 85, will take place on November 21 in a private ceremony, his foundation said in a statem...Published: 16 Nov 2021 at 05:39hrs | | by Staff reporter
The legality of the MDC-T
MUCH has been said about Nelson Chamisa still using the name MDC in rallying his supporters. Just on Monday there was a letter penned by one O Gutu. Gutu was saying Chamisa and Zimbabwe Electoral comm...Published: 06 Nov 2021 at 06:36hrs | 13 | by Allan Mbire
New dispensation a replica of the old
DEAR President.Your Excellency, your ascendance to the Presidency was a political upstage which kindled hyped deliberations in the court of public opinion. Discussions on the probable directio...Published: 20 Oct 2021 at 07:37hrs | 2 | by Cyprian M Ndawana
Democracy is not about generational entitlement
Following the United Parties for National Development's (UNPD) win in Zambia's August 12, 2021, general elections, the MDC Alliance faction leader Nelson Chamisa became unnecessarily excited.T...Published: 11 Oct 2021 at 05:52hrs | 8 | by Nobleman Runyanga
Allow the diaspora vote
This new dispensation must live by its promises and allow the people in the diaspora to exercise their democratic right by voting a government of their choice.The ruling party has failed to ch...Published: 01 Sep 2021 at 19:31hrs | 2 | by Leonard Koni
Violent clashes at Zanu-PF meeting
Zanu-PF officials came close to trading blows at a recent restructuring exercise in Banket after the youth leader charged at the district chairman, who is also a local councillor as factional fights i...Published: 28 Aug 2021 at 21:13hrs | | by Staff reporter
Open letter to Jean Gasho!
Dear Jean, Its already August 2021; incredible how time has flown!My recent conversation with you was uplifting it is one of those rare telephone calls one gets out of the blue we comm...Published: 03 Aug 2021 at 23:44hrs | 3 | by Nomazulu Thata
Mnangagwa in army boss appointment clash with Chiwenga
PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa and Vice-President Constantino Chiwenga are on a new collision course over the appointment of the next Zimbabwe National Army (ZNA) commander, with retired Lieutenant-Gene...Published: 20 Jul 2021 at 11:17hrs | 3 | by Staff reporter
George Charamba loses his cool as Paul Siwela renounces Zimbabwean identity
Matabeleland Liberation Organisation, President, Cde Paul Siwela touched a raw nerve four days ago when he boldly declared on his twitter handle that he is not a Zimbabwean. "Am Matabele...Published: 23 Jun 2021 at 07:43hrs | | by Israel Dube
Prison officer charged for insulting ED
A ZIMBABWE Prisons and Correctional Services (ZPCS) officer, who was accused of insulting President Emmerson Mnangagwa and some traditional leaders for genuflecting before the Mbuya Nehanda statue, ha...Published: 22 Jun 2021 at 17:03hrs | 4 | by Staff reporter
Prison officer in trouble over anti-Mnangagwa slur
A CHINHOYI-BASED prisons officer who was arraigned before the courts on charges of insulting President Emmerson Mnangagwa last week has been called for a disciplinary hearing.Peter Kudzai Mush...Published: 17 Jun 2021 at 06:16hrs | 8 | by Staff reporter
Writing my suicide note: Dambudzo Mnangagwa is inside us!
It is suicidal to critique the Mthwakazi parties in as much as to condemn infiltration by the Mnangagwa CIOs in Matabeleland. What I read in New causes concern to those who are carefully ...Published: 02 Jun 2021 at 08:51hrs | | by Nomazulu Thata
Go to Harare and arrest Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa
For someone who studied chemistry, I know that a chain of reactions has a lot to do with the heat that produces those reactions. Chain reactions can be a sequence of reactions where a reactive product...Published: 24 May 2021 at 15:51hrs | 1 | by Nomazulu Thata
Prepare for devastating Matabeleland breakaway as Zimbabwe votes against UN measures to stop genocide
On Tuesday18 May Zimbabwe demonstrated before the people of Matabeleland and the world that it cherishes its genocidal past without any remorse when it voted against a UN Assembly measure that seeks t...Published: 21 May 2021 at 12:53hrs | | by Israel Dube
Open Letter to Guduza Churchill, President of MLF
Dear Comrade, I hope I find you well dear comrade. How I wish you could remove the name Churchill from the birth certificate and remain with Mpiyesizwe Guduza. Proper revolution will take plac...Published: 18 May 2021 at 17:33hrs | 5 | by Nomazulu Thata
Independent Matabeleland presages the worst to come: South Sudan war will be nowhere near
We have been saying time and again that these numerous Mthwakazi parties are a group of young boys who do not have the slightest idea about the past liberation war. Reading the daily news in social me...Published: 16 May 2021 at 07:17hrs | | by Nomazulu Thata
Zanu-PF bids to ban 'sanction beggars' 2023 elections
IN AN ominous message for the opposition, Zanu-PF says it wants all people who have supported the West's sanctions on Zimbabwe to be barred from taking part in the 2023 polls.In that light, th...Published: 04 May 2021 at 08:02hrs | | by Staff reporter
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