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Zim Govt in partnership with Microsoft

by Staff Reporter
03 Oct 2014 at 02:03hrs | Views
Government is forging a partnership with Microsoft as it seeks to enhance service delivery through effective use of information communication technologies (ICTs) with the technology company saying it is looking at opening offices in Zimbabwe.

Microsoft vice-president for Middle East and Africa Ali Faramawy was in the country to work out the finer details of the partnership with a team led by chief secretary to the President and Cabinet Dr Misheck Sibanda.

Dr Sibanda said effective utilisation of ICTs was a top priority for the Government as it pursues its economic development agenda as well as e-government.

"One of Zim Asset's main enablers is ICT. We want to put ICT at the centre of the development process so that we make it easier for the developments that we are undertaking to succeed," he said.

He said Microsoft would assist the Government, which has been criticised for its slow adoption of ICTs, "to simplify, standardise as well as integrate our systems."

Faramawy lauded the Government for the partnership, which he said, would allow Microsoft to implement "progressive" projects in the country.

"We are excited to have earned your partnership and support," he said.

Microsoft is currently running a pilot e-learning programme at one primary school in Zimbabwe and has also assisted the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (Zimra) with its tax management system.

Source - FinX
More on: #ICTs, #Microsoft_