Search / Nappies
Mnangagwa successfully thwarted a premature revolution! We waited for a Geza signal that would never come!
There is open disdain in all societies about how President Mnangagwa failed the people. At the same time the open discussions about a rift between Chiwenga and Mnangagwa is known; hostilities are play...Published: 09 Mar 2025 at 20:32hrs | 1781 | by Nomazulu Thata
South Africa-bound bus causes chaos in Bulawayo
A South Africa-bound bus has caused significant disruption to businesses along 6th Avenue and Fife Street in Bulawayo, with the vehicle blocking shop entrances and parking spaces for over eight hours ...Published: 31 Dec 2024 at 13:40hrs | 1713 | by Staff reporter
Zimbabwean sister of UK child abuse victim blames the Church for brother's death
The sister of a 16-year-old boy who drowned while swimming naked at a Christian holiday camp in Zimbabwe run by child abuser John Smyth blames the Church of England for his death."The Church k...Published: 14 Nov 2024 at 18:32hrs | 532 | by Staff reporter
American-based Hilda Dube launches campaign to help mentally challenged pregnant women
An American-based Zimbabwean woman and Founder of His Grace Foundation Hilda Dube has launched a campaign to assist financially struggling pregnant women who have mental disorders through providing ne...Published: 30 Mar 2023 at 08:29hrs | 13 | by Mandla Ndlovu
This & that with Mal'phosa: What a disaster
Do rich people always have to brag every chance they get? For instance, he owns a construction company and bullies everyone to agree that he works hard. We know who works hard, and for peanuts. It's a...Published: 08 Jan 2023 at 19:37hrs | | by Clerk Ndlovu
Zanu-PF supporters blasts government over lies
VILLAGERS in Maramba-Pfungwe have blasted Transport and Infrastructure Development officials over the slow progress in the rehabilitation of Murewa-Madichecha road which began several years ago....Published: 13 Apr 2022 at 06:44hrs | 10 | by Staff reporter
By-elections: The morning after
ZANU-PF's Wednesday St Mary's rally was a turning point in several ways. Of course, the most obvious marker were the numbers that attended, something even the blind could see and feel.I cannot...Published: 26 Mar 2022 at 06:14hrs | 2 | by @Jamwanda2
Chamisa agrees to pay US$ 100 billion as compensation for Matabeleland genocide?
In his own words, Chamisa told a rally in Tsholotsho 3 days ago, "there is this issue of Gukurahundi. I told the late former President Robert Mugabe and the current Zanu-PF leadership that you cannot ...Published: 16 Mar 2022 at 11:32hrs | | by Israel Dube
In Nkayi, pregnant women deliver in the dark
Lilian Mdlongwa, 19, a first-time mother from Manomano village, recalls how she almost lost her baby when she went into labour at Nkayi district hospital a month ago, when there was complete shutdown ...Published: 09 Jan 2022 at 06:06hrs | 11 | by Staff reporter
Shortage of PPE hits Ekuphumuleni
AN acute shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE) and adult diapers has hit Ekuphumuleni Old People's Home in Bulawayo amid reports that inmates are being neglected by their families.Ek...Published: 23 Dec 2021 at 05:41hrs | 12 | by Staff reporter
Tiri pama one: Now it's the people of Mashonaland demanding a cake for all
You can't help but wish Joshua Nkomo was alive. This is exactly what he prophesized. Josh said in his own words: "This tribalism will not take you anywhere Robert. This pasi newe, pasi naye cannot be ...Published: 26 Oct 2021 at 20:27hrs | 2 | by Nomazulu Thata
Triplets for sale! . . . father attempts to give away daughter
INFORMATION, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Minister Monica Mutsvangwa has offered to support one-year-old triplets from Marange abandoned by their South Africa-based father. Minister Mut...Published: 19 May 2021 at 06:28hrs | | by Staff reporter
Water crisis ravages Bulawayo
Women carry the burden of collecting water for households...Published: 15 Dec 2020 at 07:48hrs | 1 | by Brezhnev Malaba
The curse of education?
I was jolted by a friend's tweet last night. It said "I have learnt much in my lifeā¦ but the biggest stumbling block to my learning has been my education!"So it turns out, life is really one...Published: 25 Aug 2019 at 18:59hrs | 1 | by Zifiso Masiye
Fellow Zimbabweans, could you please help me find my young children who were abducted in UK?
I live in Swansea, and have lived there since 2007. In March 2008, l met a woman who comes from Swaziland and we were blessed with our first girl in January 2009.In 2012, we were blessed with a ba...Published: 18 Aug 2019 at 10:17hrs | 1 | by Ryton Dzimiri
PHOTOS: What goods now cost in Zimbabwe compared to South Africa
At the end of June, Zimbabwe banned the use of the rand, the US dollar, and other currencies as legal tender in the country.This brought to an end nearly a decade where these currencies were u...Published: 31 Jul 2019 at 09:03hrs | | by Staff reporter
Cyclone Kenneth cannot be avoided but can be prepared for
Southern Africa has been ravaged by a wave of cyclones at a proportion never experienced before. preparing for a cyclone can start before there is an immediate threat.The aftermath of Cyclone Idai wer...Published: 25 Apr 2019 at 00:51hrs | 3 | by Dr Masimba Mavaza
Woman seeks maintenance from A-Level student
A HARARE woman hauled her Advanced Level student lover to court yesterday claiming $120 maintenance.Rumbidzai Amadhi told the court that she was a vendor who only earned $80 per month, hence s...Published: 09 Jan 2019 at 15:30hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Zimbabwe cholera death toll rises to 16
THE death toll from the cholera outbreak in Harare has risen to 16 amid reports that the disease has spread to the Midlands province while about 13 people have died due to typhoid which was reported i...Published: 11 Sep 2018 at 07:08hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Chaos rocks Lupepe's company
DISCORD has hit Bulawayo's Merspin Limited, with the company's owner Delma Lupepe and judicial manager Cecil Madondo at each other's throats over the control and running of the firm's affairs....Published: 18 May 2018 at 08:18hrs | | by Staff reporter
Diaper disposal a headache for stakeholders
ILLEGAL dumping sites have become common in Harare and other parts of the country, with the reckless disposal of diapers causing a major headache.Among those rubbish being dumped by residents ...Published: 30 Mar 2018 at 09:05hrs | | by Staff reporter
Town Planner in multiple affairs
A HARARE CITY Town Planner stands accused of trying to evict his wife from their Tynwald house.Spiwe Munyereyi, 56, residing at No. 14502 Madokero, is challenging her eviction from the propert...Published: 06 Dec 2017 at 16:12hrs | | by Staff reporter
Mugabe fears Mnangagwa
The yesterday government reshuffle has nothing to do with the free-falling economy but mostly to do with the succession battles bedevilling the party Zanu PF. How will Mugabe get rid of Mnangagwa the ...Published: 11 Oct 2017 at 16:18hrs | | by Nomazulu Thata
Zimbabwe's babies are warning us about state capture
Last week the Mugabes made headlines again. It was reported that President Robert Mugabe took 72 people with him to New York and while he was falling asleep at the UN, they spent a staggering $1500 pe...Published: 27 Sep 2017 at 09:31hrs | 1 | by Melanie Verwoerd
'Something stinks, Mugabe felt so close to death'
No sooner had Vice-President Mnangagwa returned from emergency surgery in South Africa for poisoning than Grace Mugabe announced that the President himself had been afflicted. Giving, if anything, too...Published: 17 Sep 2017 at 20:34hrs | | by Zim Vigil UK
George Rutanhire - A true hero who suffered neglect, says ZUNDE
The passing of Cde George Rutanhire prompts us to reflect on where we came from and where we are going to. Somewhere in the Game of Thrones, it is mentioned that it is not the business of the lion to ...Published: 22 Aug 2017 at 07:20hrs | | by Justice Benjamin Paradza
Bulawayo scents industry revival
Diversification and innovation are the buzzwords for Bulawayo's surviving industries whose resilience in the face of a difficult macro-economic climate deserves applause. While the city has seen a dem...Published: 04 Aug 2017 at 15:07hrs | | by Staff reporter
When a mad man has hijacked the Zimbabwe bus
In this analogy of the Zimbabwe bus, South African based writer, Chivhu Mudhara, poses a thought provoking query: can the bus driver be trusted with the lives of h...Published: 24 Apr 2017 at 09:48hrs | 1 | by Chivhu Mudhara in Diaspora
Grace Mugabe's Mazowe evictions intensify
Police yesterday continued with the eviction of villagers from Arnold Farm in Mazowe, allegedly to pave way for first lady Grace Mugabe despite a High Court order barring them from destroying the ...Published: 26 Mar 2017 at 10:08hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Calamity Joice's politics of 'ciders, nappies'
THE recent visit by National People's Party leader Joice Mujuru to the United Kingdom elicited all manner of responses. Political scientists and analysts, armchair critics, keyboard analysts, soci...Published: 22 Mar 2017 at 05:28hrs | | by Staff reporter
#FillUpWhiteCity - a dream far fetched?
Bulawayo artists' coming together to fill up white city stadium in remembrance of the living and departed "LEGENDS" is quite a noble initiative to bring the Cultural capital of the country alive.A lot...Published: 21 Nov 2016 at 06:21hrs | | by Trevor Moekie Kaitse
Mugabe and his son-in-law: a case of selective succession
In a normal environment, promotion of a young, visionary, professional and energetic young person to high office is commendable. We celebrate the prosperity of the young generation, including our ...Published: 11 Oct 2016 at 06:17hrs | | by Moses Chamboko
Mujuru unfazed by threats by her erstwhile Zanu-PF comrades to arrest her
Former Vice President and Zimbabwe People First (ZPF) leader, Joice Mujuru, says she is unfazed by threats by her erstwhile Zanu-PF comrades to arrest her on a litany of untested claims - that inc...Published: 01 Jul 2016 at 22:50hrs | | by Staff reporter
Zimbabwe's Coalition of Democrats will win 2018 elections
It has always been our wish to see the Zimbabwean Opposition burying their egos,differences and greediness for a better and united Zimbabwe.Zimbabwe is in a serious governance crisis and it ma...Published: 06 Jun 2016 at 23:19hrs | 1 | by Gugugu Magorira
Donkeys ordered to wear nappies in Kenyan town
Donkeys have been banned from entering Kenya's north-eastern town of Wajir unless they wear nappies.Officials say the rule is to protect the town's newly laid tarmac road.A letter ...Published: 27 May 2016 at 21:26hrs | 1 | by BBC
'My girl' is not mine!
HEARTBREAKS are one of the hardest phenomenons to deal with.Like tangible pain you can almost feel its heaviness on you. It's an unexplainable pain that many ponder on how to deal with....Published: 27 Mar 2016 at 10:46hrs | | by Staff reporter
Mujuru is Zanu-PF
What is this hype about Sister Teurai Ropa Mujuru who claims to have gunned down one helicopter in the whole war and sneaked into Mozambique to marry General Rex Nhongo?Is this the same Joice ...Published: 17 Dec 2015 at 09:37hrs | 1 | by Gugugu Magorira
Mugabe central in Zanu-PF factional wars
FORMER Midlands governor Cephas Msipa has said President Robert Mugabe is central to the factional wars playing out in the Zanu-PF party and the fights will not end without an orderly and predictable ...Published: 28 Nov 2015 at 10:21hrs | | by Staff reporter
Woman loses ear in fight over nappies
A BINGA woman shocked villagers in Lubu Village under Chief Saba when she bit off the whole ear of a woman she shares a husband with while fighting over nappies.Juliet Zulu (21), the second wi...Published: 16 Aug 2015 at 09:15hrs | | by Fairness Moyana
Man abandons family for rich girlfriend
A BULAWAYO man allegedly dumped his wife for a rich girlfriend who is now taking care of some of his needs.The man Peter Chikakaya was taken to the maintenance court by his ex-wife Sigasyeje K...Published: 18 Jul 2015 at 13:36hrs | | by Noleen Makhurane
A Sangoma can be a witch at the same time Pt 2
I decided to target his evening meal all the time. I put the concoction into his food especially into his relish. I did it non-stop for two weeks, then another week, then another week. What I realized...Published: 16 Jun 2015 at 14:45hrs | | by Nomazulu Thata: taken from eBook 'Sweetmother'
A Sangoma can be a witch at the same time Pt 1
I was born in 1956 the City of kings and Queens, Bulawayo. My parents lived in Njube Township. I had two siblings, both boys. I finished my primary education and got a division two. I was over the...Published: 16 Jun 2015 at 14:45hrs | 4 | by Nomazulu Thata: taken from eBook 'Sweetmother'
My Roots, my identity! - Pt1
I had just become one girl and two children old (16 years old) when we heard about the presence of pale people in our lands. My name is Lomamqhaka a Khoi name that means nearer to the "Goddess of ...Published: 10 May 2015 at 12:44hrs | | by Nomazulu Thata
Zim businessmen in SA appeal for donations to help victims of xenophobic attacks
Harare - An organisation of Zimbabwean businessmen in South Africa appealed on Friday for donations of blankets, nappies, food and cooking utensils to help hundreds of Zimbabweans caught up in xenopho...Published: 17 Apr 2015 at 16:05hrs | | by Staff Reporter
Grace Mugabe flown to Dubai for medical attention
First Lady Grace Mugabe has reportedly slipped out of the country to seek medical treatment in Dubai as her health allegedly continues to deteriorate. This has prompted President Robert M...Published: 26 Mar 2015 at 06:12hrs | | by Staff reporter
Gift of the Givers donates $1.5 million to Grace Mugabe, flood victims
South Africa-based non-governmental organisation Gift of the Givers Foundation yesterday donated an assortment of foodstuffs and clothes worth $1,5 million to First Lady Amai Grace Mugabe and floo...Published: 25 Mar 2015 at 07:02hrs | | by Staff reporter
Zanu's Grip to Power Finally Destroyed by Sex Deprivation
Since 1977, Zanu has dominated Zimbabwean Politics with little challenge. So many have tried to destroy Zanu without success. It is laughable to say Zanu has finally been conquered by Sexual Depri...Published: 20 Nov 2014 at 12:47hrs | | by Ryton Dzimiri
Women wake up without panties
IN a bizarre incident that has left villagers in Gokwe South shell-shocked, women in Chibarirwa and Demawatema last week woke up without their panties while their babies' nappies miraculously disappea...Published: 06 Sep 2014 at 09:15hrs | | by Staff reporter
Zimbabwe's clueless Parliamentarians
When university graduates sell airtime on street corners to survive while grade two drop-outs discuss national issues in parliament, the results are too ghastly to contemplate. However, when a univers...Published: 07 Jul 2014 at 14:35hrs | | by Moses Chamboko
Mayor proposes a ban on diapers
A ROW has erupted between the Masvingo City Council and residents after mayor Hubert Fidze proposed a ban on diapers saying they were being illegally disposed of and finding their way into the city's ...Published: 09 Apr 2014 at 14:19hrs | | by Staff reporter
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