Search / Brainwashed
Zimbabweans have penchant for sugar-rush solution of Mnangagwa must go even at the cost of retaining the dictatorship yet again
"Zimbabwe is in desperate need of transformative leadership, not the routine recycling of failed politicians," argued Trevor Ncube. "A change in leadership might offer temporary relief, Zimbabwe's iss...Published: 18 Feb 2025 at 20:04hrs | 883 | by Wilbert Mukori
Zimbabweans have penchant for sugar-rush solution of Mnangagwa must go even at the cost of retaining the dictatorship yet again
"Zimbabwe is in desperate need of transformative leadership, not the routine recycling of failed politicians," argued Trevor Ncube. "A change in leadership might offer temporary relief, Zimbabwe's iss...Published: 14 Feb 2025 at 12:03hrs | 609 | by Wilbert Mukori
Zimbabwean woman claims she was forced to abort 15 times
A HARARE woman has made sensational claims that she was forced to ABORT 15 TIMES and then suffered a miscarriage before she was dumped by her lover.Sharon Zhuwawo claims her lover's wife, Vale...Published: 02 Oct 2024 at 15:31hrs | 680 | by Staff reporter
Mafume slammed for attending training at Zanu-PF Ideological school
Harare mayor, Councillor Jacob Mafume, has been criticised for attending a ZANU-PF indoctrination programme at the party's Herbert Chitepo School of Ideology.Mafume is among a group of mayors,...Published: 24 Aug 2024 at 12:48hrs | 373 | by Staff reporter
'Are there quality leaders - no paying lip service to free elections?' Need discerning and lip-reading voters to find them
"In our midst, can we not find today leaders who do not pay lip services to freedom, justice and liberty to gain the people's trust?" asked one whatsApp group member.This is not a simple quest...Published: 28 Mar 2024 at 22:57hrs | 5 | by Wilbert Mukori
'Tribalism dividing Zimbabwe'
ZAPU leader Sibangilizwe Nkomo has lamented rising tribalism among Zimbabweans who are increasingly identifying themselves as either Shonas or Ndebeles.Nkomo blamed the ruling Zanu-PF party fo...Published: 04 Jan 2024 at 06:01hrs | 14 | by Staff reporter
Professor Moyo dismiss Al Jazeera Gold Mafia as 'disjointed thesis'. He too is feeling fallout heat
When the story first broke that Al Jazeera was going to air a documentary of the gold smuggling and money laundering in Zimbabwe, Zanu PF regime and its apologists dismissed the whole thing s inconseq...Published: 13 Apr 2023 at 23:36hrs | 4 | by Wilbert Mukori
Are today's 'Pan Africanists' the most colonially-brainwashed?
I am one of those who, at times, receives the fury of those who claim to be 'Pan Africanists' - on accusations of pandering to western interests, and being a victim of a colonial mindset.My cr...Published: 07 Mar 2023 at 10:54hrs | 2 | by Tendai Ruben Mbofana
Chiwenga demands plastic bottle deposits
The law on littering is being tightened to deter litterbugs and a new Bill being drafted include stiffer penalties and regulation plus a requirement that fast food outlets and those who sell drinks bo...Published: 04 Feb 2023 at 06:13hrs | 2 | by Staff reporter
What makes anyone believe blacks can't 'brainwash' whites?
It is always so extremely disturbing watching how much self-decrepitation and self-hate there is amongst us as black people - a sickening trait more prominent here in our own Zimbabwe.Why do w...Published: 22 Nov 2022 at 16:55hrs | | by Tendai Ruben Mbofana
Mwonzora's MDC-T calls for removal of sanctions on Zimbabwe
SANCTIONS by nature have far-reaching consequences beyond what has been prescribed and their effects are best described by the victims and not those who prescribe them, the opposition MDC-T party has ...Published: 18 Oct 2022 at 05:58hrs | | by Staff reporter
Which Western countries brainwashed Mbuya Nehanda into rebelling against oppression?
I never understand Zimbabwe's political elite! Whenever I listen to President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa, I am left dumbfounded as to why he fails to see that today's freedom fighters - some ...Published: 04 Oct 2022 at 17:40hrs | | by Tendai Ruben Mbofana
Colonial hangover will never end as long as racially brainwashed Mnangagwa regime in power
So, the Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa regime is over the moon over the two or so second handshake with former British Prime Minister, Tony Blair!In fact, the president did not waste any time pos...Published: 07 Sep 2022 at 21:33hrs | 2 | by Tendai Ruben Mbofana
Tragically, black people now willingly portraying themselves as fools and idiots!
Last night, it was most interesting, and even illuminating, watching a news clip on the Rhodesia period comic show, 'Tiki' - which featured a young black man engaged in several supposedly hilarious sk...Published: 02 Sep 2022 at 06:44hrs | | by Tendai Ruben Mbofana
No leader will serve Zimbabwe without pressure from citizens
WHY do we as Zimbabweans somehow appear to believe that there will ever be a politician who will emerge in our country or possibly has already manifested, who places the interests of Zimbabwe ahead of...Published: 29 Aug 2022 at 06:31hrs | 1 | by Tendai Ruben Mbofana
Desperation and despair turn Mnangagwa and comrades into a pathetic sorrowful sight!
In my book, there is nothing that robs a man of all his dignity and confidence as desperation and despair. There is no sadder and more dismal sight than a man who is fully aware of the hopeles...Published: 25 Aug 2022 at 20:02hrs | 2 | by Tendai Ruben Mbofana
Zanu-PF should admit failure
Zanu-PF always comes up with a scapegoat for its failures.Success is not in its members' vocabulary unless if success is redefined.The so-called party youths have been trained to be pu...Published: 20 Jun 2022 at 06:43hrs | 4 | by Muzokomba villager
Zimbabweans are very united - hating a regime that impoverishes us doesn't mean we're divided!
I always find statements by Zimbabwe's ruling establishment, urging us to be united, quite mind-boggling - since, as far as I can tell, Zimbabweans are so...Published: 21 May 2022 at 18:33hrs | 11 | by Tendai Ruben Mbofana
Zimbabweans in diaspora not cash cows but should have their democratic rights respected!
There was much excitement in the corridors of power when it became apparent that diaspora remittances into Zimbabwe had surpassed the US$1.4 billion mark ...Published: 24 Apr 2022 at 06:25hrs | 11 | by Tendai Ruben Mbofana
Is COVID-19 narrative driven by science or just pure psychology?
In life we have those who question whatever they are told, and those who believe what is either said by an authority figure, or accepted by the majority.In psychology, it is referred to as "co...Published: 05 Feb 2022 at 18:08hrs | 10 | by Tendai Ruben Mbofana
'Army plays decisive role in politics' - Zanu PF fuelled conjecture, without one iota of evidence
"It is beyond any iota of doubt in Zimbabwe that the institution of the military plays a decisive factor in the politics of the country," reported The Independent. "Numerous "clever" politicians ...Published: 26 Dec 2021 at 09:50hrs | 9 | by Wilbert Mukori
Chinese will cost Zanu-PF votes
The history of Zimbabwean elections would never be complete without a loud enough reference to one big patch on our map. This place they call Uzumba-Maramba-Pfungwe (UMP) in Mashonaland East province....Published: 07 Nov 2021 at 07:52hrs | 13 | by Tawanda Majoni
Zanu PF attacks on MDC will galvanise and blind supporters to Wizard of Oz Scarecrow trickery
Zimbabwe is caught in a catch 22! We a stuck in a political and economic mess and those who have landed us here are the ones profiting from our suffering and misery and, worst of all, they have the po...Published: 16 Oct 2021 at 07:43hrs | 11 | by Nomusa Garikai
'ERC call for reform in not push for regime change' - why apologise, it is consequence of free elections
Zimbabwe is in this economic mess and political paralysis (both the ruling party and the opposition are corrupt, incompetent and clearly have no clue how to get the nation out of the mess and paralysi...Published: 20 Sep 2021 at 17:14hrs | 1 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
What good is Mutambara prosperity pentagon if buffoon can, once again, rig elections and impose voodoo policies
Dear Nomazulu Thata, Thank you for your thought provoking article "Professor Arthur Mutambara, Dr Nkosana Moyo and Advocate Nelson Chamisa are speaking" in I agree that...Published: 17 Sep 2021 at 07:38hrs | | by Wilbert Mukori
Grown up Zimbabweans are 'more Zanu PF than Zanu PF parents' - more brain-dead than Zanu PF buffoons, it's true
"An untold but deep seated sociological truth about Zimbabwe today is that many grown up kids with ZanuPF parents are more ZanuPF than their parents. Therefore, Zimbabwe does not only need new leaders...Published: 10 Sep 2021 at 13:38hrs | 10 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
Chamisa will not replicate Hichilema no more a tortoise replicate a cheetah
The refusal by Zimbabwe's MDC A leaders and their fanatical supporters to accept that Zimbabwe and Zambia share a common boarder but political share nothing else; the direction the two nations are tra...Published: 28 Aug 2021 at 21:36hrs | 2 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
'If military won't give up power, there is NO sense in holding elections' - penny has finally dropped
The Greeks all those 2 500 years ago appreciated the importance of educated and diligent citizens for democracy, government of the people, for the people and by the people, to work; and hence the reas...Published: 20 Aug 2021 at 17:39hrs | 2 | by Nomusa Garikai
Is Zim's deafening silence on Palestinians' bombardment instructive of regime's long-standing relationship with Israel?
Ever since the relentless bombardment on the Palestinian territory of Gaza was ruthlessly unleashed by the Israeli regime on Monday 10 May 2021, I have been patiently awaiting a statement of condemnat...Published: 16 May 2021 at 07:47hrs | 1 | by Tendai Ruben Mbofana
Would you eat cyanide laced oranges, why accept poisoned constitutional amendments only for some youth/women's quota clauses?
As the shock over the recently gazetted Constitutional Amendment No 2 Act deepens, and the realization of the reality of the brutal shredding, and callous assassination, of any semblance of democracy ...Published: 10 May 2021 at 10:45hrs | | by Tendai Ruben Mbofana
Black Lives Matter (BLM) campaign: Human Rights Orgs /institutions & Churches conflict of interest
Many doubting Thomases think that the Black lives Matter (BLM)campaign has no genuine cause. Some evil people who are proracist are trying to denigrate that campaign or vilify it, so that they d...Published: 16 Apr 2021 at 19:36hrs | | by Njabulo
Mnangagwa copying and pasting Mugabe toxic policies
THE move to reintroduce the National Youth Service training programme has sent chills down most Zimbabweans' spines who experienced brutality at the hands of Green Bombers in 2008. The re-intr...Published: 15 Apr 2021 at 07:34hrs | 1 | by Leonard Koni
The return of Green Bombers
The re-introduction of the National Youth Service Training Border Gezi popularly known as The Green Bombers has sent chilling feelings amongst most Zimbabweans who have experienced the brutality of th...Published: 14 Apr 2021 at 09:02hrs | | by Leonard Koni
MDC Alliance: An opposition effort built on a foundation of lies
Last week some of the issues making rounds on both the mainstream and social media included the arrest of MDC-Alliance deputy chairperson, Job Sikhala, MDC-Alliance spokesperson, Fadzayi Mahere and ac...Published: 20 Jan 2021 at 06:45hrs | 13 | by Nobleman Runyanga
Zanu PF's visceral brain teaser: pay the teachers a living wage without fuelling inflation
Squaring the circle is a brain teaser as ancient as geometry itself in which one is asked to construct a square with the same area as a given circle or vice versa. Let us just say Preside...Published: 27 Dec 2020 at 09:22hrs | | by Wilbert Mukori
Does the Rule of Law exist in the so called, 'ROLE MODELS SUPERPOWER COUNTRIES'?
This digital age has experienced a genocide of blacks perpetrated by the white supremacists in the USA. The genocide in question, was not only perpetrated by their white supremacists police, but by al...Published: 15 Sep 2020 at 07:15hrs | | by Njabulo
'Ncube, like Moses, deserves a chance to lead' - to tax the poor whilst protect looters
"Well, this is not a pie in the sky. What is our attitude to Mthuli Ncube's Transitional Stabilisation Programme (TSP)? A lot of us really want us to go back to the hiatus," is the latest diatribe fro...Published: 08 Jun 2019 at 19:12hrs | | by Nomusa Garikai
Nhlanhla Ndiweni soils the role of traditional chiefs in Zimbabwe
The duties of a chief are enshrined in the Traditional Leaders Act chapter 29:17 which was enacted in 1998.As Head of his or her chieftains the chief has to remain strictly neutral with respec...Published: 02 Jun 2019 at 21:35hrs | 3 | by Dr Masimba Mavaza
Fortune Chasi is not the right Minister for Energy Docket
I want to take this opportunity to blame President ED Mnangagwa for appointing a wrong person to the Ministry of Energy. If the appointment was not a 'political trap', the President should have consid...Published: 01 Jun 2019 at 16:24hrs | | by Don Chigumba
Ndiweni's call for more sanctions mind-boggling
Zimbabweans should have been taken aback last week when one of their own traditional leaders, Chief Nhlanhla Ndiweni, called on the United States of America and the European Union to increase illegal ...Published: 13 May 2019 at 08:44hrs | | by Staff reporter
If USA 'stand with Zim' then remove the sanctions - only dimwit would want sanctions lifted
"The United States of America Embassy in Harare has come under fire for posting a status on Twitter saying America stands with Zimbabwe as the country celebrate its 39th Independence," reported Bulawa...Published: 18 Apr 2019 at 18:20hrs | 1 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
Rhodesian chemical-biological war crimes
As Zimbabwe celebrates its 39th year of Independence, as Africans we have either chosen to ignore or have been brainwashed to forget the terrible things white Rhodesians did to our own freedom fighter...Published: 10 Apr 2019 at 08:51hrs | 2 | by Sifelani Tsiko
'Sanctions do not target povo' USA explained, again - link to free elections is not obvious to brainwashed
"The U.S. does not maintain comprehensive sanctions against Zimbabwe. Suggestions that the U.S. intends to harm the Zimbabwean people with sanctions are false and misleading," explained the US Embassy...Published: 08 Mar 2019 at 11:06hrs | 1 | by Nomusa Garikai
Zimbabwe, way forward will be great tribute to the great icon Oliver Mtukudzi?
Dialogue is a way to solve all the problems we are facing as a nation. The way forward is to do away with strongman spirit. Going forward, we must correct wrongs now. We need to value humanity. The go...Published: 25 Jan 2019 at 13:23hrs | 5 | by Enos Denhere
IMF's discredited economic template will cripple Zimbabwe
NEW Finance minister Mthuli Ncube and the government, in general, have swallowed the myths of foreign aid, investment and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as solutions to Zimbabwe's economic prob...Published: 19 Oct 2018 at 08:43hrs | 2 | by David Barber and Tendai R Mbofana
Foreign investment and the IMF will cripple Zimbabweans
Our government and the new Finance Minister have swallowed the myths of foreign aid, investment and the IMF as solutions to Zimbabwe's economic problems. And, unless these are exposed, Zimbabwean citi...Published: 16 Oct 2018 at 12:48hrs | 1 | by David Barber and Tendai Ruben Mbofana
Zimbabwe remains a pariah state, per se, 'forgiveness and unity' alone will never bring prosperity
With the swearing in of the new President Mnangagwa now out of the way, Zanu PF's spin-doctors, propagandists and apologists are out in full force selling the new regime as the breath of fresh air! Th...Published: 27 Aug 2018 at 16:52hrs | | by Nomusa Garikai
'I am not brainwashed by Zanu PF'
Mthwakazi activist Hloniphani Ncube has dismissed claims by a writer Nomusa Garikai that he is brainwashed by Zanu PF...Published: 12 Aug 2018 at 12:44hrs | 3 | by Stephen Jakes
Elections were NOT free and so US sanctions a back - but so too is the brainwashing
People like Hloniphani Ncube have been thoroughly brainwashed by Zanu PF propaganda and misinformation into believing that sanctions are the root cause of Zimbabwe's economic meltdown. This is nonsens...Published: 12 Aug 2018 at 06:43hrs | 2 | by Nomusa Garikai
Chamisa can't read polls; how do you expect him to run a country
Nelson Chamisa is not stupid. In fact, he is a very intelligent young man. So when I say he can't read polls, I think what I mean is that he won't read the polls. Every poll t...Published: 29 Jul 2018 at 18:03hrs | 1 | by Faith Hope
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