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Zimbabwe army will 'remaining apolitical' - Gen Chiwenga

by Innocent Ruwende
09 Aug 2016 at 02:48hrs | Views
The Zimbabwe Defence Forces will never accept any unconstitutional change of Government and will stand firm and unequivocal by President Mugabe who was duly and democratically elected by the people of Zimbabwe, the Commander of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces General Constantino Guveya Dominic Nyikadzino Chiwenga has said.

Speaking at a press conference yesterday ahead of the 36th anniversary of the ZDF Day Commemorations to be held today, General Chiwenga said the ZDF has been watching events in the country which have a serious potential to disturb peace.

"These have to stop and people must focus on developmental programmes. The history of this country cannot, and will never be rewritten. It was only done once by colonialists in the Berlin Treaty, who by act of conquest, declared that they had brought civilisation and religion into Africa including Zimbabwe, as though we did not have our own religions and civilisation."

"The African proverb which says, hakuna zuva rinobuda rimwe risati ranyura (two people cannot lead a country at the same time) holds true, because no nation can ever have two leaders at any one time. Therefore, the ZDF will never accept any unconstitutional change of Government and we stand firm and unequivocal by the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe and commander-in-chief of the ZDF, his Excellency Mugabe," he said.

"It follows that the ZDF, while remaining apolitical, would not tolerate or support any unconstitutional change of Government in the country, whether internally or externally induced."

Gen Chiwenga who was flanked by Air Force Commander Air Marshal Perrance Shiri, Zimbabwe National Army Commander Lieutenant-General Phillip Valerio Sibanda and six other generals said while potential threats to Zimbabwe's security were many, the Zimbabweans should know that the country is under the threat of asymmetric warfare.

He said to date the threat has manifested itself by way of psychological warfare, intrusive political interference, diplomatic isolation and socio-cultural intrusion.

"Where contradictions exist, we must be able to dialogue, bearing in mind that we are one people. We should learn to synchronise our approaches and have a common vision where the nation thinks with one mind, hears with one ear, speaks with one voice and collectively pulls in one direction."

"It is the ZDF's hope, therefore, that the internal component of this asymmetric threat to the country will take heed and desist from these divisive activities for the betterment of the whole nation," he said.

He said recent events in Zimbabwe clearly demonstrate that State institutions, socio-political systems and even territories can now equally be threatened by manipulation of ideas through the use of social media giving an example of a communique attributed to a clique of war veterans which he said was a clear illustration of social media abuse by the fifth column and its quislings.

Gen Chiwenga said investigations were underway on the matter and culprits will face the full wrath of the law saying the ZDF will work with other security services to ensure that effects of certain information, ideas and concepts that infiltrate into the population depict what is in line with the preservation of Zimbabwe's values, vision and culture.

The ZDF, he said, will take deliberate steps to ensure that the country's Constitution in its entirety, is not only protected and defended but is also upheld, sustained and supported at all times.

Asked on media claims that he was supporting a faction allegedly led by Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa, Gen Chiwenga said, "That is nonsense. Do you believe in that? People who peddle such kind of nonsense are not worth their soul."

Gen Chiwenga congratulated President Mugabe, the nation and all members of the defence forces and their families on the 36th Anniversary of the ZDF.

He said the celebrations will be held under the theme, 'ZDF: Resolute in Defence of Constitution, National Sovereignty, Territorial Integrity and National Interests for Social and Economic Growth'.

Source - Chronicle
More on: #ZDF, #Chiwenga, #Mugabe