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Chivayo donates $250,000 to John Nkomo Trust, gifts Jabulani a bakkie

by Staff reporter
08 Oct 2024 at 08:37hrs | Views
Wicknell Chivayo, a businessman closely associated with President Emmerson Mnangagwa, has made headlines with his recent philanthropic efforts, donating US$250,000 to the late Vice President John Landa Nkomo's Trust. This significant contribution comes as a gesture of gratitude towards Nkomo, who was instrumental in supporting Chivayo's entry into state patronage networks.

In addition to the cash donation, Chivayo gifted Jabulani Nkomo, the son of the late Vice President and current chairperson of the trust, a US$80,000 Ford Ranger Wildtrax. This gesture further solidifies the ties between Chivayo and the Nkomo family, reflecting the interconnectedness of business and politics in Zimbabwe.

Chivayo expressed his sentiments regarding the donation, acknowledging the support he received from Nkomo throughout his career. His statement, made public, underscores his appreciation for the late Vice President's role in his business endeavors, which have often relied on close relationships with top political figures.

Chivayo wrote (unedited):

Exactly 90 years ago, on the 22 nd day of August, an ICON, a venerated STALWART and a HERO was born in Tsholotsho. His beloved parents – of the NKOMO clan and the then fourth generation descendants of the illustrious KING MZILIKAZI, - named him JOHN LANDA, being their eldest son. It's not by coincidence that i happen to be a BABA JOHN by the way, and having my son as the namesake of a DISTINGUISHED HERO of the liberation war gives me the greatest honor and pride.
"As patriotic citizens we join the NKOMO family in celebrating the LEGACY of an enigmatic HERO who selflessly dedicated his life for the cause of his people. Whilst most people will only remember him for serving as VICE PRESIDENT of Zimbabwe between 2009 and 2013, this man left an INDELIBLE mark in Zimbabwe's contemporary history. He was as great an EDUCATOR as he was a fierce FIGHTER for the rights and liberties of AFRICANS who had been subjugated under white imperialism and colonial dominance. Together with notable GALLANT heroes like Robert Gabriel Mugabe , Simon Muzenda , Josiah Tungamirai and H.E. President E. D. Mnangagwa, Cde JOHN LANDA NKOMO offered his life and SACRIFICED his liberty at the warfront fighting against racial segregation particularly in Nyamandlovu, where white settlers disenfranchised natives from their fertile land.
This man stood for CIVIL JUSTICE and EQUALITY, which periodically found him imprisoned – all for the cause of DEMOCRACY. A man who comprehensively narrated in graphic detail, how his radical political activism against the colonial regime had made him a regular inmate at the infamous Gonakudzingwa Detention Camp and later at Khami Prison for a successive 3 years! He sustained various forms of BRUTALITY and TORTURE which was meant to crumble his zeal for an independent Zimbabwe, but this neither broke his spirit or deterred his conviction to see a liberated, empowered and unified people who could have the freedom to determine their own destiny. Instead, he became a NATIONALIST and PEACEMAKER famed for his mantra that, "….peace begins with me, peace begins with you, peace begins with all of us.."
DR. JOHN LANDA NKOMO was indeed an ICON whose nuggets of DEEP WISDOM inspired a lot of young business people to this very day. In post-independent Zimbabwe, he advanced his aspiration to empower the rural child through education, which saw him singlehandedly sponsoring the construction of John Landa Nkomo High School in Tsholotsho, his rural home. His ideals of ECONOMIC EMANCIPATION and EMPOWERMENT have indeed successfully ushered many into the business world.
As I continue to celebrate President E D Mnangagwa's 82 nd birthday i also join the NKOMO family in celebrating the life and LEGACY of an ICONIC EDUCATOR AND DISTINGUISHED PEACEMAKER. It is against this background that I was honored to make a small donation of US$250,000.00 last week to the JOHN LANDA NKOMO TRUST to support his legacy projects in recognition of the exceptional contribution that the late HERO made in educating, developing and empowering the people of Zimbabwe in general and Matebeleland North Province in particular. It is my singular honor the NKOMO family accepted this token as my personal appreciation to the IMMENSE role that this legend – though no longer amoungst us – played in shaping our future. I also gladly donated a 2024 Ford Ranger Wildtrax 3.0l V6 double cab pick up worth USD 80 000 for personal use by the Chairman of the Trust Mr Jabulani Nkomo.
 LALA NGOKUTHULA my HERO, may your dear soul continue to rest in eternal peace , you will FOREVER be MISSED...🕊🕊🕊️🙏🙏🙏🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼ZANU IPARTY INE RUDO...✊✊✊ EDHUCHI...EDELIVERS...EDWORKS...🐊🦁🐝🤑💰🎊."

Source - online