Search / Mlomo
Slain Bulawayo CCC member burial today
BULAWAYO entrepreneur and Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) member Langelihle Dube, who was killed by a machete gang on June 8, will be buried today in Esigodini, Matabeleland South province....Published: 13 Jun 2022 at 06:48hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Top South African sangoma invades Bulawayo
Controversial South African traditional healer Dr. Khehlelezi, (real name is Bhongolethu Mzozo) will be in Bulawayo on the 9th of January for a miracle service which will be held at BAC leisure ...Published: 03 Jan 2022 at 12:09hrs | 15 | by Mandla Ndlovu
Bulelani's speech on King Mzilikazi Day 2021
Mahlabezulu ,Mthwakazi omuhle, zingane zobaba.Mthwakazi omuhle , namhlanje sihlangane lapha ngosuku olukhulu kakhulu esizweni sethu, ngilethemba elikhulu ukuthi iningi laMahlabezulu lihlangane...Published: 07 Sep 2021 at 07:59hrs | 13 | by King Bulelani Lobengula kaMzilikazi
Turning Point - HRM King Mzilikazi II
Mthwakazi omuhle ondlela zimhlophe, sizwe senkosi yohlanga ngiyalibingelela!Sesiside isikhathi lingezwa lutho oluvelela ngapha nges'Godlweni. Isizatho yikuthi njengothunyiweyo, kumele ngizwe N...Published: 27 Feb 2021 at 09:27hrs | 1 | by HRM King Mzilikazi II
Girlfriend killer found hanging
A kombi driver who allegedly killed his girlfriend is said to have committed suicide near Esigodini Tollgate, just a few kilometres from his Mlomolihotho rural home in Mawabeni. Melinkosi Moyo...Published: 04 Feb 2021 at 05:56hrs | 2 | by Staff reporter
Injiva ngamanga ziyabulala!
Sekusiya phela umnyaka, izihlobo labangane abasebenza eGoli sebezabuya ngobunengi belanda ukuzodlalela iKhisimusi ekhaya, abanye njalo ngabalanda ukuzobona ukuthi inhlelo zabo akade bezisebenzela zife...Published: 20 Dec 2020 at 20:30hrs | 4 | by Mehleli Dube
'Catholic priest tries to bed lover's mum'
AN illicit love affair between a Roman Catholic priest from Bulawayo and a secret lover that resulted in pregnancy and payment of lobola has been exposed after the clergyman tried to bed the woman's m...Published: 08 Nov 2018 at 05:23hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Ukhunyulwa izinyo kubangwa amafutha okupheka
ZISELE zibambe owangaphansi izakhamizi zeZinyangeni eNkayi ngemva kokuba amadoda amabili engqikilane kwaba luthuli ebanga ukungenelana ngesikhathi kuthengwa amafutha okupheka komunye umuzi.Lok...Published: 27 Oct 2018 at 18:21hrs | | by umlobi woMthunywa
Emotions should not determine Vote
Time for Zimbabweans to cast their votes in the harmonised election is fast approaching, it is imperative that, not their emotions, but the need to see Zimbabwe develop, industries opening up and pros...Published: 16 May 2018 at 15:05hrs | | by Prosperity Mzila
Asivuleni amehlo bakwethu
Umhlaka 1 May lilanga lokukhumbula izisebenzi umhlaba wonke jikelele. Izizwe ezinengi ezithanda inkululeko ziqakathekisa leli ilanga kakhulu ngoba impilo isezandleni zezisebenzi. Zona azila lutho ngap...Published: 01 May 2018 at 11:55hrs | 1 | by Mkhululi Zulu
Man fined $100 for insulting grandmother (90) over isitshwala
A MAN from Mlomolihoto Village, Mawabeni, has been fined $100 for shouting obscenities at his grandmother, accusing her of cooking "rubbish" isitshwala.Thuthukani Mlotshwa (24) pleaded guilty ...Published: 13 Apr 2018 at 07:36hrs | | by Staff reporter
Man threatens granny over isitshwala
AN Esigodini man recently landed himself in trouble after he arrived home late and threatened to assault his grandmother, accusing her of failing to properly prepare his supper.Thuthukani Mlot...Published: 11 Apr 2018 at 07:17hrs | 5 | by Staff reporter
uMbiko oMkhulu: uSomlomo kaKing Goodwill Zwelithini wethekelela uMthwakazi
Mthwakazi omuhle, lina bondlela zimhlophe mnyaka omuhle ogcwele izibusiso kini lonke. Silethemba liwungena kuhle njalo liphephile ezingozini ezinengi.Kusenjalo nansi isimemezelo esiphuthumayo ...Published: 02 Jan 2018 at 07:52hrs | 2 | by Greater Vodloza Sibanda,u Somlomo kaMzilikazi II
Gukurahundi won't go anywhere until Mnangagwa and allies acknowledge their role
In a school-yard in Zimbabwe's Matabeleland region, a group of children laugh as they throw themselves into the air on a rusty set of swings.It seems like a happy setting, but the children are...Published: 13 Dec 2017 at 12:55hrs | 1 | by Aljazeera
Victims of Zimbabwe genocide still wait for justice
In a school yard in Zimbabwe's Matabeleland region, a group of children laugh as they throw themselves into the air on a rusty set of swings.It seems like a happy setting, but the children are...Published: 10 Dec 2017 at 19:50hrs | | by Staff reporter
Open letter to Mthwakazi.
Incwadi esemgceke kuwe MthwakaziNgiyakubulisa Mthwakazi, njalo ngiyakhothamisa ikhanda.Ngicela udlulisele phambili incwadi le yombane engiyilobayo, iye lakuloba bani ongabe elokuthokoz...Published: 24 Nov 2017 at 09:41hrs | 6 | by Kernan Mzelikahle
'Ngadla abantu abangu 100'
KULENINA leMbire esabelweni seMashonaland Central elifikelwe lidlozi esililweni somzukulu walo lachaza ukuthi yilo elimbuleleyo andubana lithi selibulele abantu abalikhulu ndawonye lequla lalo, uMthun...Published: 30 Aug 2017 at 17:31hrs | 1 | by YiNtatheli kaMthunywa
Beitbridge $60m pipeline construction talk re-emerges
PLANS are afoot for the construction of a $60 million pipeline from Zhovhe Dam that will bring water to 30 000 people and green a large section of Beitbridge district.Or it could just be anoth...Published: 28 Aug 2017 at 06:41hrs | | by Staff reporter
Man loses beast for 'raping' teenager
A 32-YEAR-OLD man from Pumula suburb in Bulawayo has told judges that the family of a 15-year-old girl whom he had sex with charged him a beast as damages for bedding the minor.The man said af...Published: 21 Jun 2017 at 07:17hrs | | by Staff reporter
Bribe-chasing cops impound kombi, crash into signpost
THERE was drama and chaos at Bellevue along Masiyephambili Road in Bulawayo yesterday when some Nkulumane Police Station officers allegedly impounded a kombi over an outstanding $3 bribe, before rammi...Published: 17 Jun 2017 at 10:09hrs | | by Staff reporter
Mysterious fire burns Good Samaritans’ property
A GOOD deed has cost a family from Mlomoliwoto Village in Umzingwane district.Their property mysteriously got burnt after trying to help their neighbours who were being tormented by a "mysteri...Published: 19 May 2017 at 15:31hrs | | by Staff reporter
Mysterious breathing horn burns homestead
A "breathing" horn has been identified as the source of a fire that has been ravaging the property of a family from Mlomoliwoto village in Umzingwane District.With the help of prophets from Th...Published: 05 May 2017 at 11:11hrs | | by Staff reporter
Inextinguishable fire haunts family
A family from Mlomoliwoto Village in Umzingwane district has lost all its property after a "mysterious fire" declared war.The Malungas from Spaba Ward Five have been tortured by the mysterious...Published: 28 Apr 2017 at 10:26hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Homestead destroyed by rains in Umzingwane
A homestead in was destroyed by the rains last night in Ml...Published: 27 Feb 2017 at 05:56hrs | | by Stephen Jakes
Yayoneni iZAPU indaba yeBhalagwe asesabi ukuyibhoboza
Ngekeni ngikhulume ngoba ukuthula akusizi.Ngekeni ngazise izwe lonkeNgekeni ngazise uMthwalazi wonkeNgekeni ngime esiqongeni sentaba ngazise abantu.Ngekeni ngiphakakamise izwi ngit...Published: 05 Feb 2017 at 16:40hrs | 1 | by Sikhumbuzo Moyo
Abalobi Bakithi Sebebuye Bagadla Njalo
8 kuLwezi 2016 Salibonani. Inhlanganiso esungulwe ngoMabasa ka-2013, Abalobi Bakithi izakhipha ugwalo lwesitshiyaga...Published: 10 Nov 2016 at 11:24hrs | 8 | by M. Vodloza
Sidla imbuya ngoth:eZimbabwe
Oh maye bantwana behlabathi!!Sahlupheka kangaka sidleni ekabani?Sagcwal'amany'amazwe kwenzenjai?Saphila kabuhlungu kwenzenjani? Sahlupheka kangaka kwenzenjani?Sidla imbuya ngoth'...Published: 23 Oct 2016 at 11:49hrs | | by Sikhumbuzo Moyo
#CHALLENGE: Tsholotsho King raises the bar
TEMBISA - Maskandi sensation Tsholotsho King has a thrown a very hard challenge to fellow Mthwakazi Maskandi artists in this celebrated cultural genre.In a bid to improve sound quality, the Ts...Published: 03 Sep 2016 at 07:45hrs | 14 | by Vusmann
Has Mathebeleland steeped this low as a region? Are we desperate?
I can never say I read an article titled 'A bumper season of ‘Unholy Alliances' - An Mthwakazi-Zanu-PF is one too?' o...Published: 16 Aug 2016 at 14:19hrs | 2 | by Nomazulu Thata
Condolonces: To Paul Siwela and the family - MRP
On my own behalf, on behalf of the party and the whole Mthwakazi at large I would like to take this opportunity to send our heartfelt condolences to Paul Siwela and the Dube families on the loss of th...Published: 29 Jul 2016 at 08:45hrs | | by MRP
King Lobengula's granddaughter dies
ONE of the few remaining direct descendants of the last Ndebele monarch, King Lobengula, Princess Simoli Khumalo, has died. She was 87. She succumbed to a chronic liver ailment at Mpil...Published: 11 Jul 2016 at 07:00hrs | 3 | by Auxilia Katongomara
Family demands lobola for dead daughter
A FAMILY from Mawabeni in Matabeleland South refused to bury their daughter who had been customarily married for the last 14 years, demanding their in-laws pay up lobola.The Tshabalala family ...Published: 06 May 2016 at 08:38hrs | | by Nqobile Tshili
GOSPEL star Fikile Mlomo almost died on Saturday.
South African gospel star Fikile Mlomo almost died on Saturday after her Toyota Verso was involved in an accident that nearly took her life.She said she still couldn’t believe that she s...Published: 04 Jan 2016 at 14:47hrs | 1 | by Staff Reporter
Amathiphu asekamelweni bosisi!
Cape Town - Izindawo eziningi kuleli zikhala ngamakhaza ashubisa umkhantsha. Ukuhlasela kwamakhaza ungakwenza kukusebenzele, ukusebenzise njengethuba lokunika isithandwa sakho ucansi olumnandi....Published: 11 Sep 2014 at 13:25hrs | 1 | by Ntombizenele Mtshali
Sex enhancing herbs a hit at ZITF
AFRICAN traditional sexual enhancing drugs were a hit at the just ended Zimbabwe International Trade Fair as one dealer says he made a fortune.Of particular interest and the biggest seller wer...Published: 07 May 2014 at 16:46hrs | 17 | by Staff reporter
Family drags daughter's boyfriend to court over marriage covenant
A VICTORIA Falls couple has dragged its daughter's boyfriend to court seeking to stop him from marrying her.However, the man, Itai Ngonyama, told court that it was impossible for him to leave ...Published: 16 Apr 2014 at 06:50hrs | | by Leonard Ncube
Isililo Somkhoba
ISILILO SOMKHOBAKwathi ngeny'imini ngelusile omunye umfazi wangibizela ikhabe. Ngalimofuza ngichelesile, kanti kwakungafa...Published: 22 Mar 2014 at 19:32hrs | 78 | by JM Nyathi
Brace yourselves for Izigigaba ZakwaNdongaziyaduma
JOHANNESBURG - Driven by the passion they have for their culture and the enthusiasm to save it, vibrant young authors have combined under the name: Abalobi Bakithi to publish a book titled 'IZIGIGABA ...Published: 03 Dec 2013 at 07:42hrs | 1 | by Vusumuzi Ndlovu
Local poet Solwazi Nkiwane to release anthology
Bulawayo poet Solwazi Nkiwane has put together an anthology of her poetry which is set to be published before the end of this year.The 21-poem collection titled Truth Be Told includes pieces o...Published: 11 Sep 2013 at 08:37hrs | | by Arts reporter
Indlela amadlozi abonakala ngayo - amaphupho
Amaphupho ngenye yendlela amadlozi aziveza ngayo kulabo abaseduze lawo. (Vilakazi. 1986 : 14). Lendlela yokuziveza kwamadlozi ibukeka inhle kakhulu ngoba idlozi liletha umbiko kumuntu oqondene l...Published: 12 Apr 2013 at 13:34hrs | 10 | by Velempini Ndlovu
Serializing Nguni Novel Igazi Labafo: Chapter 3
ISAHLUKO 1 ISAHLUKO 2 IS...Published: 27 Mar 2013 at 07:13hrs | | by Titshabona Malaba Ncube
Serializing Nguni Novel Igazi Labafo: Chapter 2
ISAHLUKO 1 ISAHLUKO 2 ...Published: 19 Mar 2013 at 23:19hrs | 1 | by Titshabona Malaba Ncube
Igazi Labafo - The Nguni Novel, Delivered in Johannesburg At Last!
An opportunity has arisen for thirsty Ndebele readers based in South Africa to quench their mother language reading passion and yearning. Limited copies of the scintillating Igazi Labafo, a captiv...Published: 13 Jan 2013 at 17:15hrs | | by Matthews Estell
Parents vow not to bury their daughter until demands are met
TWO Gwanda families who are locked in a dispute over the burial of a woman have abandoned the funeral wake.The deceased woman's family is demanding 10 cattle from her boyfriend's family before...Published: 28 Aug 2012 at 03:15hrs | | by Staff reporter
Family demands 10 beasts from in-laws to bury co-habiting daughter
TWO families from Gwanda District are locked in a burial wrangle with one demanding 10 cattle from their in-laws in order to bury their daughter who was co-habiting with her boyfriend.Thamsanq...Published: 27 Aug 2012 at 02:22hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
This and That with Maluphosa - Siyidla ngaphi?
Siyidla ngaphi lamhlanje? Well, this used to be such a common question emakhaya during those 'good old days'. And at times an invitation to a wedding or Christmas party would already have been sent o...Published: 25 Dec 2011 at 11:40hrs | 1 | by Clerk Ndlovu
This and that with Maluphosa Maluphosa: Bullies All over
Dee is very dejected; his daughter has left school, temporarily, one hopes. She is said to be fleeing bullies at her school. Phela eMzansi bullying is so dangerous it's no-longer viewed as a rite of p...Published: 09 Oct 2011 at 17:07hrs | | by Clerk Ndlovu
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