Search / Matebeles
Mnangagwa officially recognises Matabeleland independence cause, talks about it daily
Just imagine UK Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, threatening to shorten the lives of all Scottish people who are calling for the independence of Scotland from UK or Prime Minister of Spain Pedro Sanchez...Published: 11 Jul 2022 at 09:19hrs | 12 | by Israel Dube
Oppressive Zimbabwe govt to blame for Elvis Nyathi's death
While we do not condon the killing of foreigners in SA by South African mobs that have taken the law into their own hands, the death of Elvis Nyathi at the hands of vigilantes in South Africa and many...Published: 09 Apr 2022 at 13:22hrs | | by Israel Dube
Matabeles to disown 'gukurahundi' sellout Chiefs, blood on your hands!
Confidential information on our hands confirming that some Matabele traditional chiefs have accepted bribes from the genocidal Zimbabwe government to assist it to impose its suspicious Matabeleland ge...Published: 11 Sep 2021 at 11:07hrs | 11 | by Israel Dube
Kembo Mohadi removal was necessary for 'nation building'
Since Kembo Mohadi is on record saying Matabeleland genocide was necessary for nation-building, we also put it on record that his sacking by Mnangagwa following his sexual romps was good for nation bu...Published: 29 Apr 2021 at 08:12hrs | 15 | by Israel Dube
Matebeles are not Zimbabweans
I always wonder why a lot of people from Matebeleland always think Zimbabwe is theirs too. You find them busy labelling themselves as Zimbabweans, even when everything is being done to show that...Published: 25 Mar 2021 at 16:44hrs | 1 | by Dr Brilliant Sigabade Mhlanga
Zimbabwe has voluntarily become the 10th province of South Africa
After protracted and emotional denials by Zanupf leaders that Zimbabwe is a country in crisis, masses of Zimbabweans that were stuck at Beitbridge border post a few weeks ago exposed Zimbabwe not only...Published: 21 Jan 2021 at 13:34hrs | 2 | by Israel Dube
The World Will Never Be The Same After January 2021
After President Donald J. Trump has been declared the winner of US Presidential elections and sworn in on 20 January 2021 as the new President, I foresee total chaos and massive trail of destruction f...Published: 18 Dec 2020 at 11:30hrs | | by Israel Dube
Fear stricken Mnangagwa holds two Gukurahundi meetings within three months
MLO notes with interest that the President of Zimbabwe Emmerson Mnangagwa has visited Matabeleland Statehouse in Bulawayo twice within a space of three months this year. His first visit was in M...Published: 28 Jun 2019 at 12:03hrs | 2 | by Israel Dube
Matabeleland independence will come through the barrel of the gun
That Matabeleland will be an independent state very soon is no longer a question of if or how, but a mere when.One bullet one settler, one necklace one traitor! That is the trajectory the revo...Published: 10 Jun 2019 at 07:39hrs | | by Israel Dube
The Inevitable Rise of ZAPU
I must contend from the onset that the rise of the people's vanguard party ZAPU is inevitable and unstoppable. Everyone who has once associated with the party in the past and expended effort in improv...Published: 07 Jun 2019 at 07:37hrs | 1 | by Mqondobanzi Nduna Magonya
1893 MHRRM condemns Human Rights violations in Zimbabwe
The 1893 Mthwakazi Human Rights Restoration Movement (1893 MHRRM), after receiving an avalanche of credible information and hard evidence of mass and indiscriminate human rights violations by the army...Published: 28 Jan 2019 at 21:38hrs | | by Thembani Dube, 1893 MHRRM Secretary for Information and Publicity
Why Matabeles must not die for Zimbabwe
Matebeles do not owe Zimbabweans or Shona people anything. We are fade up with Zimbabwe's endless political problems. Zimbabweans/ Shona people must learn to fight their own battles from now on. As Ma...Published: 21 Jan 2019 at 10:17hrs | 9 | by Israel Dube
MLO condemns Gwanda murder of innocent Matebels in Gwanda
MLO condemns in all strongest terms the cold-blooded butchering of 3 Matebeles and the injuring of 20 others by shona people from Kwekwe who have made killing of Matabeles their favourite hobby.  ...Published: 10 Oct 2018 at 10:06hrs | 2 | by Israel Dube
Brutal tribal killings in Gwanda brain child of Zimbabwe government
MLO condemns in all strongest terms the cold blooded butchering of 3 Matebeles and the injuring of 20 others by shona people from Kwekwe who have made killing of Matabeles their favourite hobby.  ...Published: 10 Oct 2018 at 09:51hrs | 2 | by Israel Dube
The 'Chimurenga Monologue' and falsification of history
From The 1st Matebele War To The 2nd Matebele Rebellion War versus The "First" Chimurenga War of June 1896: Repudiating The "Chimurenga Monologue" and Falsification of HistoryThis input does n...Published: 22 Sep 2018 at 10:46hrs | 1 | by Thembani Mthembo Dube
Paul Siwela pens letter to Mnangagwa, Demands immediate restoration of Matabeleland State
Dear President ED Mnangagwa, Ref: Demand for Immediate Restoration of Matabeleland StateYour Excellency, I am writing to you in my capacity as t...Published: 18 Sep 2018 at 10:57hrs | 4 | by Paul Siwela
Why Mnangagwa must not be allowed to rule Matabeleland
He has a genocide case to answer in Matabeleland. If Emmerson is prepared to compensate white farmers for the loss of land he should also be ready to compensate Matebeles for the genocide by giving th...Published: 07 Aug 2018 at 07:08hrs | 2 | by Israel Dube
Mnangagwa will rule only in Mashonaland
MLO would like to put it categorically clear that the newly elected Zimbabwe's President, Emmerson Mnangagwa's rule will stretch as far as Mashonaland boundaries. And that this side of the Jameson Lin...Published: 05 Aug 2018 at 13:32hrs | 1 | by Israel Dube
1893 MHRRM steps up its Gukurahundi Genocide Demo Campaigns
The 1893 MHRRM-UK Chapter is stepping up its Demos in the United Kingdom against the Zimbabwean government and its on-going genocidal pogrom against Matebeleland. It has once more scheduled a Demo out...Published: 13 Jul 2018 at 20:46hrs | 2 | by Thembani Dube, 1893 MHRRM's Secretary for Information and Publicity
'Ndebeles are dull thats why there are no medical schools in Matabeleland
Are Matabeles really dull as we are told every day by Shona supremacist? That is wogwash. Anyone who believes this would believe that Emmerson Mnangagwa is a saint.In our last two articles we ...Published: 11 Jul 2018 at 13:48hrs | 1 | by Israel Dube
Matabeleland Culture Day in the UK interesting developments
All roads lead to Hastings in East Sussex this weekend as the Matebeleland Culture Day curtains roll up. A group known as the Bambanani Association made up of folks from Matebeleland gave birt...Published: 28 May 2018 at 23:09hrs | 1 | by Simingenkosi Nkala
Dirty prophets abuse God's name
The abuse of God's name and the bible by dirty politicians and fake pastors as available tools to brainwash, mislead, deceive and conquer is an out dated tactic. White colonisers came to Africa holdin...Published: 26 May 2018 at 18:00hrs | 1 | by Israel Dube
1893 MHRRM strongly condemns ill-treatment of Nkosazana Khuphe
The 1893 Mthwakazi Human Rights Restoration Movement (1893 MHRRM) is deeply concerned by continued and sustained cowardly and violent attacks directed at Nkosazana Thokozani Khuphe by seemingly MDC-Tâ...Published: 25 May 2018 at 08:52hrs | 1 | by Thembani Dube, 1893 MHRRM Secretary for Information and Publicity
Zimbabwe Government must pay heavily for Matebele Genocidey
The so called National Peace and Healing Commission formed by blood stained Matebeleland genocide perpetrators is a waste of time and funds. We reject it with contempt it deserves. Those funds must be...Published: 20 May 2018 at 14:20hrs | 1 | by Israel Dube
Matabeleland Culture Day in the UK
We caught up with the group Bambanani Association which is based in the UK, in Hastings and they had an interesting development to share with us. They are organising a Matabeleland Culture Day in the ...Published: 04 May 2018 at 20:11hrs | 2 | by Simingenkosi Nkala
'Zimbabwe prisons used as slaughter houses for Ndebele people'
MLO President, Cde Paul Siwela saw brutality and agony caused by fractured bones, broken limbs and untreated festering gun shot wounds when he was detained at Khami Maximum Security Prison from 2011 t...Published: 16 Apr 2018 at 13:53hrs | | by Israel Dube
Mugabe believed its Ndebeles that were going to stage a Coup
Since 1980, Mugabe held a misinformed belief that the coup d'etat that was to upstage him from power was going to originate from Matabeleland. Reality struck, on the 15th of November 2017....Published: 11 Apr 2018 at 06:47hrs | 1 | by Wilson Mahlafuna Sibanda & Khohliso Maqhoba
We demand to know why Chiwenga deployed Ndebele soldiers in the forefront of battles to be killed in DRC & Mozambique?
Damning information on our hands reveals that Matabele soldiers were deployed in the forefront to be killed in the battlefields in Mozambique and DRC while their Shona counterparts were posted i...Published: 29 Mar 2018 at 07:00hrs | 1 | by Israel Dube
How Ndebeles 'got themselves killed' during Gukurahundi
In his first interview after he was subjected to a very humiliating coup by his close confidantes and fellow genocidists, the remorseless and unrepentant former President Mugabe has again blamed Matab...Published: 25 Mar 2018 at 12:53hrs | 1 | by Wilson Mahlafuna Sibanda Khohliso Maqhoba
Uloyiko wins an award at the Zabalaza festival
"We are thrilled to have won an award, it is a great honour, we never set out to win an award, however, we are thankful and appreciative of the recognition of our work through this accolade" said an e...Published: 18 Mar 2018 at 19:05hrs | 6 | by Thulani Nkala
Which fool in Matabeleland will believe tribalist Chamisa's lies?
In a desperate effort to cover up his tribal hate for Ndebeles, to harvest Matebele votes and to feed his uncontrollable appetite for power, Nelson Chimisa had to employ a Big Lie tactic when he addre...Published: 12 Mar 2018 at 14:14hrs | 1 | by Wilson Mahlafuna Sibanda & Khohliso Maqhoba
Mnangagwa in a quandary as coup d'etat group faces split
The execution of a coup d'etat functions in the same way as staging an armed robbery. Planning is not a problem, implementation not a problem, however, the biggest challenge is sharing of spoils. This...Published: 25 Feb 2018 at 10:33hrs | 2 | by Israel Dube
To hell with Zimbabwe and its village politicians
MLO urges all Matabeles to look at themselves as leaders and stop hero worshipping tribal minded Shona supremacist and "village politicians" from Mashonaland who masquerade as national leaders. ...Published: 25 Feb 2018 at 10:30hrs | | by Israel Dube
Tsvangirai was a violent tribalist not Democrat or hero
If cowardice, dictatorship, tribalism and dying in office without choosing a successor are acts of democracy and heroism then Tsvangirai can be a hero.This is the man who won elections in 2008...Published: 20 Feb 2018 at 21:18hrs | | by Wilson Mahlafuna Sibanda & Khohliso Maqhoba
Another Gukurahundi Judas Iscariot humiliated in Mashonaland
A few days back we wrote, "We are aware of Judas Iscariots of our times who are enjoying blood money in the cult called Zanupf. They once believed that the surrender document called the Unity Accord h...Published: 01 Feb 2018 at 13:19hrs | 3 | by Wilson Mahlafuna and Khohliso Maqhoba
If Adolf Hitler had turned up at Davos 2018
If Adolf Hitler or Joseph Goebbels or Hermann Goering had turned up at Davos!Davos has come and gone. The list of those who appeared on this World Economic Forum included "heads of state (Dona...Published: 30 Jan 2018 at 09:56hrs | 2 | by Thembani Dube
Reconciliation process led by perpetrators might end in civil war
Every time he tries to wave away green flies that follow him everywhere he goes because of his smelly Matabeleland genocide history, Emmerson Mnangagwa spits out words that may cause civil war than in...Published: 27 Jan 2018 at 09:29hrs | | by Wilson Mahlafuna Sibanda & Khohliso Maqhoba
Matebeles too alert to fall for the so called "New Era"
Mischievous elements in the political circles in Zimbabwe have worked around the clock to put lipstick on a pig. They have described a clear coup d'etat as the new era, new dispensation or bloodless c...Published: 20 Jan 2018 at 15:21hrs | 1 | by Wilson Mahlafuna and Khohliso Maqhoba
1893 MHRRM on another Matebele 'Gukurahundi' Genocide Demo in the UK
The 1893 Mthwakazi Human Rights Restoration Movement's (1893 MHRRM's) supreme organ, the International Board, hereby announces that its 1893 MHRRM's UK Chapter will be holding another Matebele "Gukura...Published: 12 Jan 2018 at 20:45hrs | 1 | by Thembani Dube, 1893 MHRRM Co-Secretary for Information and Publicity
Mnangagwa bring back our youths: 1893 MHRRM
The 1893 Mthwakazi Human Rights Restoration Movement condemns in the strongest terms, the Gukurahundist government of Mnangangwa, for its beating and abduction, in broad daylight, of 10 Mthwakazi Repu...Published: 01 Jan 2018 at 13:11hrs | 1 | by Thembani Dube, 1893 MHRRM Co-Secretary for Information and Publicity
1893 MHRRM ups its Gukurahundi Genocide Demos Campaign in London and Johannesburg
Gratitude and many thanks First and foremost, we extend our gratitude and many thanks to the BBC and Al Jezeera for highlighting our Genocide. Many thanks a...Published: 17 Dec 2017 at 15:08hrs | 1 | by Thembani Dube
1893 calls for a Matebele 'Gukurahundi' Genocide Demo in London on the 23rd December 2017
The 1893 Mthwakazi Human Rights Restoration Movement (1893 MHRRM) plans to conduct demonstrations against the Zimbabwean government for the genocide this government committed against the Matebele peop...Published: 05 Dec 2017 at 20:08hrs | 2 | by 1893 MHRRM
The Zezurization of The Zimbabwean State
Anyone who dreams of partitioning this country along tribal lines or whatever means is possessed by Legion." (Biblical man possessed by many demons)These words came out of the foul-mouthed and...Published: 29 Nov 2017 at 15:06hrs | 1 | by Israel Dube, MLO Secretary for Information and Publicity
Tribal attack on Jeys Marabini at Mnangagwa inauguration direct attack
Tribal attack on internationally acclaimed jazz musician from Matabeleland, Jeys Marabini, must not be taken lightly by those with their heads in the right place as it is a direct attack on the people...Published: 28 Nov 2017 at 08:10hrs | 2 | by Israel Dube
Mnangagwa Takeover: Matebeles must prepare for an important announcement
The political crisis in Zimbabwe is far from over without the two state solution demanded by the people of Matabeleland. Its time Matebeleland must break away from Zimbabwe. We long served the governm...Published: 24 Nov 2017 at 07:09hrs | 1 | by Israel Dube
MLF calls on Ramaphosa to help with arrest of Mnangagwa
The Hon Cyril RamaphosaDeputy President of the Republic of South AfricaAfrican National Congress Presidential CandidateDear Sir,The People of Matebeleland (Mthwakazi) in presen...Published: 20 Nov 2017 at 09:42hrs | | by Andrea Sibanda, Secretary General
MLF does not support Mnangagwa's presidency
Mthwakazi Liberation Front has said they do not support the idea that former Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa because he has a hand in the 20 000 people's killing in Matabeleland and Midlands in the ...Published: 18 Nov 2017 at 06:08hrs | 3 | by Stephen Jakes
MLF to celebrate Mugabe impeachment only if Zimbabwe is split into two states
Mthwakazi Liberation Front has said the people of Matebeleland (Mthwakazi) will only celebrate the dethronement of Robert Gabriel Mugabe from power in present-day Zimbabwe, only when a two state solut...Published: 18 Nov 2017 at 06:06hrs | 2 | by Stephen Jakes
'The British sponsored coup in Zimbabwe' - MLO
MLO would like to make it crystal clear that the military coup staged by Zimbabwe Defence Forces will not solve Matabeleland grievances as it seeks to replace one dictator and genocidist with another....Published: 17 Nov 2017 at 11:45hrs | | by Israel Dube
Robert Mugabe Uncontested Leadership
No one in Zanu-PF, I repeat, no one in Zanu-PF would challenge Robert Mugabe for the leadership of Zanu-PF never mind his incompetence, age or health status.He would remain a big liability and die wit...Published: 06 Nov 2017 at 16:03hrs | 3 | by Paul Siwela
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